如何将python dict转换为格式标准的geojson文件?

如何将python dict转换为格式标准的geojson文件?,python,dictionary,geojson,Python,Dictionary,Geojson,我想将excel文件转换为geojson文件。字典是这样的: [ {"NoAdresse": 42537006584, "NoUsager": 42537000086, "LatEffective": 45.83675, "LongDebut": 4.91956, "LatDebut": 45.75529, "LongEffective": 4.84574, "IdVehicule": "246Veh", "LatArrivee": 45.83492, "NoDemande": 42537000


{"NoAdresse": 42537006584, "NoUsager": 42537000086, "LatEffective": 45.83675, "LongDebut": 4.91956, "LatDebut": 45.75529, "LongEffective": 4.84574, "IdVehicule": "246Veh", "LatArrivee": 45.83492, "NoDemande": 42537000003, "LongArrivee": 4.84762}, 
{"NoAdresse": 42537007718, "NoUsager": 42537002720, "LatEffective": 45.83955, "LongDebut": 4.84574, "LatDebut": 45.83675, "LongEffective": 4.83098, "IdVehicule": "246Veh", "LatArrivee": 45.83935, "NoDemande": 42537000004, "LongArrivee": 4.83084}, 
{"NoAdresse": 42537005803, "NoUsager": 42537002424, "LatEffective": 45.98730, "LongDebut": 4.83098, "LatDebut": 45.83955, "LongEffective": 4.72695, "IdVehicule": "246Veh", "LatArrivee": 45.98174, "NoDemande": 42537000006, "LongArrivee": 4.73942}, 
{"NoAdresse": 42537005803, "NoUsager": 42537003576, "LatEffective": 45.98730, "LongDebut": 4.83098, "LatDebut": 45.83955, "LongEffective": 4.72695, "IdVehicule": "246Veh", "LatArrivee": 45.98174, "NoDemande": 42537000005, "LongArrivee": 4.73942}, 
{"NoAdresse": 42537004215, "NoUsager": 42537003576, "LatEffective": 45.93778, "LongDebut": 4.72695, "LatDebut": 45.9873, "LongEffective": 4.62676, "IdVehicule": "246Veh", "LatArrivee": 45.93784, "NoDemande": 42537000005, "LongArrivee": 4.62625}, 
{"NoAdresse": 42537004215, "NoUsager": 42537002424, "LatEffective": 45.93778, "LongDebut": 4.72695, "LatDebut": 45.9873, "LongEffective": 4.62676, "IdVehicule": "246Veh", "LatArrivee": 45.93784, "NoDemande": 42537000006, "LongArrivee": 4.62625}, 
{"NoAdresse": 42537004215, "NoUsager": 42537002720, "LatEffective": 45.93778, "LongDebut": 4.72695, "LatDebut": 45.9873, "LongEffective": 4.62676, "IdVehicule": "246Veh", "LatArrivee": 45.93784, "NoDemande": 42537000004, "LongArrivee": 4.62625}, 
{"NoAdresse": 42537004215, "NoUsager": 42537000086, "LatEffective": 45.93778, "LongDebut": 4.72695, "LatDebut": 45.9873, "LongEffective": 4.62676, "IdVehicule": "246Veh", "LatArrivee": 45.93784, "NoDemande": 42537000003, "LongArrivee": 4.62625}, 
{"NoAdresse": 42537000007, "NoUsager": 42537002425, "LatEffective": 45.72941, "LongDebut": 4.77845, "LatDebut": 45.77335, "LongEffective": 4.88396, "IdVehicule": "164Veh", "LatArrivee": 45.72815, "NoDemande": 42537000070, "LongArrivee": 4.88241}, 
{"NoAdresse": 42537000007, "NoUsager": 42537002425, "LatEffective": 45.69349, "LongDebut": 4.88396, "LatDebut": 45.72941, "LongEffective": 4.94466, "IdVehicule": "164Veh", "LatArrivee": 45.69429, "NoDemande": 42537000070, "LongArrivee": 4.94216}]

import json

from xlrd import open_workbook

book = open_workbook('forum.xlsx')
sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0)

keys = [sheet.cell(0,col_index).value for col_index in xrange(sheet.ncols)]

dict_list = []
for row_index in xrange(1,sheet.nrows):
    d = {keys[col_index]: sheet.cell(row_index,col_index).value
        for col_index in xrange(sheet.ncols)}

j = json.dumps(dict_list)

with open('data.json','w') as f:

{ "type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [{ 
    "type": "Feature",
    "geometry": {
        "type": "LineString",
        "coordinates": [[LatDebut, LongDebut],[LatEffective,LongEffective]]
    "properties": {
        "NoAdresse": "XXX",
        "NoUsager": "XXX",
}, { 




# work on dict_list to produce some dict_in_geojson_form
# ... then:
with open('data.json','w') as f:
    json.dump(dict_in_geojson_form, f)


#! /usr/bin/env python
"""Map a specific stream to seom GeoJSON target structure and stream the
output in chunks as elements are complete (any new vehicle id increments
the tour label which works like an enumeration in the properties of the
features GeoJSON representation)."""
from __future__ import print_function

import copy
import json
import sys
#一些用于限制文字和准备结构的声明 #一种简单的特征发射源模拟 #无上下文转换: #分离的特性发射器(这里的杀伤力过大,但是…) #用于共享巡更的要素序列的上下文感知生成器 #模拟函数将输出传输到标准输出或文件。。。 #驱动转换的样本处理逻辑 #…此处为写入硬编码文件路径的示例 处理中的想法应该在文档字符串中



$ cat yumyum.geojson 
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
{"geometry": {"coordinates": [[45.75529, 4.91956], [45.83675, 4.84574]], "type": "LineString"}, "properties": {"IdVehicule": "246Veh", "NoAdresse": 42537006584, "NoDemande": 42537000003, "NoUsager": 42537000086, "Tour": 1}, "type": "Feature"},
{"geometry": {"coordinates": [[45.83675, 4.84574], [45.83955, 4.83098]], "type": "LineString"}, "properties": {"IdVehicule": "246Veh", "NoAdresse": 42537007718, "NoDemande": 42537000004, "NoUsager": 42537002720, "Tour": 1}, "type": "Feature"},
{"geometry": {"coordinates": [[45.72941, 4.88396], [45.69349, 4.94466]], "type": "LineString"}, "properties": {"IdVehicule": "164Veh", "NoAdresse": 42537000007, "NoDemande": 42537000070, "NoUsager": 42537002425, "Tour": 2}, "type": "Feature"}]

def event_source():
    """Sample input line source generator. Might anything yielding
    python dictionaries matching "this questions" event specification."""

    event_seq = [
        {NO_ADDRESS: 42537006584, NO_USAGE: 42537000086,
         LAT_EFFECTIVE: 45.83675, LONG_DEBUT: 4.91956,
         LAT_DEBUT: 45.75529, LONG_EFFECTIVE: 4.84574,
         ID_VEHICLE: "246Veh", "LatArrivee": 45.83492,
         NO_DEMAND: 42537000003, "LongArrivee": 4.84762},
        {NO_ADDRESS: 42537007718, NO_USAGE: 42537002720,
         LAT_EFFECTIVE: 45.83955, LONG_DEBUT: 4.84574,
         LAT_DEBUT: 45.83675, LONG_EFFECTIVE: 4.83098,
         ID_VEHICLE: "246Veh", "LatArrivee": 45.83935,
         NO_DEMAND: 42537000004, "LongArrivee": 4.83084},
        # ...
        {NO_ADDRESS: 42537000007, NO_USAGE: 42537002425,
         LAT_EFFECTIVE: 45.69349, LONG_DEBUT: 4.88396,
         LAT_DEBUT: 45.72941, LONG_EFFECTIVE: 4.94466,
         ID_VEHICLE: "164Veh", "LatArrivee": 45.69429,
         NO_DEMAND: 42537000070, "LongArrivee": 4.94216}]

    for event in event_seq:
        yield event
def feature_from(event):
    """Transform event to feature, applying the "business" rules."""
    feature = copy.deepcopy(FEATURE_TEMPLATE)
    for property_key in PROPERTY_KEYS:
        feature[PROPERTIES_KEY][property_key] = event[property_key]
    coords_debut = [event[k] for k in COORD_KEYS_DEBUT]
    coords_effective = [event[k] for k in COORD_KEYS_EFFECTIVE]
    return feature
def feature_gen(events):
    """Generator creates features from events (might be a good place
    to hook into validty checks in real lif processing)."""
    for event in events:
        yield feature_from(event)
def tour_gen(features):
    """Generator emits the feature in chunks per complete tour as detected
    by a change in vehicle id."""
    id_vehicle_active = None
    tour_enumeration = None
    for feature in features:
        id_vehicle_received = feature[PROPERTIES_KEY][ID_VEHICLE]
        if id_vehicle_active is None:
            id_vehicle_active = id_vehicle_received
            tour_enumeration = 1
            tour = []
        if id_vehicle_active != id_vehicle_received:
            yield tour
            tour = []
            tour_enumeration += 1
            id_vehicle_active = id_vehicle_received
            feature[PROPERTIES_KEY][TOUR_LABEL] = tour_enumeration
            feature[PROPERTIES_KEY][TOUR_LABEL] = tour_enumeration
    if tour:
        yield tour
def geojson_out(text, stream=sys.stdout):
    """Expected JSON text is output here."""
def main():
    """Poor man's streaming falls back on hardcoded GeoJSON "frame"
    string as pre and post fix to the feature stream. the latter
    elements are accumulated in chunks carrying common "tour"
    enumeration label.

    The frame structure in Python lingo is:
        geo_dict = {"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": []}

    The features will be injected in the list and in this implementation
    need some stateful separator injection hack, to yield valid JSON
    (which does not allow trailing comma after last array elememt).
    with open('yumyum.geojson', 'wt') as f_out:
        geojson_out(GEOJSON_FRAME_PREFIX, stream=f_out)
        json_array_nanny_needed = False  # Semi-auto, means semi-manual =(
        for features in tour_gen(feature_gen(event_source())):
            for feature in features:
                if json_array_nanny_needed:
                    geojson_out(GEOJSON_LIST_SEP, stream=f_out)
                geojson_out(json.dumps(feature, sort_keys=True), stream=f_out)
                json_array_nanny_needed = True  # HACK A DID ACK

        geojson_out(GEOJSON_FRAME_POSTFIX, stream=f_out)

if __name__ == '__main__':
$ cat yumyum.geojson 
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
{"geometry": {"coordinates": [[45.75529, 4.91956], [45.83675, 4.84574]], "type": "LineString"}, "properties": {"IdVehicule": "246Veh", "NoAdresse": 42537006584, "NoDemande": 42537000003, "NoUsager": 42537000086, "Tour": 1}, "type": "Feature"},
{"geometry": {"coordinates": [[45.83675, 4.84574], [45.83955, 4.83098]], "type": "LineString"}, "properties": {"IdVehicule": "246Veh", "NoAdresse": 42537007718, "NoDemande": 42537000004, "NoUsager": 42537002720, "Tour": 1}, "type": "Feature"},
{"geometry": {"coordinates": [[45.72941, 4.88396], [45.69349, 4.94466]], "type": "LineString"}, "properties": {"IdVehicule": "164Veh", "NoAdresse": 42537000007, "NoDemande": 42537000070, "NoUsager": 42537002425, "Tour": 2}, "type": "Feature"}]