
在现有PostgreSQL数据库中安装Sonarqube掌舵图安全吗?,postgresql,kubernetes-helm,Postgresql,Kubernetes Helm,我必须安装一个sonarqube helm图表,并将postgresql持久性指向外部数据库。此数据库服务器已被使用,图表配置如下(出于安全原因更改了IP和密码)。我的想法是创建一个sonarDB数据库并安装图表。是安全还是有风险 # Default values for sonarqube. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. replicaCount: 1

我必须安装一个sonarqube helm图表,并将postgresql持久性指向外部数据库。此数据库服务器已被使用,图表配置如下(出于安全原因更改了IP和密码)。我的想法是创建一个sonarDB数据库并安装图表。是安全还是有风险

# Default values for sonarqube.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.
replicaCount: 1

 # This will use the default deployment strategy unless it is overriden
deploymentStrategy: {}

  repository: sonarqube
  tag: 7.9.1-community
  # If using a private repository, the name of the imagePullSecret to use
  # pullSecret: my-repo-secret

# Set security context for sonarqube pod
  fsGroup: 999

# Settings to configure elasticsearch host requirements
  configureNode: true
  bootstrapChecks: true

  type: ClusterIP
  externalPort: 9000
  internalPort: 9000
  annotations: {}
  # May be used in example for internal load balancing in GCP:
  # cloud.google.com/load-balancer-type: Internal
  # loadBalancerSourceRanges:
  #   -
  # loadBalancerIP:
  enabled: false
  # Used to create an Ingress record.
    - name: sonar.organization.com
      # default paths for "/" and "/*" will be added
      path: /
      # If a different path is defined, that path and {path}/* will be added to the ingress resource
      # path: /sonarqube
  annotations: {}
  # kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
  # kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true"
  # This property allows for reports up to a certain size to be uploaded to SonarQube
  # nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size: "8m"

# Additional labels for Ingress manifest file
  # labels:
  #  traffic-type: external
  #  traffic-type: internal
  tls: []
  # Secrets must be manually created in the namespace.
  # - secretName: chart-example-tls
  #   hosts:
  #     - chart-example.local

# Affinity for pod assignment
# Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#affinity-and-anti-affinity
affinity: {}

# Tolerations for pod assignment
# Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/
tolerations: []

# Node labels for pod assignment
# Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/node-selection/
nodeSelector: {}

# hostAliases allows the modification of the hosts file inside a container
hostAliases: []
# - ip: ""
#   hostnames:
#   - "example.com"
#   - "www.example.com"

  initialDelaySeconds: 60
  periodSeconds: 30
  failureThreshold: 6
  # If an ingress *path* other than the root (/) is defined, it should be reflected here
  # A trailing "/" must be included
  sonarWebContext: /
  # sonarWebContext: /sonarqube/
  initialDelaySeconds: 60
  periodSeconds: 30
  # If an ingress *path* other than the root (/) is defined, it should be reflected here
  # A trailing "/" must be included
  sonarWebContext: /
  # sonarWebContext: /sonarqube/

# Set extra env variables. Like proxy settings.
extraEnv: {}
  # If an ingress *path* is defined, it should be reflected here
  # sonar.web.context: /sonarqube

# Set annotations for pods
annotations: {}

resources: {}
# We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious
# choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little
# resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following
# lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'.
# limits:
#  cpu: 100m
#  memory: 128Mi
# requests:
#  cpu: 100m
#  memory: 128Mi
  enabled: false
  ## Set annotations on pvc
  annotations: {}

  ## Specify an existing volume claim instead of creating a new one.
  ## When using this option all following options like storageClass, accessMode and size are ignored.
  #existingClaim: gke-homolog-sonarqube

  ## If defined, storageClassName: <storageClass>
  ## If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning
  ## If undefined (the default) or set to null, no storageClassName spec is
  ##   set, choosing the default provisioner.  (gp2 on AWS, standard on
  ##   GKE, AWS & OpenStack)
  accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
  size: 10Gi

# List of plugins to install.
# For example:
    - "https://github.com/sleroy/sonar-slack-notifier-plugin/releases/download/2.5/cks-slack-notifier-2.5.jar"
    - "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/sonarsource/java/sonar-java-plugin/"
  #install: []

  # initContainerImage: alpine:3.10.3
  # deleteDefaultPlugins: true
  #resources: {}
  # We allow the plugins init container to have a separate resources declaration because
  # the initContainer does not take as much resources.

# A custom sonar.properties file can be provided via dictionary.
# For example:
# sonarProperties:
#   sonar.forceAuthentication: true
#   sonar.security.realm: LDAP
#   ldap.url: ldaps://organization.com

# Additional sonar properties to load from a secret with a key "secret.properties" (must be a string)
# sonarSecretProperties:

# Kubernetes secret that contains the encryption key for the sonarqube instance.
# The secret must contain the key 'sonar-secret.txt'.
# The 'sonar.secretKeyPath' property will be set automatically.
# sonarSecretKey: "settings-encryption-secret"

  ## Enable to override the default cacerts with your own one
  enabled: false
  secretName: my-cacerts

## Configuration value to select database type
## Option to use "postgresql" or "mysql" database type, by default "postgresql" is chosen
## Set the "enable" field to true of the database type you select (if you want to use internal database) and false of the one you don't select
#  type: "postgresql"

## Configuration values for postgresql dependency
## ref: https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/blob/master/stable/postgresql/README.md
  # Enable to deploy the PostgreSQL chart
  enabled: false
  # To use an external PostgreSQL instance, set enabled to false and uncomment
  # the line below:
  postgresServer: ""
  # To use an external secret for the password for an external PostgreSQL
  # instance, set enabled to false and provide the name of the secret on the
  # line below:
  # postgresPasswordSecret: ""
  postgresUser: "application"
  postgresPassword: "pass123"
  postgresDatabase: "sonarDB"
  # Specify the TCP port that PostgreSQL should use
    port: 5432

## Configuration values for the mysql dependency
## ref: https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/blob/master/stable/mysql/README.md
  # Enable to deploy the mySQL chart
  enabled: false
  # To use an external mySQL instance, set enabled to false and uncomment
  # the line below:
  # mysqlServer: ""
  # To use an external secret for the password for an external mySQL instance,
  # set enabled to false and provide the name of the secret on the line below:
  # mysqlPasswordSecret: ""
  mysqlUser: "sonarUser"
  mysqlPassword: "sonarPass"
  mysqlDatabase: "sonarDB"
  # mysqlParams:
  #   useSSL: "true"
  # Specify the TCP port that mySQL should use
    port: 3306
# Additional labels to add to the pods:
# podLabels:
#   key: value
podLabels: {}
# For compatibility with 8.0 replace by "/opt/sq"
sonarqubeFolder: /opt/sonarqube
sonarqube的默认值。 #这是一个YAML格式的文件。 #声明要传递到模板中的变量。 复制计数:1 #除非被覆盖,否则将使用默认部署策略 部署策略:{} 图片: 储存库:sonarqube 标签:7.9.1-社区 #如果使用专用存储库,则为要使用的imagePullSecret的名称 #pullSecret:我的回购秘密 #为sonarqube吊舱设置安全上下文 securityContext: 财经事务组:999 #配置elasticsearch主机要求的设置 弹性搜索: 配置节点:true bootstrapChecks:正确 服务: 类型:集群 外部端口:9000 内部端口:9000 标签: 注释:{} #例如,可用于GCP中的内部负载平衡: #cloud.google.com/load-balancer-type:Internal #loadBalancerSourceRanges: # - #负载平衡器IP: 进入: 已启用:false #用于创建入口记录。 主持人: -名称:sonar.organization.com #将添加“/”和“/*”的默认路径 路径:/ #如果定义了不同的路径,则该路径和{path}/*将添加到入口资源中 #路径:/qube 注释:{} #kubernetes.io/ingres.class:nginx #kubernetes.io/tls-acme:“正确” #此属性允许将达到一定大小的报告上载到SonarQube #nginx.ingres.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size:“8m” #入口清单文件的附加标签 #标签: #交通类型:外部 #交通类型:内部 tls:[] #必须在命名空间中手动创建机密。 #-secretName:图表示例tls #主持人: #-chart-example.local #pod分配亲和力 #参考:https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#affinity-抗亲和力 关联:{} #pod分配的容忍度 #参考:https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/ 容忍:[] #pod分配的节点标签 #参考:https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/node-selection/ 节点选择器:{} #HostAlias允许修改容器中的主机文件 主机别名:[] #-ip:“” #主机名: #-“example.com” #-“www.example.com” readinessProbe: 初始延迟秒数:60 秒:30 故障保持:6 #如果定义了根(/)以外的入口*路径*,则应在此处反映 #必须包含尾随“/” sonarWebContext:/ #sonarWebContext:/sonarqube/ livenessProbe: 初始延迟秒数:60 秒:30 #如果定义了根(/)以外的入口*路径*,则应在此处反映 #必须包含尾随“/” sonarWebContext:/ #sonarWebContext:/sonarqube/ #设置额外的环境变量。比如代理设置。 外部环境:{} #如果定义了入口*路径*,则应在此处反映 #sonar.web.context:/sonarqube #为吊舱设置注释 注释:{} 资源:{} #我们通常建议不要指定默认资源,并将其作为一种有意识的选择 #用户的选择。这也增加了图表在几乎没有任何资源的环境中运行的机会 #资源,如Minikube。如果确实要指定资源,请取消对以下内容的注释 #行,根据需要进行调整,并删除“resources:”后面的大括号。 #限制: #中央处理器:100米 #内存:128英里 #要求: #中央处理器:100米 #内存:128英里 坚持不懈: 已启用:false ##在pvc上设置注释 注释:{} ##指定现有的卷声明,而不是创建新的卷声明。 ##使用此选项时,将忽略以下所有选项,如storageClass、accessMode和size。 #现有索赔:gke同系物sonarqube ##如果已定义,则storageClassName: ##如果设置为“-”,则storageClassName:”,这将禁用动态资源调配 ##如果未定义(默认值)或设置为null,则不支持storageClassName规范 ##设置,选择默认供应器。(AWS上的gp2,AWS上的标准 ##GKE、AWS和OpenStack) ## storageClass: 访问模式:ReadWriteOnce 尺寸:10Gi #要安装的插件列表。 #例如: 插件: 安装: - "https://github.com/sleroy/sonar-slack-notifier-plugin/releases/download/2.5/cks-slack-notifier-2.5.jar" - "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/sonarsource/java/sonar-java-plugin/" #插件: #安装:[] #初始集装箱图像:阿尔卑斯山:3.10.3 #deleteDefaultPlugins:true #资源:{} #我们允许pluginsinit容器有一个单独的资源声明,因为 #initContainer不占用那么多资源。 #可以通过字典提供自定义sonar.properties文件。 #例如: #声纳特性: #sonar.forceAuthentication:正确 #sonar.security.realm:LDAP #ldap.url:ldaps://organization.com #要从密钥为“secret.properties”(必须是字符串)的密钥加载的其他声纳属性 #sonarSecretProperties: #Kubernetes机密,包含sonarqube实例的加密密钥。 #密码必须包含密钥“sonar secret.txt”。 #“sonar.secretKeyPath”属性将自动设置。 #sonarSecretKey:“设置加密密钥” 海关证书: ##启用以使用自己的缓存覆盖默认缓存 已启用:false 秘名:我的卡塞特 ##用于选择数据库类型的配置值 ##选择使用“postgresql”或“mysql”数据库类型,默认情况下选择“postgresql” ##对于您选择的数据库类型(如果您想使用内部数据库),将“enable”字段设置为true,对于未选择的数据库类型,将其设置为false #数据库: #