
使用Powershell发送邮件时电子邮件正文被切断,powershell,email,Powershell,Email,所以我有一个PS脚本,我用它来检测计算机正在使用什么显示器。目标是通过RMM服务在客户端的计算机上远程运行这些脚本,以便在不联系客户端的情况下获取这些信息。为了获得输出,我想通过电子邮件将信息发送给自己。我设法获得了一封要发送的电子邮件,但与Powershell中显示的输出相比,电子邮件的正文被切断。我使用$body变量打印到命令行和电子邮件正文,因此它们应该是相同的,但它们不是。有人看到我的代码有什么问题吗(除了为了隐私而删除的电子邮件信息) 编辑:我试着对[$body+=“`n$Name





我编辑了我的问题。所以我不明白为什么会是``n字符,因为我在多行中使用它,如果我在ForEach循环中注释掉[$body+=“`n$Name,$Serial”],它们会正确显示。这让我觉得在循环的第二次迭代中出现了一些问题,但我对powershell的了解还不够,无法知道它可能是什么。我运行了您的脚本,发现以下错误:“发送邮件:无法转换”System.Object[]参数“Body”所需的类型“System.String”。不支持指定的方法。在C:\PS\u Scripts\Monitor.ps1:140 char:18+Send-MailMessage@sendMailMessageSplat+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+CategoryInfo:InvalidArgument:(:)[Send-MailMessage],ParameterBindingException+FullyQualifiedErrorId:CannotConvertArgument,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SendMailMessage“另外,我的原始脚本没有复制任何内容,因此我不确定您为什么要将该“功能”添加到解决方案中。嗯,我没有测试Send MailMessage的内容,所以,嗯,好吧,但对于添加任何功能,我没有补充什么。然而,使用多监视器设置(我的包括一个4端口便携式显示端口),您将获得重复的信息(按照for循环,“$videooutput”中每个项目1个)。在单个监视器上进行此设置将不起作用。
$body = "Name, Serial"
function Decode {
    If ($args[0] -is [System.Array]) {
    Else {
        "Not Found"

ForEach ($Monitor in Get-WmiObject WmiMonitorID -Namespace root\wmi) {  
        $Name = Decode $Monitor.UserFriendlyName -notmatch 0
    $Serial = Decode $Monitor.SerialNumberID -notmatch 0

#       echo "$Name, $Serial"
    $body += "`n$Name, $Serial"

function Get-MonitorConnectionType ($connector){
    switch ($connector) {
            '-2' {'Uninitialized'} 
            '-1' {'Other'}
            0 {'VGA'}
            1 {'SVideo'}
            2 {'Composite'}
            3 {'Component'}
            4 {'DVI'}
            5 {'HDMI'}
            6 {'LVDS'}
            8 {'D_JPN'}
            9 {'SDI'}
            10 {'DisplayPort'}
            11 {'DisplayPort (Embedded)'}
            12 {'UDI'}
            13 {'UDI (Embedded)'}
            14 {'SD TV Dongle'}
            15 {'Miracast'}
            16 {'Indirect Wired'}
            '0x80000000,' {'Internal'}
            'SVIDEO,' {'SVideo (4/7 Pin)'}
            'COMPOSITE_VIDEO' {'RF'}
            'COMPONENT_VIDEO' {'RCA/BNC'}
            default {"Unknown($_)"}

$connections = get-ciminstance -namespace root/wmi -classname WmiMonitorConnectionParams
$videooutput = $connections.videooutputtechnology
$body += "`nDetected $($connections.count) monitor(s) attached to this computer."
$body += "`nThe following monitor connection types may be in use:"
foreach ($output in $videooutput){
    $body += " $(get-monitorconnectiontype $output)"

$body += "`n"
write-host "$body"
$secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString "" -AsPlainText -Force
$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("", $secpasswd)
Send-Mailmessage -smtpServer "smtp.office365.com" -Credential $cred -Port 587 -from "" -to "" -subject "PS Email Test" -body $body  -UseSsl
function Decode 
    If ($args[0] -is [System.Array]) 
    Else {'Not Found'}

function Get-MonitorConnectionType ($connector)
    switch ($connector) 
            '-2' {'Uninitialized'} 
            '-1' {'Other'}
            0 {'VGA'}
            1 {'SVideo'}
            2 {'Composite'}
            3 {'Component'}
            4 {'DVI'}
            5 {'HDMI'}
            6 {'LVDS'}
            8 {'D_JPN'}
            9 {'SDI'}
            10 {'DisplayPort'}
            11 {'DisplayPort (Embedded)'}
            12 {'UDI'}
            13 {'UDI (Embedded)'}
            14 {'SD TV Dongle'}
            15 {'Miracast'}
            16 {'Indirect Wired'}
            '0x80000000,' {'Internal'}
            'SVIDEO,' {'SVideo (4/7 Pin)'}
            'COMPOSITE_VIDEO' {'RF'}
            'COMPONENT_VIDEO' {'RCA/BNC'}
            default {"Unknown($_)"}

                        ($Body = ForEach ($Monitor in Get-WmiObject WmiMonitorID -Namespace root\wmi) 
        Name   = Decode $Monitor.UserFriendlyName -notmatch 0
        Serial = Decode $Monitor.SerialNumberID -notmatch 0
# Results
Name          Serial          
----          ------          
Not Found     0               
ASUS VE278    B7LMTF125646    

($connections = Get-CimInstance -namespace root/wmi -ClassName WmiMonitorConnectionParams)
# Results
Active InstanceName                            VideoOutputTechnology PSComputerName
------ ------------                            --------------------- --------------
True DISPLAY\LEN4121\4&90cefb8&0&UID265988_0            2147483648               

($videooutput = $connections.videooutputtechnology)
# Results

$DataMessage = "
`nDetected $($connections.count) monitor(s) attached to this computer. 
The following monitor connection types may be in use:
($Body += $DataMessage)
# Results
Name          Serial          
----          ------          
Not Found     0               
ASUS VE278    B7LMTF125646    

Detected 4 monitor(s) attached to this computer. 
The following monitor connection types may be in use:

foreach ($output in $videooutput)
{($Body += " $(Get-MonitorConnectionType $output)")}
# Results
Name          Serial          
----          ------          
Not Found     0               
ASUS VE278    B7LMTF125646    

Detected 4 monitor(s) attached to this computer. 
The following monitor connection types may be in use:
Not Found     0               
ASUS VE278    B7LMTF125646    

Detected 4 monitor(s) attached to this computer. 
The following monitor connection types may be in use:

Detected 4 monitor(s) attached to this computer. 
The following monitor connection types may be in use:

Detected 4 monitor(s) attached to this computer. 
The following monitor connection types may be in use:

$secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString '' -AsPlainText -Force
$cred      = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ('', $secpasswd)

$sendMailMessageSplat = @{
    From       = ''
    To         = ''
    Subject    = 'PS Email Test'
    Body       = $body
    Credential = $cred
    SmtpServer = 'smtp.office365.com'
    Port       = 587
    UseSsl     = $true
Send-MailMessage @sendMailMessageSplat
[string]$Message = foreach ($output in $videooutput)
{($Body += " $(Get-MonitorConnectionType $output)")}

$sendMailMessageSplat = @{
    From       = ''
    To         = ''
    Subject    = 'PS Email Test'
    Body       = $Message
    Credential = $cred
    SmtpServer = 'smtp.office365.com'
    Port       = 587
    UseSsl     = $true
Send-MailMessage @sendMailMessageSplat