Python 2.7 使用python更新KML文件中的坐标

Python 2.7 使用python更新KML文件中的坐标,python-2.7,kml,elementtree,pykml,Python 2.7,Kml,Elementtree,Pykml,我有一个类似于此文件的KML(只有“文档”部分会重复2000次左右,每个条目的坐标略有不同) 如您所见,我可以设法添加一组附加值(1,1,1),但是 a) 我没有使用第一个坐标的值(而只是虚拟值) b) 它只更新了第一个分支(我如何扩展它以重复2000次 c) 当我更新输出文件时,也会显示此文本 "coordinates xmlns:py="" py:pytype="str">" 道歉如果这是一个过于深



a) 我没有使用第一个坐标的值(而只是虚拟值)

b) 它只更新了第一个分支(我如何扩展它以重复2000次

c) 当我更新输出文件时,也会显示此文本

 "coordinates xmlns:py="" py:pytype="str">"



def close_the_polygons(kml_file,color_name):
    # # Get the tree from KML File, add get color_name (only used when writing the file name )

    tree  = ET.parse(kml_file)
    root = tree.getroot()

    # iterate through tree to get to coordinate level

    for Document in root:
        for Placemark in Document.findall('Placemark'):
            for Polygon in Placemark.findall('Polygon'):
                for outerBoundaryIs in Polygon.findall('outerBoundaryIs'):
                    for LinearRing in outerBoundaryIs: # don't use Findall here because only 1 subelement
                        for coordinates in LinearRing: # don't use Findall here because only 1 subelement

                            ### convert the co-ordinate to text and delimiters become ordinary text (i.e. repr)
                            coordinates_text_before  =  repr(coordinates.text)

                            # ## Split the text (identifying the delimters)
                            coordinates_split_before = coordinates_text_before.split("\\t")

                            # # Store each entry of the array
                            entry_1 = coordinates_split_before[1]
                            entry_2 = coordinates_split_before[2][2:]
                            entry_3 = coordinates_split_before[3][2:]
                            entry_4 = coordinates_split_before[4][2:-10]
                            entry_5 = entry_1    #this solves the underlying problem of closing the polygon  

                            # # # consolidate into a single item array, goal with delimiters is to get it back to original text
                            string_updated_coordinates = "'\\n\\t"+entry_1+"\\t\\n"+entry_2+"\\t\\n"+entry_3+"\\t\\n"+entry_4+"\\t\\n"+entry_5+"\\n'"
                            updated_coordinates = literal_eval(string_updated_coordinates)

                            # # Store Updated Coordinates into original coordinates location
                            coordinates.text = updated_coordinates

    # # Write back to a file once all updates are complete
    tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
    tree.write('new_data_%s_closedPolygon_v1.0.kml' %color_name, xml_declaration=True)



def close_the_polygons(kml_file,color_name):
    # # Get the tree from KML File, add get color_name (only used when writing the file name )

    tree  = ET.parse(kml_file)
    root = tree.getroot()

    # iterate through tree to get to coordinate level

    for Document in root:
        for Placemark in Document.findall('Placemark'):
            for Polygon in Placemark.findall('Polygon'):
                for outerBoundaryIs in Polygon.findall('outerBoundaryIs'):
                    for LinearRing in outerBoundaryIs: # don't use Findall here because only 1 subelement
                        for coordinates in LinearRing: # don't use Findall here because only 1 subelement

                            ### convert the co-ordinate to text and delimiters become ordinary text (i.e. repr)
                            coordinates_text_before  =  repr(coordinates.text)

                            # ## Split the text (identifying the delimters)
                            coordinates_split_before = coordinates_text_before.split("\\t")

                            # # Store each entry of the array
                            entry_1 = coordinates_split_before[1]
                            entry_2 = coordinates_split_before[2][2:]
                            entry_3 = coordinates_split_before[3][2:]
                            entry_4 = coordinates_split_before[4][2:-10]
                            entry_5 = entry_1    #this solves the underlying problem of closing the polygon  

                            # # # consolidate into a single item array, goal with delimiters is to get it back to original text
                            string_updated_coordinates = "'\\n\\t"+entry_1+"\\t\\n"+entry_2+"\\t\\n"+entry_3+"\\t\\n"+entry_4+"\\t\\n"+entry_5+"\\n'"
                            updated_coordinates = literal_eval(string_updated_coordinates)

                            # # Store Updated Coordinates into original coordinates location
                            coordinates.text = updated_coordinates

    # # Write back to a file once all updates are complete
    tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
    tree.write('new_data_%s_closedPolygon_v1.0.kml' %color_name, xml_declaration=True)


from lxml import etree

kml_file = path.join( \
     'C:\Development', \

# Source:
root = parser.fromstring(open(kml_file, 'r').read())

coordinates_before = root.Document.Placemark.Polygon.outerBoundaryIs.LinearRing.coordinates

# Print the coordinates  (only prints the first branch )
print 'coordinates before'
print coordinates_before

# Set the coordinates to a new value - Attempting to update to new values 
# Get Errors from this
= coordinates_before+"1,1,1"

coordinates_after = root.Document.Placemark.Polygon.outerBoundaryIs.LinearRing.coordinates

print 'coordinates after'
print coordinates_after

# # Create and store a string representation of full KML tree
root_string = etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True)

# # # Print the string representation using pretty_print
print root_string
 "coordinates xmlns:py="" py:pytype="str">"
def close_the_polygons(kml_file,color_name):
    # # Get the tree from KML File, add get color_name (only used when writing the file name )

    tree  = ET.parse(kml_file)
    root = tree.getroot()

    # iterate through tree to get to coordinate level

    for Document in root:
        for Placemark in Document.findall('Placemark'):
            for Polygon in Placemark.findall('Polygon'):
                for outerBoundaryIs in Polygon.findall('outerBoundaryIs'):
                    for LinearRing in outerBoundaryIs: # don't use Findall here because only 1 subelement
                        for coordinates in LinearRing: # don't use Findall here because only 1 subelement

                            ### convert the co-ordinate to text and delimiters become ordinary text (i.e. repr)
                            coordinates_text_before  =  repr(coordinates.text)

                            # ## Split the text (identifying the delimters)
                            coordinates_split_before = coordinates_text_before.split("\\t")

                            # # Store each entry of the array
                            entry_1 = coordinates_split_before[1]
                            entry_2 = coordinates_split_before[2][2:]
                            entry_3 = coordinates_split_before[3][2:]
                            entry_4 = coordinates_split_before[4][2:-10]
                            entry_5 = entry_1    #this solves the underlying problem of closing the polygon  

                            # # # consolidate into a single item array, goal with delimiters is to get it back to original text
                            string_updated_coordinates = "'\\n\\t"+entry_1+"\\t\\n"+entry_2+"\\t\\n"+entry_3+"\\t\\n"+entry_4+"\\t\\n"+entry_5+"\\n'"
                            updated_coordinates = literal_eval(string_updated_coordinates)

                            # # Store Updated Coordinates into original coordinates location
                            coordinates.text = updated_coordinates

    # # Write back to a file once all updates are complete
    tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
    tree.write('new_data_%s_closedPolygon_v1.0.kml' %color_name, xml_declaration=True)
