
使用python中的BeautifulSoup从XML中的嵌套标记中提取文本,python,xml-parsing,beautifulsoup,Python,Xml Parsing,Beautifulsoup,我正在尝试从嵌套标记中提取文本,例如,xml的格式为: <thread id = 1_1> <post id = 1> <title> <ne>MediaPortal</ne> Install Guide </title> <content> <ne>MediaPortal</ne> Install Guide 0. Introducti


<thread id = 1_1>
  <post id = 1>
      <ne>MediaPortal</ne> Install Guide
      <ne>MediaPortal</ne> Install Guide 0. Introduction and pre-requisites 
      <ne>MediaPortal</ne> is an open-source and free full-fledged <ne>HTPC</ne>
      front-end. It does everything you can ask for in a media center: video 
      playback, music playback, photo viewing, weather, TV tuning and recording, 
      etc. It has wide community support and thanks to it's excellent plug-in 
      and  skinning framework, there are lots of community-developed extensions 
      you can  pick and choose to make it your own. It is far more configurable 
      than <ne>Windows Media Center</ne>, and it works out-of-the-box with the 
      <ne>MCE</ne> remote. And because it provides so much more configuration 
      some find it a daunting task to install and configure. Therefore, this 
      guide will help alleviate some of that burden and help get a 
      <ne>MediaPortal</ne> installation up &amp; running. This guide is not 
      intended to replace the wonderful <ne>MediaPortal</ne> documentation, but 
      rather to introduce the AVS community to <ne>MediaPortal</ne> and provide
      a quick and easy set-up guide. If you need more details on configuration



For your convenience, if a tag has only one child node,
and that child node is a string,the child node is made
available as tag.string, as well as tag.contents[0].

>>> t = soup.find('title')
<title><ne>MediaPortal</ne> Install Guide</title>

>>> t = soup.find('title')
<title><ne>MediaPortal</ne> Install Guide</title>
>>> t.contents
[<ne>MediaPortal</ne>, u' Install Guide']
>>> t.text
u'MediaPortalInstall Guide'