Python 3.x 如何在shell底部打印而不重新排序代码?(蟒蛇3)

Python 3.x 如何在shell底部打印而不重新排序代码?(蟒蛇3),python-3.x,Python 3.x,我的问题举例如下: food_choice=input("Would you like to eat a burrito or a pizza? ") if food_choice=='burrito': print('You should go to a Mexican restaurant!') if food_choice=='pizza': print('You should go to an Italian restaurant!') print('D


food_choice=input("Would you like to eat a burrito or a pizza? ")

if food_choice=='burrito':

    print('You should go to a Mexican restaurant!')

if food_choice=='pizza':

    print('You should go to an Italian restaurant!')

    print('Don't forget to save me a slice of pizza!') #<----- How do I print this at the bottom?

print('Everyone loves to eat!')

print('Have a good time at your restaurant!')
food\u choice=input(“你想吃玉米煎饼还是比萨饼?”)


after = ""
food_choice=input("Would you like to eat a burrito or a pizza? ")
if food_choice=='burrito':
    print('You should go to a Mexican restaurant!')
if food_choice=='pizza':
    print('You should go to an Italian restaurant!')
    after = 'Don't forget to save me a slice of pizza!'

print('Everyone loves to eat!')

print('Have a good time at your restaurant!')
if after: