我应该如何构造和访问数据表,以便在Python 3.5中轻松比较子集? 有没有一种更快、更像蟒蛇的方法 什么是 生成此警告UserWarning:Boolean系列键将 重新编制索引以匹配数据帧索引。“数据帧索引”,用户警告 我应该关心它吗

我应该如何构造和访问数据表,以便在Python 3.5中轻松比较子集? 有没有一种更快、更像蟒蛇的方法 什么是 生成此警告UserWarning:Boolean系列键将 重新编制索引以匹配数据帧索引。“数据帧索引”,用户警告 我应该关心它吗,python,python-3.x,pandas,dataframe,Python,Python 3.x,Pandas,Dataframe,我有一个csv文件,有三列:组织、月份、个人 | org | month | person | | --- | ---------- | ------ | | 1 | 2014-01-01 | 100 | | 1 | 2014-01-01 | 200 | | 1 | 2014-01-02 | 200 | | 2 | 2014-01-01 | 300 | 我已将其读入pandas.core.frame.DataFrame中,其中包含: data


| org |    month   | person |
| --- | ---------- | ------ |
|   1 | 2014-01-01 |    100 |
|   1 | 2014-01-01 |    200 |
|   1 | 2014-01-02 |    200 |
|   2 | 2014-01-01 |    300 |

data = pd.read_csv('data_base.csv', names=['month', 'org', 'person'], skiprows=1)

org: 1, month: 2014-01-01, count(intersection((100, 200), 200)) / len(set(100, 200)) == 0.5

import pandas as pd
import sys

data = pd.read_csv('data_base.csv', names=['month', 'org', 'person'], skiprows=1)
data.sort_values(by=['org', 'month', 'person'])

results = {}
for _org in set(data.org):
    results[_org] = {}
    months = sorted(list(set(data[data.org == _org].month)))
    for _m1, _m2 in zip(months, months[1:]):
        _s1 = set(data[data.org == _org][data.month == _m1].person)
        _s2 = set(data[data.org == _org][data.month == _m2].person)
        results[_org][_m1] = float(len(_s1 & _s2) / len(_s1))
        print(str(_org) + '\t' + str(_m1) + '\t' + str(_m2) + '\t' + str(round(results[_org][_m1], 2)))

UserWarning: Boolean Series key will be reindexed to match DataFrame index. "DataFrame index.", UserWarning
5640    2014-01-01  2014-02-01  0.75
5640    2014-02-01  2014-03-01  0.36
5640    2014-03-01  2014-04-01  0.6
df['one'] = 1
df = df.set_index(['org','month','person']).unstack('person')
numer = ((df==df.shift(-1)) & (df.notnull())).sum(axis=1)
denom = df.notnull().sum(axis=1)

df['numer'] = numer
df['denom'] = denom
df['ratio'] = numer / denom

               one             numer denom     ratio
person         100 200 300 400                      
org month                                           
1   2014-01-01   1   1 NaN NaN     1     2  0.500000
    2014-01-02 NaN   1 NaN NaN     0     1  0.000000
    2014-01-03   1 NaN   1 NaN     2     2  1.000000
    2014-01-04   1   1   1 NaN     2     3  0.666667
2   2014-01-01   1   1 NaN NaN     0     2  0.000000
    2014-01-02 NaN NaN   1   1     0     2  0.000000
    2014-01-03   1 NaN NaN NaN     1     1  1.000000
    2014-01-04   1   1 NaN NaN     0     2  0.000000



import collections
org_month_dict = collections.defaultdict(set)

# put the data into a simple, indexed data structure
for index, row in data.iterrows():
    org_month_dict[row['org'], row['month']].add(row['person'])

orgs = set(data.org)
months = sorted(set(data.months))
for org in orgs:
    for mindex in range(len(months)-1):
        m1 = months[mindex]
        m2 = months[mindex+1]
        print org_month_dict[org, m2] & org_month_dict[org, m1] # persons in common between month 1 and 2

org\u month\u dict
数据[data.org==\u org][data.month==\u m1]




    org       month  person
0     1  2014-01-01     100
1     1  2014-01-01     200
2     1  2014-01-02     200
3     1  2014-01-03     300
4     1  2014-01-03     100
5     1  2014-01-04     200
6     1  2014-01-04     100
7     1  2014-01-04     300
8     2  2014-01-01     100
9     2  2014-01-01     200
10    2  2014-01-02     300
11    2  2014-01-02     400
12    2  2014-01-03     100
13    2  2014-01-04     200
14    2  2014-01-04     100

UserWarning: Boolean Series key will be reindexed to match DataFrame index. "DataFrame index.", UserWarning
5640    2014-01-01  2014-02-01  0.75
5640    2014-02-01  2014-03-01  0.36
5640    2014-03-01  2014-04-01  0.6
df['one'] = 1
df = df.set_index(['org','month','person']).unstack('person')
numer = ((df==df.shift(-1)) & (df.notnull())).sum(axis=1)
denom = df.notnull().sum(axis=1)

df['numer'] = numer
df['denom'] = denom
df['ratio'] = numer / denom

               one             numer denom     ratio
person         100 200 300 400                      
org month                                           
1   2014-01-01   1   1 NaN NaN     1     2  0.500000
    2014-01-02 NaN   1 NaN NaN     0     1  0.000000
    2014-01-03   1 NaN   1 NaN     2     2  1.000000
    2014-01-04   1   1   1 NaN     2     3  0.666667
2   2014-01-01   1   1 NaN NaN     0     2  0.000000
    2014-01-02 NaN NaN   1   1     0     2  0.000000
    2014-01-03   1 NaN NaN NaN     1     1  1.000000
    2014-01-04   1   1 NaN NaN     0     2  0.000000

