Postgresql 来自UUID数组列类型为的psycopy2的错误

Postgresql 来自UUID数组列类型为的psycopy2的错误,postgresql,uuid,psycopg2,Postgresql,Uuid,Psycopg2,在Postgres中将UUID值插入UUID数组列时遇到问题 由于psycopg2不会自动将Python UUID值转换为Postgres UUID,因此我使用类似于str(my_id) 但是,这是我第一次使用任何数组类型的列。我得到的错误是: psycopg2.ProgrammingError: column "items" is of type uuid[] but expression is of type text[] LINE 3: ...0', NULL, '01adae1e-e2c


由于psycopg2不会自动将Python UUID值转换为Postgres UUID,因此我使用类似于


psycopg2.ProgrammingError: column "items" is of type uuid[] but expression is of type text[]
LINE 3: ...0', NULL, '01adae1e-e2cf-11e4-b773-ac8112c8e1fb', ARRAY['01a...
HINT:  You will need to rewrite or cast the expression.
我在谷歌上搜索了这个错误,发现了一些(例如)Postgres错误报告,这些报告暗示数组功能的实现不完整/缺失,但我不知道这些是否与我的问题有关。然而,这些问题似乎已经得到解决。FWIW我正在使用Postgres 9.3.6


testdb=# \d test_table
    Table "public.test_table"
  Column   |  Type   | Modifiers 
 key       | integer | 
 item_list | uuid[]  |

Statement:  INSERT INTO test_table
    ("item_list", "key")
    VALUES (%s, %s);
Arguments:  [['2f286cea-e34b-11e4-9b5e-2c768ada7efb', '2f28dd7e-e34b-11e4-9b5e-2c768ada7efb'], 1]
Active Role: test1
Mogrified SQL Expression:
INSERT INTO test_table
    ("item_list", "key")
    VALUES (ARRAY['2f286cea-e34b-11e4-9b5e-2c768ada7efb', '2f28dd7e-e34b-11e4-9b5e-2c768ada7efb'], 1);
Exception ProgrammingError occured. Arguments:
    ('column "item_list" is of type uuid[] but expression is of type text[]\nLINE 3:     VALUES (ARRAY[\'2f286cea-e34b-11e4-9b5e-2c768ada7efb\', \'2...\n                    ^\nHINT:  You will need to rewrite or cast the expression.\n',)
   * * * *   WARNING: Command Failure on Running Statement 
 INSERT INTO test_table
    ("item_list", "key")
    VALUES (%s, %s);!

ERROR:  column "item_list" is of type uuid[] but expression is of type text[]
LINE 3:     VALUES (ARRAY['2f286cea-e34b-11e4-9b5e-2c768ada7efb', '2...
HINT:  You will need to rewrite or cast the expression.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 214, in <module>
    db_exec(cursor, stmt, args, debug=True, re_raise=True)
  File "", line 62, in db_exec
    cur.execute(stmt, args)
psycopg2.ProgrammingError: column "item_list" is of type uuid[] but expression is of type text[]
LINE 3:     VALUES (ARRAY['2f286cea-e34b-11e4-9b5e-2c768ada7efb', '2...
HINT:  You will need to rewrite or cast the expression.

我已经看到有一种方法可以为Python Postgres添加自定义的“自动”类型转换,我想知道解决方案是否就在这里。。。但我还不知道如何做到这一点。





46  def db_exec(cur, stmt, args=None, re_raise=True, debug=False, assume_role=None):
47      if (cur is None) or (cur is False):
48          print "ERROR : DB Connection/Cursor is not open for commands"
49          return cur
50      if (debug is True):
51          print "DEBUGGING:"
52          print "Statement: ", stmt
53          if args is not None:
54              print "Arguments: ", args
55      try:
56          if assume_role is not None:
57              cur.execute('SET ROLE "%s";' % assume_role)
58          if debug is True:
59              print "Active Role:", GetCurrentRole(cur)
60              print "Mogrified SQL Expression:"
61              print cur.mogrify(stmt, args)
62          cur.execute(stmt, args)