Python 3.x 不知道如何使用python3.x,我尝试了s.split(';!';),但在本例中不起作用

Python 3.x 不知道如何使用python3.x,我尝试了s.split(';!';),但在本例中不起作用,python-3.x,Python 3.x,我就是这样解决的 def split_on_separators(original, separators): """ (str, str) -> list of str Return a list of non-empty, non-blank strings from the original string determined by splitting the string on any of the separators. separators i


def split_on_separators(original, separators):
    """ (str, str) -> list of str

    Return a list of non-empty, non-blank strings from the original string
    determined by splitting the string on any of the separators.
    separators is a string of single-character separators.

    >>> split_on_separators("Hooray! Finally, we're done.", "!,")
    ['Hooray', ' Finally', " we're done."]

    # To do: Complete this function's body to meet its specification.
    # You are not required to keep the two lines below but you may find
    # them helpful. (Hint)
    result = [original]
    return result
    def split_on_separators(original, separators):
        """ (str, str) -> list of str

        Return a list of non-empty, non-blank strings from the original string
        determined by splitting the string on any of the separators.
        separators is a string of single-character separators.

        >>> split_on_separators("Hooray! Finally, we're done.", "!,")
        ['Hooray', ' Finally', " we're done."]

        result = [original]
        for sep in separators:
            r = []
            for sub in result:
            result = r
        return result