Postgresql 左外部联接在postgres上不起作用

Postgresql 左外部联接在postgres上不起作用,postgresql,join,Postgresql,Join,我有一个销售表、产品表和类别表,我正试图加入其中。我想要products表中与categories表中的行匹配的所有行。然后,我想加入sales表,但我只希望sales表中与products表匹配的行。这就是我的sql的样子: create table productsandcat as select p.p_id, p.p_name, p.p_price, c.c_name, s.s_price, s.quantity from products p join categories c o


create table productsandcat as 
select p.p_id, p.p_name, p.p_price, c.c_name, s.s_price, s.quantity 
from products p
join categories c on p.cid = c.c_id
left outer join sales s on = p.p_id
但它并没有按预期工作。这将返回sales表中的所有行,但我只需要与products and categories表匹配的行

select p.p_id, p.p_name, p.p_price, c.c_name, s.s_price, s.quantity 
from products p
join categories c on p.cid = c.c_id
left outer join sales s on = p.p_id and s.cid = c.c_id

Products table:

p_id    p_name   p_price   cid
1        a          1       0
2        b          1        1
3        c           1       2

Categories table:
c_id   c_name
0         a1
1          a2
2          a3

sales table:
pid   quantity
1       1
4        1
5         2

productsandcat table:
p_id   p_name   p_price   c_name   s_price   quantity
1        a        1         a1        1      1
2        b        1         a2       0       0
3        c         1        a3       0       0  


select p.p_id, p.p_name, p.p_price, c.c_name, s.s_price, s.quantity 
from products p
join categories c on p.cid = c.c_id
left outer join sales s on = p.p_id and s.cid = c.c_id

select p.p_id, p.p_name, p.p_price, c.c_name, s.s_price, s.quantity 
from products p
join categories c on p.cid = c.c_id
join sales s on = p.p_id
