Python 2.7 我只想在字符串中间输入一个随机数

Python 2.7 我只想在字符串中间输入一个随机数,python-2.7,Python 2.7,我只是想让我的生成器生成的怪物的肢体数量在1到100之间。我不知道为什么self.number不起作用。我在self.numbers中的print语句中不断遇到无效语法错误 import random from random import randint class Monster(object): def __init__(self): self.names = random.choice(["Michael", "Amy", "June", "Margaret"


import random

from random import randint

class Monster(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.names = random.choice(["Michael", "Amy", "June", "Margaret"])
        self.appearances = random.choice(["a beautiful", "a hideous", "a transparent", "a toxic"])
        self.animals = random.choice(["dog", "cat", "bird", "fish"])
        self.attributes = random.choice(["that can fly.", "that speaks in a human voice.", "that twists unaturally.", "that is too hot to touch."])
        self.features = random.choice(["arms", "legs", "tentacles", "heads"])
        self.numbers = print random.randint(1, 100)

    def __str__(self):
        return ' '.join(["The Human", self.names, "is here,", self.appearances,
                         self.animals, self.attributes, "It has", self.numbers,

# Create 5 unique monsters
M1 =  Monster()
M2 =  Monster()
M3 =  Monster()
M4 =  Monster()
M5 =  Monster()

# Prints the descriptions of the monsters:
print M1 
print M2  
print M3 
print M4 
print M5

input('Press ENTER to exit')

self.numbers = print random.randint(1, 100)



import random
from random import randint

class Monster(object):

    def __init__(self):
       self.names = random.choice(["Michael", "Amy", "June", "Margaret"])
       self.appearances = random.choice(["a beautiful", "a hideous", "a transparent", "a toxic"])
       self.animals = random.choice(["dog", "cat", "bird", "fish"])
       self.attributes = random.choice(["that can fly.", "that speaks in a human voice.", "that twists unaturally.", "that is too hot to touch."])
       self.features = random.choice(["arms", "legs", "tentacles", "heads"])
       self.numbers = str(randint(1, 100))

    def __str__(self):
        return ' '.join(["The Human", self.names, "is here,", self.appearances,
                     self.animals, self.attributes, "It has", self.numbers,

# Create 5 unique monsters
M1 =  Monster()
M2 =  Monster()
M3 =  Monster()
M4 =  Monster()
M5 =  Monster()

# Prints the descriptions of the monsters:
print M1 
print M2  
print M3 
print M4 
print M5

input('Press ENTER to exit')

The Human Margaret is here, a hideous fish that can fly. It has 65 arms
The Human Michael is here, a toxic fish that is too hot to touch. It has 75 heads
The Human Margaret is here, a transparent dog that can fly. It has 23 tentacles
The Human Margaret is here, a transparent dog that is too hot to touch. It has 64 arms
The Human Margaret is here, a hideous bird that twists unaturally. It has 46 heads
Press ENTER to exit

你可以用一个数字f>>>从random import randint>>>>randint(1100)72>>>str(randint(1100))生成一个字符串我要等6分钟才能回答这个问题,但是你的答案非常有效,非常感谢。如果有效,你可以接受答案。以后,添加错误描述:MyPython给出语法错误并突出显示函数print。它将让我们了解出了什么问题。此外,还应包括python版本、操作系统和其他可能有用的信息。祝你学习Python好运。进一步阅读:
The Human Margaret is here, a hideous fish that can fly. It has 65 arms
The Human Michael is here, a toxic fish that is too hot to touch. It has 75 heads
The Human Margaret is here, a transparent dog that can fly. It has 23 tentacles
The Human Margaret is here, a transparent dog that is too hot to touch. It has 64 arms
The Human Margaret is here, a hideous bird that twists unaturally. It has 46 heads
Press ENTER to exit