Python 高效地创建具有增量值的新列

Python 高效地创建具有增量值的新列,python,performance,pandas,numpy,Python,Performance,Pandas,Numpy,我正在创建一个具有增量值的列,然后在列的开头追加一个字符串。在大数据上使用时,速度非常慢。请建议一种更快、更有效的方法 df['New_Column'] = np.arange(df[0])+1 df['New_Column'] = 'str' + df['New_Column'].astype(str) 输入 输出 一种可能的解决方案是通过map将值转换为strings: df['New_Column'] = np.arange(len(df['a']))+1 df['New_Column'


df['New_Column'] = np.arange(df[0])+1
df['New_Column'] = 'str' + df['New_Column'].astype(str)
输入 输出

df['New_Column'] = np.arange(len(df['a']))+1
df['New_Column'] = 'str_' + df['New_Column'].map(str)



%load_ext Cython

def gen_list(l, h):
    return ['str_%s' %i for i in range(l, h)]


正在理解中 Python 3.6+
时间测试 结论 与简单相比,理解力以表现取胜。请注意,这是cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ's提出的方法。我很感谢你的支持(谢谢),但让我们在适当的时候给予赞扬




更多功能 拟议办法 在对字符串和数字数据类型进行了相当多的修补并利用它们之间的简单互操作性之后,我最终得到了一个可以填充零的字符串,因为NumPy做得很好,并允许以这种方式进行矢量化操作-

def create_inc_pattern(prefix_str, start, stop):
    N = stop - start # count of numbers
    W = int(np.ceil(np.log10(stop+1))) # width of numeral part in string

    padv = np.full(W,48,dtype=np.uint8)
    a0 = np.r_[np.fromstring(prefix_str,dtype='uint8'), padv]
    a1 = np.repeat(a0[None],N,axis=0)

    r = np.arange(start, stop)
    addn = (r[:,None] // 10**np.arange(W-1,-1,-1))%10
    a1[:,len(prefix_str):] += addn.astype(a1.dtype)
    return a1.view('S'+str(a1.shape[1])).ravel()

import numexpr as ne

def create_inc_pattern_numexpr(prefix_str, start, stop):
    N = stop - start # count of numbers
    W = int(np.ceil(np.log10(stop+1))) # width of numeral part in string

    padv = np.full(W,48,dtype=np.uint8)
    a0 = np.r_[np.fromstring(prefix_str,dtype='uint8'), padv]
    a1 = np.repeat(a0[None],N,axis=0)

    r = np.arange(start, stop)
    r2D = r[:,None]
    s = 10**np.arange(W-1,-1,-1)
    addn = ne.evaluate('(r2D/s)%10')
    a1[:,len(prefix_str):] += addn.astype(a1.dtype)
    return a1.view('S'+str(a1.shape[1])).ravel()

df['New_Column'] = create_inc_pattern(prefix_str='str_', start=1, stop=len(df)+1)

In [334]: create_inc_pattern_numexpr(prefix_str='str_', start=1, stop=14)
array(['str_01', 'str_02', 'str_03', 'str_04', 'str_05', 'str_06',
       'str_07', 'str_08', 'str_09', 'str_10', 'str_11', 'str_12', 'str_13'], 

In [338]: create_inc_pattern(prefix_str='str_', start=1, stop=124)
array(['str_001', 'str_002', 'str_003', 'str_004', 'str_005', 'str_006',
       'str_007', 'str_008', 'str_009', 'str_010', 'str_011', 'str_012',..
       'str_115', 'str_116', 'str_117', 'str_118', 'str_119', 'str_120',
       'str_121', 'str_122', 'str_123'], 
解释 基本理念和解释,以及逐步的样本运行


1) 投入:

2) 参数:

In [23]: N = stop - start # count of numbers
    ...: W = int(np.ceil(np.log10(stop+1))) # width of numeral part in string

In [24]: N,W
Out[24]: (9, 2)
3) 创建表示起始字符串的1D数字数组:

In [25]: padv = np.full(W,48,dtype=np.uint8)
    ...: a0 = np.r_[np.fromstring(prefix_str,dtype='uint8'), padv]

In [27]: a0
Out[27]: array([115, 116, 114,  95,  48,  48], dtype=uint8)
4) 扩展以覆盖二维数组中的字符串范围:

In [33]: a1 = np.repeat(a0[None],N,axis=0)
    ...: r = np.arange(start, stop)
    ...: addn = (r[:,None] // 10**np.arange(W-1,-1,-1))%10
    ...: a1[:,len(prefix_str):] += addn.astype(a1.dtype)

In [34]: a1
array([[115, 116, 114,  95,  49,  53],
       [115, 116, 114,  95,  49,  54],
       [115, 116, 114,  95,  49,  55],
       [115, 116, 114,  95,  49,  56],
       [115, 116, 114,  95,  49,  57],
       [115, 116, 114,  95,  50,  48],
       [115, 116, 114,  95,  50,  49],
       [115, 116, 114,  95,  50,  50],
       [115, 116, 114,  95,  50,  51]], dtype=uint8)
5) 因此,每一行表示一个字符串的ascii等价物,每个字符串都与所需的输出不同。让我们从最后一步开始:

In [35]: a1.view('S'+str(a1.shape[1])).ravel()
array(['str_15', 'str_16', 'str_17', 'str_18', 'str_19', 'str_20',
       'str_21', 'str_22', 'str_23'], 

时间安排 下面是一个针对列表理解版本的快速计时测试,从其他帖子的计时来看,该版本似乎效果最好-

In [339]: N = 10000

In [340]: %timeit ['str_%s'%i for i in range(N)]
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.12 ms per loop

In [341]: %timeit create_inc_pattern_numexpr(prefix_str='str_', start=1, stop=N)
1000 loops, best of 3: 490 µs per loop

In [342]: N = 100000

In [343]: %timeit ['str_%s'%i for i in range(N)]
100 loops, best of 3: 14 ms per loop

In [344]: %timeit create_inc_pattern_numexpr(prefix_str='str_', start=1, stop=N)
100 loops, best of 3: 4 ms per loop

Python-3代码 在Python-3上,为了获得字符串dtype数组,我们需要在中间int dtype数组上再填充几个零。因此,对于Python-3来说,没有和有numexpr版本的等价物最终变成了类似的东西-




In [8]: N = 100000

In [9]: %timeit ['str_%s'%i for i in range(N)]
100 loops, best of 3: 18.5 ms per loop

In [10]: %timeit create_inc_pattern_numexpr(prefix_str='str_', start=1, stop=N)
100 loops, best of 3: 6.06 ms per loop

pir1 = lambda d: d.assign(new=[f'str_{i}' for i in range(1, len(d) + 1)])
pir2 = lambda d: d.assign(new=add('str_', np.arange(1, len(d) + 1).astype(str)))
cld1 = lambda d: d.assign(new=['str_%s' % i for i in range(1, len(d) + 1)])
cld2 = lambda d: d.assign(new=gen_list(1, len(d) + 1))
jez1 = lambda d: d.assign(new='str_' + pd.Series(np.arange(1, len(d) + 1), d.index).astype(str))
div1 = lambda d: d.assign(new=create_inc_pattern(prefix_str='str_', start=1, stop=len(d) + 1))
div2 = lambda d: d.assign(new=create_inc_pattern_numexpr(prefix_str='str_', start=1, stop=len(d) + 1))
res = pd.DataFrame(
    np.nan, [10, 30, 100, 300, 1000, 3000, 10000, 30000],
    'pir1 pir2 cld1 cld2 jez1 div1 div2'.split()

for i in res.index:
    d = pd.concat([df] * i)
    for j in res.columns:
        stmt = f'{j}(d)'
        setp = f'from __main__ import {j}, d'[i, j] = timeit(stmt, setp, number=200)
res.div(res.min(1), 0)

           pir1      pir2      cld1      cld2       jez1      div1      div2
10     1.243998  1.137877  1.006501  1.000000   1.798684  1.277133  1.427025
30     1.009771  1.144892  1.012283  1.000000   2.144972  1.210803  1.283230
100    1.090170  1.567300  1.039085  1.000000   3.134154  1.281968  1.356706
300    1.061804  2.260091  1.072633  1.000000   4.792343  1.051886  1.305122
1000   1.135483  3.401408  1.120250  1.033484   7.678876  1.077430  1.000000
3000   1.310274  5.179131  1.359795  1.362273  13.006764  1.317411  1.000000
10000  2.110001  7.861251  1.942805  1.696498  17.905551  1.974627  1.000000
30000  2.188024  8.236724  2.100529  1.872661  18.416222  1.875299  1.000000
def create_inc_pattern(prefix_str, start, stop):
    N = stop - start # count of numbers
    W = int(np.ceil(np.log10(N+1))) # width of numeral part in string
    dl = len(prefix_str)+W # datatype length
    dt = np.uint8 # int datatype for string to-from conversion 

    padv = np.full(W,48,dtype=np.uint8)
    a0 = np.r_[np.fromstring(prefix_str,dtype='uint8'), padv]

    r = np.arange(start, stop)

    addn = (r[:,None] // 10**np.arange(W-1,-1,-1))%10
    a1 = np.repeat(a0[None],N,axis=0)
    a1[:,len(prefix_str):] += addn.astype(dt)
    a1.shape = (-1)

    a2 = np.zeros((len(a1),4),dtype=dt)
    a2[:,0] = a1
    return np.frombuffer(a2.ravel(), dtype='U'+str(dl))

import numexpr as ne

def create_inc_pattern_numexpr(prefix_str, start, stop):
    N = stop - start # count of numbers
    W = int(np.ceil(np.log10(N+1))) # width of numeral part in string
    dl = len(prefix_str)+W # datatype length
    dt = np.uint8 # int datatype for string to-from conversion 

    padv = np.full(W,48,dtype=np.uint8)
    a0 = np.r_[np.fromstring(prefix_str,dtype='uint8'), padv]

    r = np.arange(start, stop)

    r2D = r[:,None]
    s = 10**np.arange(W-1,-1,-1)
    addn = ne.evaluate('(r2D/s)%10')
    a1 = np.repeat(a0[None],N,axis=0)
    a1[:,len(prefix_str):] += addn.astype(dt)
    a1.shape = (-1)

    a2 = np.zeros((len(a1),4),dtype=dt)
    a2[:,0] = a1
    return np.frombuffer(a2.ravel(), dtype='U'+str(dl))
def create_inc_pattern(prefix_str, start, stop):
    N = stop - start # count of numbers
    W = int(np.ceil(np.log10(stop+1))) # width of numeral part in string

    padv = np.full(W,48,dtype=np.uint8)
    a0 = np.r_[np.fromstring(prefix_str,dtype='uint8'), padv]
    a1 = np.repeat(a0[None],N,axis=0)

    r = np.arange(start, stop)
    addn = (r[:,None] // 10**np.arange(W-1,-1,-1))%10
    a1[:,len(prefix_str):] += addn.astype(a1.dtype)
    return a1.view('S'+str(a1.shape[1])).ravel()
import numexpr as ne

def create_inc_pattern_numexpr(prefix_str, start, stop):
    N = stop - start # count of numbers
    W = int(np.ceil(np.log10(stop+1))) # width of numeral part in string

    padv = np.full(W,48,dtype=np.uint8)
    a0 = np.r_[np.fromstring(prefix_str,dtype='uint8'), padv]
    a1 = np.repeat(a0[None],N,axis=0)

    r = np.arange(start, stop)
    r2D = r[:,None]
    s = 10**np.arange(W-1,-1,-1)
    addn = ne.evaluate('(r2D/s)%10')
    a1[:,len(prefix_str):] += addn.astype(a1.dtype)
    return a1.view('S'+str(a1.shape[1])).ravel()
df['New_Column'] = create_inc_pattern(prefix_str='str_', start=1, stop=len(df)+1)
In [334]: create_inc_pattern_numexpr(prefix_str='str_', start=1, stop=14)
array(['str_01', 'str_02', 'str_03', 'str_04', 'str_05', 'str_06',
       'str_07', 'str_08', 'str_09', 'str_10', 'str_11', 'str_12', 'str_13'], 

In [338]: create_inc_pattern(prefix_str='str_', start=1, stop=124)
array(['str_001', 'str_002', 'str_003', 'str_004', 'str_005', 'str_006',
       'str_007', 'str_008', 'str_009', 'str_010', 'str_011', 'str_012',..
       'str_115', 'str_116', 'str_117', 'str_118', 'str_119', 'str_120',
       'str_121', 'str_122', 'str_123'], 
In [22]: prefix_str='str_'
    ...: start=15
    ...: stop=24
In [23]: N = stop - start # count of numbers
    ...: W = int(np.ceil(np.log10(stop+1))) # width of numeral part in string

In [24]: N,W
Out[24]: (9, 2)
In [25]: padv = np.full(W,48,dtype=np.uint8)
    ...: a0 = np.r_[np.fromstring(prefix_str,dtype='uint8'), padv]

In [27]: a0
Out[27]: array([115, 116, 114,  95,  48,  48], dtype=uint8)
In [33]: a1 = np.repeat(a0[None],N,axis=0)
    ...: r = np.arange(start, stop)
    ...: addn = (r[:,None] // 10**np.arange(W-1,-1,-1))%10
    ...: a1[:,len(prefix_str):] += addn.astype(a1.dtype)

In [34]: a1
array([[115, 116, 114,  95,  49,  53],
       [115, 116, 114,  95,  49,  54],
       [115, 116, 114,  95,  49,  55],
       [115, 116, 114,  95,  49,  56],
       [115, 116, 114,  95,  49,  57],
       [115, 116, 114,  95,  50,  48],
       [115, 116, 114,  95,  50,  49],
       [115, 116, 114,  95,  50,  50],
       [115, 116, 114,  95,  50,  51]], dtype=uint8)
In [35]: a1.view('S'+str(a1.shape[1])).ravel()
array(['str_15', 'str_16', 'str_17', 'str_18', 'str_19', 'str_20',
       'str_21', 'str_22', 'str_23'], 
In [339]: N = 10000

In [340]: %timeit ['str_%s'%i for i in range(N)]
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.12 ms per loop

In [341]: %timeit create_inc_pattern_numexpr(prefix_str='str_', start=1, stop=N)
1000 loops, best of 3: 490 µs per loop

In [342]: N = 100000

In [343]: %timeit ['str_%s'%i for i in range(N)]
100 loops, best of 3: 14 ms per loop

In [344]: %timeit create_inc_pattern_numexpr(prefix_str='str_', start=1, stop=N)
100 loops, best of 3: 4 ms per loop
def create_inc_pattern(prefix_str, start, stop):
    N = stop - start # count of numbers
    W = int(np.ceil(np.log10(stop+1))) # width of numeral part in string
    dl = len(prefix_str)+W # datatype length
    dt = np.uint8 # int datatype for string to-from conversion 

    padv = np.full(W,48,dtype=np.uint8)
    a0 = np.r_[np.fromstring(prefix_str,dtype='uint8'), padv]

    r = np.arange(start, stop)

    addn = (r[:,None] // 10**np.arange(W-1,-1,-1))%10
    a1 = np.repeat(a0[None],N,axis=0)
    a1[:,len(prefix_str):] += addn.astype(dt)
    a1.shape = (-1)

    a2 = np.zeros((len(a1),4),dtype=dt)
    a2[:,0] = a1
    return np.frombuffer(a2.ravel(), dtype='U'+str(dl))
import numexpr as ne

def create_inc_pattern_numexpr(prefix_str, start, stop):
    N = stop - start # count of numbers
    W = int(np.ceil(np.log10(stop+1))) # width of numeral part in string
    dl = len(prefix_str)+W # datatype length
    dt = np.uint8 # int datatype for string to-from conversion 

    padv = np.full(W,48,dtype=np.uint8)
    a0 = np.r_[np.fromstring(prefix_str,dtype='uint8'), padv]

    r = np.arange(start, stop)

    r2D = r[:,None]
    s = 10**np.arange(W-1,-1,-1)
    addn = ne.evaluate('(r2D/s)%10')
    a1 = np.repeat(a0[None],N,axis=0)
    a1[:,len(prefix_str):] += addn.astype(dt)
    a1.shape = (-1)

    a2 = np.zeros((len(a1),4),dtype=dt)
    a2[:,0] = a1
    return np.frombuffer(a2.ravel(), dtype='U'+str(dl))
In [8]: N = 100000

In [9]: %timeit ['str_%s'%i for i in range(N)]
100 loops, best of 3: 18.5 ms per loop

In [10]: %timeit create_inc_pattern_numexpr(prefix_str='str_', start=1, stop=N)
100 loops, best of 3: 6.06 ms per loop