
PostgreSQL-返回查询结果和不同的可能值,postgresql,Postgresql,假设我有一张这样的桌子: CREATE TABLE item ( id text NOT NULL, price integer NOT NULL, colors text[] DEFAULT ARRAY[]::text[], sizes text[] DEFAULT ARRAY[]::text[] ); INSERT INTO item VALUES ('1', 100, array['red', 'blue', 'green'], array['s', 'l


    id text NOT NULL,
    price integer NOT NULL,
    colors text[] DEFAULT ARRAY[]::text[],
    sizes text[] DEFAULT ARRAY[]::text[]
INSERT INTO item VALUES ('1', 100, array['red', 'blue', 'green'], array['s', 'l']);
INSERT INTO item VALUES ('2', 5000, array['yellow', 'green'], array['s']);
INSERT INTO item VALUES ('3', 300, array['red'], array['s', 'l', 'xl']);
INSERT INTO item VALUES ('4', 150, array['white'], array['xxl']);

    id text NOT NULL,
    price integer NOT NULL,
    colors text[] DEFAULT ARRAY[]::text[],
    sizes text[] DEFAULT ARRAY[]::text[]
INSERT INTO item VALUES ('1', 100, array['red', 'blue', 'green'], array['s', 'l']);
INSERT INTO item VALUES ('2', 5000, array['yellow', 'green'], array['s']);
INSERT INTO item VALUES ('3', 300, array['red'], array['s', 'l', 'xl']);
INSERT INTO item VALUES ('4', 150, array['white'], array['xxl']);

SELECT * from item WHERE price > 50 AND price < 400 AND colors&&ARRAY['red'] AND sizes&&ARRAY['s', 'l', 'xxl'] ORDER BY price OFFSET 0 LIMIT 10;
我的问题是:如何更改查询以不仅返回此结果集,还返回此查询的所有可能大小(不包括任何大小条件),即不包括大小和数组['s','l','xxl'],此查询的所有可能颜色(不包括颜色条件),即不包括颜色和数组['red']价格范围只忽略查询中的价格条件,即不包括价格>50和价格<400? 比如:

 | id | price | colors             | sizes      | p_sizes    | p_colors                          | min_price | max_price |
1| 1  | 100   | {red, blue, green} | {s, l}     | {s, l, xl} | {'red', 'blue', 'green', 'white'} | 100       | 300       |
1| 3  | 300   | {red}              | {s, l, xl} | {s, l, xl} | {'red', 'blue', 'green', 'white'} | 100       | 300       |

SELECT * from item WHERE price > 50 AND price < 400 AND sizes&&ARRAY['s', 'l', 'xxl'] ORDER BY price OFFSET 0 LIMIT 10;

 | id | price | colors             | sizes
1| 1  | 100   | {red, blue, green} | {s, l}
1| 4  | 150   | {white}            | {xxl}
1| 3  | 300   | {red}              | {s, l, xl}
SELECT * from item WHERE price > 50 AND price < 400 AND colors&&ARRAY['red'] ORDER BY price OFFSET 0 LIMIT 10;

 | id | price | colors             | sizes
1| 1  | 100   | {red, blue, green} | {s, l}
1| 3  | 300   | {red}              | {s, l, xl}
SELECT * from item WHERE colors&&ARRAY['red'] AND sizes&&ARRAY['s', 'l', 'xxl'] ORDER BY price OFFSET 0 LIMIT 10;
 | id | price | colors             | sizes
1| 1  | 100   | {red, blue, green} | {s, l}
1| 3  | 300   | {red}              | {s, l, xl}

SELECT * from item WHERE price > 50 AND price < 400 AND sizes&&ARRAY['s', 'l', 'xxl'] ORDER BY price OFFSET 0 LIMIT 10;

 | id | price | colors             | sizes
1| 1  | 100   | {red, blue, green} | {s, l}
1| 4  | 150   | {white}            | {xxl}
1| 3  | 300   | {red}              | {s, l, xl}
SELECT * from item WHERE price > 50 AND price < 400 AND colors&&ARRAY['red'] ORDER BY price OFFSET 0 LIMIT 10;

 | id | price | colors             | sizes
1| 1  | 100   | {red, blue, green} | {s, l}
1| 3  | 300   | {red}              | {s, l, xl}
SELECT * from item WHERE colors&&ARRAY['red'] AND sizes&&ARRAY['s', 'l', 'xxl'] ORDER BY price OFFSET 0 LIMIT 10;
 | id | price | colors             | sizes
1| 1  | 100   | {red, blue, green} | {s, l}
1| 3  | 300   | {red}              | {s, l, xl}



    array(select distinct unnest(colors) from item) all_colors,
    array(select distinct unnest(sizes) from item) all_sizes,
    min(price) min_price,
    max(price) max_price
from item;

          all_colors           |  all_sizes   | min_price | max_price 
 {yellow,blue,white,green,red} | {xl,s,l,xxl} |       100 |       300
(1 row)

select * 
from item,
lateral (
        array(select distinct unnest(colors) from item) all_colors,
        array(select distinct unnest(sizes) from item) all_sizes,
        min(price) min_price,
        max(price) max_price
    from item
) sub
where price > 50 and price < 400 AND colors&&ARRAY['red'] order by price;

 id | price |      colors      |  sizes   |          all_colors           |  all_sizes   | min_price | max_price 
 1  |   100 | {red,blue,green} | {s,l}    | {yellow,blue,white,green,red} | {xl,s,l,xxl} |       100 |       300
 3  |   300 | {red}            | {s,l,xl} | {yellow,blue,white,green,red} | {xl,s,l,xxl} |       100 |       300
(2 rows)    

select * 
from item,
lateral (
    select array(
        select distinct unnest(colors) 
        from item 
        where price > 50 and price < 400) all_colors) q1,
lateral (
    select array(
        select distinct unnest(sizes) 
        from item
        where price > 50 and price < 400 and colors && ARRAY['red']) all_sizes) q2,
lateral (
        min(price) min_price,
        max(price) max_price
    from item
    where colors&&ARRAY['red']
) q3
where price > 50 and price < 400 and colors&&ARRAY['red'] order by price;

 id | price |      colors      |  sizes   |          all_colors           | all_sizes | min_price | max_price 
 1  |   100 | {red,blue,green} | {s,l}    | {yellow,white,green,red,blue} | {l,s,xl}  |       100 |       300
 3  |   300 | {red}            | {s,l,xl} | {yellow,white,green,red,blue} | {l,s,xl}  |       100 |       300
(2 rows)    
