Python:2D Numpy数组(矩阵)-查找负数(行)之和

Python:2D Numpy数组(矩阵)-查找负数(行)之和,python,arrays,numpy,matrix,Python,Arrays,Numpy,Matrix,我有一个矩阵(使用numpy),用户输入行数和列数。经过一些FOR循环后,用户输入元素,当然这取决于他/她选择的行数和列数 现在我需要为第7行下面的每一行找到一个负元素的和,并在精确的行之后输出这个每一行的和。这是我的代码(即使最后一件事的代码不起作用) 我应该得到这样的东西: [-1, 2, -3] Sum of Negative Elements In This Row (Till 7th) [-4] [-4, 5, -6] Sum of Negative Elements In This




[-1, 2, -3] Sum of Negative Elements In This Row (Till 7th) [-4]
[-4, 5, -6] Sum of Negative Elements In This Row (Till 7th) [-10]
[-7, -8, 9] Sum of Negative Elements In This Row (Till 7th) [-15]

a = np.random.random_integers(-1, 1, (10,3))
>>> a
array([[ 0,  0, -1],
       [ 1, -1, -1],
       [ 0,  1,  1],
       [-1,  0,  0],
       [ 1, -1,  0],
       [-1,  1,  1],
       [ 0,  1,  0],
       [ 1, -1,  0],
       [-1,  0,  1],
       [ 1, -1,  1]])

>>> a[:7,:]
array([[ 0,  0, -1],
       [ 1, -1, -1],
       [ 0,  1,  1],
       [-1,  0,  0],
       [ 1, -1,  0],
       [-1,  1,  1],
       [ 0,  1,  0]])

>>> for row in a[:7,:]:
...     less_than_zero = row[row < 0]
...     sum_less_than = np.sum(less_than_zero)
...     print('row:{:<14}\tless than zero:{:<11}\tsum:{}'.format(row, less_than_zero, sum_less_than))

row:[ 0  0 -1]      less than zero:[-1]         sum:-1
row:[ 1 -1 -1]      less than zero:[-1 -1]      sum:-2
row:[0 1 1]         less than zero:[]           sum:0
row:[-1  0  0]      less than zero:[-1]         sum:-1
row:[ 1 -1  0]      less than zero:[-1]         sum:-1
row:[-1  1  1]      less than zero:[-1]         sum:-1
row:[0 1 0]         less than zero:[]           sum:0
...     小于零=行[行<0]
...     和小于等于np.和(小于零)

... print('row:{:遍历2D数组的每一行,用

import numpy as np

a = np.array([[-1, 2, -3], [-4, 5, -6], [-7, -8, 9]])  # your array

for row in a:
    neg_sum = sum(row[row < 0])  # sum of negative values
    print('{} Sum of Negative Elements In This Row: {}'.format(row, neg_sum))

>>> for row in a[:7,:]:
...     less_than_zero = row[row < 0]
...     sum_less_than = np.sum(less_than_zero)
...     print('row:{:<14}\tless than zero:{:<11}\tsum:{}'.format(row, less_than_zero, sum_less_than))

row:[ 0  0 -1]      less than zero:[-1]         sum:-1
row:[ 1 -1 -1]      less than zero:[-1 -1]      sum:-2
row:[0 1 1]         less than zero:[]           sum:0
row:[-1  0  0]      less than zero:[-1]         sum:-1
row:[ 1 -1  0]      less than zero:[-1]         sum:-1
row:[-1  1  1]      less than zero:[-1]         sum:-1
row:[0 1 0]         less than zero:[]           sum:0
import numpy as np

a = np.array([[-1, 2, -3], [-4, 5, -6], [-7, -8, 9]])  # your array

for row in a:
    neg_sum = sum(row[row < 0])  # sum of negative values
    print('{} Sum of Negative Elements In This Row: {}'.format(row, neg_sum))
[-1  2 -3] Sum of Negative Elements In This Row: -4
[-4  5 -6] Sum of Negative Elements In This Row: -10
[-7 -8  9] Sum of Negative Elements In This Row: -15