Powershell 康威';s生活|动力地狱

Powershell 康威';s生活|动力地狱,powershell,conways-game-of-life,Powershell,Conways Game Of Life,我一直在努力在Powershell中创建一个基本的康威生活游戏模拟器,以便更熟悉该语言。但我当前的代码错误地计算了相邻单元格的数量,因此游戏无法运行。据我所知,我相信我的包装是正确的,但我的邻居伯爵似乎有点不对劲 代码如下: function next-gen{ param([System.Array]$origM) $tmpM = $origM For($x=0; $x -lt $tmpM.GetUpperBound(0); $x++ ){ For(



function next-gen{

    $tmpM = $origM

    For($x=0; $x -lt $tmpM.GetUpperBound(0); $x++ ){
        For($y=0; $y -lt $tmpM.GetUpperBound(1); $y++){
            $neighborCount = getNeighbors $tmpM $x $y
            if($neighborCount -lt 2 -OR $neighborCount -gt 3){
                $tmpM[$x,$y] = 0
            elseif($neighborCount -eq 3){
                $tmpM[$x, $y] = 1
    $Global:origM = $tmpM

function getNeighbors{

    for($newX = -1; $newX -le 1; $newX++){
        for($newY = -1; $newY -le 1; $newY++){
            if($g[$(wrap $x $newX),$(wrap $y $newY)]){
    return $count

function wrap{

    If($z -lt 0){
        $z += $size
    ElseIf($z -ge $size){
        $z -= $:size
    return $z

function printBoard{
    0..$m.GetUpperBound(0) | 
    % { $dim1=$_; (0..$m.GetUpperBound(1) | % { $m[$dim1, $_] }) -join ' ' }
    write-host ""
#board is always a square, size represents both x and y
$size = 5

$m = New-Object 'int[,]' ($size, $size)
$m[2,1] = 1
$m[2,2] = 1
$m[2,3] = 1


For($x=0; $x -lt 1; $x++){
    next-gen $m
    write-host ""




我添加了一些调试代码(使用write verbose),并找到了错误所在

阵列(正在更新)中的邻居,而不是当前一代)。 其次,您在下一代函数末尾设置了


function next-gen{
    $tmpM = New-Object 'int[,]' ($size, $size)

    For($x=0; $x -lt $size; $x++ ){
        For($y=0; $y -lt $size; $y++){
            $neighborCount = getNeighbors $origm $x $y
            if($neighborCount -lt 2 -OR $neighborCount -gt 3){
                $tmpM[$x,$y] = 0
                write-verbose "Clearing $x,$y"
            elseif($neighborCount -eq 3 -or $OrigM[$x,$y] -eq 1){
                $tmpM[$x, $y] = 1
                write-verbose "Setting $x,$y"
     $script:M = $tmpM

function getNeighbors{

    for($newX = -1; $newX -le 1; $newX++){
        for($newY = -1; $newY -le 1; $newY++){
            if($newX -ne 0 -or $newY -ne 0){
                $neighborx=wrap $x $newx
                $neighborY=wrap $y $newY
                write-verbose "x=$x y=$y Nx=$neighborx Ny=$neighborY"
                if($g[$neighborx,$neighborY] -eq 1){
                    write-verbose "Neighbor at $neighborx, $neighborY is Set!"
    write-verbose "x=$x y=$y Neighbor count = $count"
    return $count

function wrap{

    If($z -lt 0){
        $z += $size
    ElseIf($z -ge $size){
        $z -= $size
    return $z

function printBoard{
    0..$m.GetUpperBound(0) | 
    % { $dim1=$_; (0..$m.GetUpperBound(1) | % { $m[$dim1, $_] }) -join ' ' }
    write-host ""
#board is always a square, size represents both x and y
$size = 5

$m = New-Object 'int[,]' ($size, $size)
$m[2,1] = 1
$m[2,2] = 1
$m[2,3] = 1


For($x=0; $x -lt 1; $x++){
    next-gen $m
    write-host ""



  • 通过

  • 具有灵活的显示功能,允许指定要显示的代数、是否就地更新显示以及代之间的暂停时间

    • 如果按原样运行代码,则会显示5代代码,并在原地更新,暂停1秒。世代之间
  • 使用函数名更符合PowerShell的命名约定

  • 使代码更加健壮,例如:

    • 完全避免使用脚本级(或全局)变量。
      • 顺便说一句:全局变量是会话全局变量,在脚本退出后保持在范围内;如果需要“脚本全局”变量,请使用
    • 对接收电路板的参数使用强类型的
    • 防止引用未初始化的变量
注:具有互动功能的完整游戏的工作实现可在中找到;适用于Windows PowerShell v3+和PowerShell核心

警告:我们将要看到的是非常黑客和。。。图形的性质。 不,真的,这个代码是草率的,即使是一个新手,所以我道歉


$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' # Abort on all unhandled errors.
Set-StrictMode -version 1 # Prevent use of uninitialized variables.

# Given a board as $m_ref, calculates the next generation and assigns it
# back to $m_ref.
function update-generation {
      [ref] [int[,]]$m_ref  # the by-reference board variable (matrix)

    # Create a new, all-zero clone of the current board (matrix) to 
    # receive the new generation.
    $m_new = New-Object 'int[,]' ($m_ref.Value.GetLength(0), $m_ref.Value.GetLength(1))

    For($x=0; $x -le $m_new.GetUpperBound(0); $x++ ){
        For($y=0; $y -le $m_new.GetUpperBound(1); $y++){
            # Get the count of live neighbors.
            # Note that the *original* matrix must be used to:
            #  - determine the live neighbors
            #  - inspect the current state
            # because the game rules must be applied *simultaneously*.
            $neighborCount = get-LiveNeighborCount $m_ref.Value $x $y
            if ($m_ref.Value[$x,$y]) { # currently LIVE cell
              # A live cell with 2 or 3 neighbors lives, all others die.
              $m_new[$x,$y] = [int] ($neighborCount -eq 2 -or $neighborCount -eq 3)
            } else { # curently DEAD cell
              # A currently dead cell is resurrected if it has 3 live neighbors.
              $m_new[$x,$y] = [int] ($neighborCount -eq 3)
            $null = $m_new[$x,$y]

    # Assign the new generation to the by-reference board variable.
    $m_ref.Value = $m_new

# Get the count of live neighbors for board position $x, $y.
function get-LiveNeighborCount{
      [int[,]]$m, # the board (matrix)

  $xLength = $m.GetLength(0)
  $yLength = $m.GetLength(1)

  $count = 0
  for($xOffset = -1; $xOffset -le 1; $xOffset++) {
    for($yOffset = -1; $yOffset -le 1; $yOffset++) {
      if (-not ($xOffset -eq 0 -and $yOffset -eq 0)) { # skip the position at hand itself
        if($m[(get-wrappedIndex $xLength ($x + $xOffset)),(get-wrappedIndex $yLength ($y + $yOffset))]) {
  # Output the count.

# Given a potentially out-of-bounds index along a dimension of a given length, 
# return the wrapped-around-the-edges value.
function get-wrappedIndex{

  If($index -lt 0){
    $index += $length
  ElseIf($index -ge $length){
    $index -= $length
  # Output the potentially wrapped index.

# Print a single generation's board.
function show-board {
    [int[,]] $m # the board (matrix)
  0..$m.GetUpperBound(0) |
    ForEach-Object { 
      (0..$m.GetUpperBound(1) | ForEach-Object { $m[$dim1, $_] }) -join ' ' 

# Show successive generations.
function show-generations {

    [int[,]] $Board,
    [uint32] $Count = [uint32]::MaxValue,
    [switch] $InPlace,
    [int] $MilliSecsToPause

  # Print the initial board (the 1st generation).

  #show-board $Board
  drawIt $Board
  # Print the specified number of generations or 
  # indefinitely, until Ctrl+C is pressed.
  [uint32] $i = 1
  while (++$i -le $Count -or $Count -eq [uint32]::MaxValue) {

    # Calculate the next generation.
    update-generation ([ref] $Board)

    if ($MilliSecsToPause) {
      Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $MilliSecsToPause
    if ($InPlace) {
    } else {
      '' # Output empty line before new board is printed.

    # Print this generation.
    #show-board $Board
    drawIt $Board


function drawIt{

     For($x=0; $x -le $m_ref.GetUpperBound(0); $x++ ){
        For($y=0; $y -le $m_ref.GetUpperBound(1); $y++){
            $val = $m_ref[$x,$y]
           If($val -eq 1){
               $cellColor = 'White'
               $cellColor = 'Black'
           #write-host $cellColor.GetType()
           Write-Host " " -NoNewline -BackgroundColor $CellColor
           Write-Host " " -NoNewline
        Write-Host '' #start a new line


# Board is always a square, $size represents both x and y.
$size = 10 #change this to change size of the board
$board = New-Object 'int[,]' ($size, $size)
$seedCount = 17 #change this to change # of alive cells to start with
# Seed the board.
for($seed = 0; $seed -lt $seedCount ; $seed ++){
    $board[$(Get-random -Maximum ($size -1)),$(Get-random -Maximum ($size -1))] = 1

# Determine how many generations to show and how to show them.
$htDisplayParams = @{
  Count = 25         # how many generations to show (1 means: just the initial state)
                    # omit this entry to keep going indefinitely
  InPlace = $True   # whether to print subsequent generations in-place
  MilliSecsToPause = 1000 # To slow down updates

# Start showing the generations.
show-generations -Board $board @htDisplayParams

非常感谢mklement0和Mike Shepard花时间提供帮助、指导和建议。

您对问题的含义非常模糊。邻居的计数错了怎么办?调试告诉了你什么?邻居计数返回的值高于矩阵所表示的值。很抱歉,我已经摆弄了几个小时,所以我不想发布我所有的调试输出,以一个特定的值或以其他无法解释的方式一直更高?我已经扫描了您的逻辑以查找典型错误/不正确的假设,从PowerShell的角度看,我看不到任何明显的错误。@MarkWragg GetNeights函数返回的值如下(000012333531121),这不仅是错误的(gen1中没有包含5个邻居的单元格),而且很短。。。我希望返回25个值。也许迭代是错误的。这里有一个不必要的冒号,但实际上并没有引起任何问题:
我在你发布前2分钟发现了第二个错误,但它仍然不起作用,我准备用另一种语言重新制作!!谢谢,我从来没有使用过write verbose,我必须查看它才能看到这些,请将$verbosepreference设置为“继续”。谢谢。当我看到代码的时候,我的主要精力是让它工作起来。谢谢你!这是一个很好的学习工具,可以帮助我更好地理解:)接下来——获取图形输出!呜!:)
function next-gen{
    $tmpM = New-Object 'int[,]' ($size, $size)

    For($x=0; $x -lt $size; $x++ ){
        For($y=0; $y -lt $size; $y++){
            $neighborCount = getNeighbors $origm $x $y
            if($neighborCount -lt 2 -OR $neighborCount -gt 3){
                $tmpM[$x,$y] = 0
                write-verbose "Clearing $x,$y"
            elseif($neighborCount -eq 3 -or $OrigM[$x,$y] -eq 1){
                $tmpM[$x, $y] = 1
                write-verbose "Setting $x,$y"
     $script:M = $tmpM

function getNeighbors{

    for($newX = -1; $newX -le 1; $newX++){
        for($newY = -1; $newY -le 1; $newY++){
            if($newX -ne 0 -or $newY -ne 0){
                $neighborx=wrap $x $newx
                $neighborY=wrap $y $newY
                write-verbose "x=$x y=$y Nx=$neighborx Ny=$neighborY"
                if($g[$neighborx,$neighborY] -eq 1){
                    write-verbose "Neighbor at $neighborx, $neighborY is Set!"
    write-verbose "x=$x y=$y Neighbor count = $count"
    return $count

function wrap{

    If($z -lt 0){
        $z += $size
    ElseIf($z -ge $size){
        $z -= $size
    return $z

function printBoard{
    0..$m.GetUpperBound(0) | 
    % { $dim1=$_; (0..$m.GetUpperBound(1) | % { $m[$dim1, $_] }) -join ' ' }
    write-host ""
#board is always a square, size represents both x and y
$size = 5

$m = New-Object 'int[,]' ($size, $size)
$m[2,1] = 1
$m[2,2] = 1
$m[2,3] = 1


For($x=0; $x -lt 1; $x++){
    next-gen $m
    write-host ""
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' # Abort on all unhandled errors.
Set-StrictMode -version 1 # Prevent use of uninitialized variables.

# Given a board as $m_ref, calculates the next generation and assigns it
# back to $m_ref.
function update-generation {
      [ref] [int[,]]$m_ref  # the by-reference board variable (matrix)

    # Create a new, all-zero clone of the current board (matrix) to 
    # receive the new generation.
    $m_new = New-Object 'int[,]' ($m_ref.Value.GetLength(0), $m_ref.Value.GetLength(1))

    For($x=0; $x -le $m_new.GetUpperBound(0); $x++ ){
        For($y=0; $y -le $m_new.GetUpperBound(1); $y++){
            # Get the count of live neighbors.
            # Note that the *original* matrix must be used to:
            #  - determine the live neighbors
            #  - inspect the current state
            # because the game rules must be applied *simultaneously*.
            $neighborCount = get-LiveNeighborCount $m_ref.Value $x $y
            if ($m_ref.Value[$x,$y]) { # currently LIVE cell
              # A live cell with 2 or 3 neighbors lives, all others die.
              $m_new[$x,$y] = [int] ($neighborCount -eq 2 -or $neighborCount -eq 3)
            } else { # curently DEAD cell
              # A currently dead cell is resurrected if it has 3 live neighbors.
              $m_new[$x,$y] = [int] ($neighborCount -eq 3)
            $null = $m_new[$x,$y]

    # Assign the new generation to the by-reference board variable.
    $m_ref.Value = $m_new

# Get the count of live neighbors for board position $x, $y.
function get-LiveNeighborCount{
      [int[,]]$m, # the board (matrix)

  $xLength = $m.GetLength(0)
  $yLength = $m.GetLength(1)

  $count = 0
  for($xOffset = -1; $xOffset -le 1; $xOffset++) {
    for($yOffset = -1; $yOffset -le 1; $yOffset++) {
      if (-not ($xOffset -eq 0 -and $yOffset -eq 0)) { # skip the position at hand itself
        if($m[(get-wrappedIndex $xLength ($x + $xOffset)),(get-wrappedIndex $yLength ($y + $yOffset))]) {
  # Output the count.

# Given a potentially out-of-bounds index along a dimension of a given length, 
# return the wrapped-around-the-edges value.
function get-wrappedIndex{

  If($index -lt 0){
    $index += $length
  ElseIf($index -ge $length){
    $index -= $length
  # Output the potentially wrapped index.

# Print a single generation's board.
function show-board {
    [int[,]] $m # the board (matrix)
  0..$m.GetUpperBound(0) |
    ForEach-Object { 
      (0..$m.GetUpperBound(1) | ForEach-Object { $m[$dim1, $_] }) -join ' ' 

# Show successive generations.
function show-generations {

    [int[,]] $Board,
    [uint32] $Count = [uint32]::MaxValue,
    [switch] $InPlace,
    [int] $MilliSecsToPause

  # Print the initial board (the 1st generation).
  show-board $Board

  # Print the specified number of generations or 
  # indefinitely, until Ctrl+C is pressed.
  [uint32] $i = 1
  while (++$i -le $Count -or $Count -eq [uint32]::MaxValue) {

    # Calculate the next generation.
    update-generation ([ref] $Board)

    if ($MilliSecsToPause) {
      Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $MilliSecsToPause
    if ($InPlace) {
    } else {
      '' # Output empty line before new board is printed.

    # Print this generation.
    show-board $Board



# Board is always a square, $size represents both x and y.
$size = 5
$board = New-Object 'int[,]' ($size, $size)

# Seed the board.
$board[2,1] = 1
$board[2,2] = 1
$board[2,3] = 1

# Determine how many generations to show and how to show them.
$htDisplayParams = @{
  Count = 5         # How many generations to show (1 means: just the initial state);
                    # omit this entry to keep going indefinitely.
  InPlace = $True   # Whether to print subsequent generations in-place.
  MilliSecsToPause = 1000 # To slow down updates.

# Start showing the generations.
show-generations -Board $board @htDisplayParams
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' # Abort on all unhandled errors.
Set-StrictMode -version 1 # Prevent use of uninitialized variables.

# Given a board as $m_ref, calculates the next generation and assigns it
# back to $m_ref.
function update-generation {
      [ref] [int[,]]$m_ref  # the by-reference board variable (matrix)

    # Create a new, all-zero clone of the current board (matrix) to 
    # receive the new generation.
    $m_new = New-Object 'int[,]' ($m_ref.Value.GetLength(0), $m_ref.Value.GetLength(1))

    For($x=0; $x -le $m_new.GetUpperBound(0); $x++ ){
        For($y=0; $y -le $m_new.GetUpperBound(1); $y++){
            # Get the count of live neighbors.
            # Note that the *original* matrix must be used to:
            #  - determine the live neighbors
            #  - inspect the current state
            # because the game rules must be applied *simultaneously*.
            $neighborCount = get-LiveNeighborCount $m_ref.Value $x $y
            if ($m_ref.Value[$x,$y]) { # currently LIVE cell
              # A live cell with 2 or 3 neighbors lives, all others die.
              $m_new[$x,$y] = [int] ($neighborCount -eq 2 -or $neighborCount -eq 3)
            } else { # curently DEAD cell
              # A currently dead cell is resurrected if it has 3 live neighbors.
              $m_new[$x,$y] = [int] ($neighborCount -eq 3)
            $null = $m_new[$x,$y]

    # Assign the new generation to the by-reference board variable.
    $m_ref.Value = $m_new

# Get the count of live neighbors for board position $x, $y.
function get-LiveNeighborCount{
      [int[,]]$m, # the board (matrix)

  $xLength = $m.GetLength(0)
  $yLength = $m.GetLength(1)

  $count = 0
  for($xOffset = -1; $xOffset -le 1; $xOffset++) {
    for($yOffset = -1; $yOffset -le 1; $yOffset++) {
      if (-not ($xOffset -eq 0 -and $yOffset -eq 0)) { # skip the position at hand itself
        if($m[(get-wrappedIndex $xLength ($x + $xOffset)),(get-wrappedIndex $yLength ($y + $yOffset))]) {
  # Output the count.

# Given a potentially out-of-bounds index along a dimension of a given length, 
# return the wrapped-around-the-edges value.
function get-wrappedIndex{

  If($index -lt 0){
    $index += $length
  ElseIf($index -ge $length){
    $index -= $length
  # Output the potentially wrapped index.

# Print a single generation's board.
function show-board {
    [int[,]] $m # the board (matrix)
  0..$m.GetUpperBound(0) |
    ForEach-Object { 
      (0..$m.GetUpperBound(1) | ForEach-Object { $m[$dim1, $_] }) -join ' ' 

# Show successive generations.
function show-generations {

    [int[,]] $Board,
    [uint32] $Count = [uint32]::MaxValue,
    [switch] $InPlace,
    [int] $MilliSecsToPause

  # Print the initial board (the 1st generation).

  #show-board $Board
  drawIt $Board
  # Print the specified number of generations or 
  # indefinitely, until Ctrl+C is pressed.
  [uint32] $i = 1
  while (++$i -le $Count -or $Count -eq [uint32]::MaxValue) {

    # Calculate the next generation.
    update-generation ([ref] $Board)

    if ($MilliSecsToPause) {
      Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $MilliSecsToPause
    if ($InPlace) {
    } else {
      '' # Output empty line before new board is printed.

    # Print this generation.
    #show-board $Board
    drawIt $Board


function drawIt{

     For($x=0; $x -le $m_ref.GetUpperBound(0); $x++ ){
        For($y=0; $y -le $m_ref.GetUpperBound(1); $y++){
            $val = $m_ref[$x,$y]
           If($val -eq 1){
               $cellColor = 'White'
               $cellColor = 'Black'
           #write-host $cellColor.GetType()
           Write-Host " " -NoNewline -BackgroundColor $CellColor
           Write-Host " " -NoNewline
        Write-Host '' #start a new line


# Board is always a square, $size represents both x and y.
$size = 10 #change this to change size of the board
$board = New-Object 'int[,]' ($size, $size)
$seedCount = 17 #change this to change # of alive cells to start with
# Seed the board.
for($seed = 0; $seed -lt $seedCount ; $seed ++){
    $board[$(Get-random -Maximum ($size -1)),$(Get-random -Maximum ($size -1))] = 1

# Determine how many generations to show and how to show them.
$htDisplayParams = @{
  Count = 25         # how many generations to show (1 means: just the initial state)
                    # omit this entry to keep going indefinitely
  InPlace = $True   # whether to print subsequent generations in-place
  MilliSecsToPause = 1000 # To slow down updates

# Start showing the generations.
show-generations -Board $board @htDisplayParams