Python 查找、重命名和替换文件

Python 查找、重命名和替换文件,python,Python,我需要用补丁目录中提供的文件更新现有目录。 这就是我要开始的。所有这些都被我注释掉了,然后我尝试构建每一行 # $SourceDirectory = Patch folder that has files in any number of sub folders # $DestDirectory = Application folder that has the files that need patching # $UnMatchedFilesFolder = A Folder where

我需要用补丁目录中提供的文件更新现有目录。 这就是我要开始的。所有这些都被我注释掉了,然后我尝试构建每一行

# $SourceDirectory = Patch folder that has files in any number of sub folders
# $DestDirectory = Application folder that has the files that need patching 
# $UnMatchedFilesFolder = A Folder where SourceFiles go that don't have a match in $DestDirectory
# import os.path
# import os.listdir
# Create list1 of files from $SourceDirectory
# For each file (excluding directory names) in List1 (including subfolders), search for it in $DestDirectory and its subfolders;
# If you find the file by the same name, then create a backup of that file with .old;
#   move $DestDirectoryPathAndFile to $DestDirectoryPathAndFile.old;
#   print "Creating backup of file";
#   After the backup is made, then copy the file from the $SourceDirectory to the;
#   exact same location where it was found in the $DestDirectory.  ;
# Else;
#   move file to UnmatchedFilesDirectory.;
#  If the number of files in $UnMatchedFilesDirectory =/ 0;
#   Create list3 from $UnmatchedFilesDirectory
#  print "The following files in $UnMatchedFilesDirectory will need to be installed individually";
# Print "Automated Patching completed.";

# Print "Script completed"; 

如前一篇文章所述,我对你根据所提供的信息所遵循的课程表示怀疑。根据给出的文档,有更好的网站/教程可以免费帮助您学习Python/编程。这就是说,Stack Overflow是一个友好的地方,因此我希望为您提供一些信息,这些信息将在您的道路上帮助您:

import os
source_dir =r"D:\temp"

for root, dirs, files in os.walk(source_dir):
    # os.walk 'root' steps through subdirectories as we iterate
    # this allows us to join 'root' and 'file' without missing any sub-directories
    for file in files:
        exist_path = os.path.join(root, file)
        # expected_file represents the fullpath of a file we are looking to create/replace
        expected_file = exist_path.replace(source_dir, dest_dir)
        current = os.path.join(root, file)
        if os.path.exists(expected_file):
            print "The file %s exists, os.rename with '.old' before copying %s" % (current, exist_path)
            # .. note:: we should rename to .bkp here, then we would correctly copy the file below without conflict
        print "Now %s doesn't exist, we are free to copy %s" % (expected_file, exist_path)

这看起来像伪代码,而不是Python?可能需要对其进行编辑,以便清楚说明什么是评论,什么不是评论。如果你在两周后还不能区分伪代码和真代码,那么这门课就是在浪费你的时间。你试过什么?你能给我们一些你写的代码的例子吗?它在哪里被破坏了,你期望什么?我们都可以为您编写代码,但是如果您试图学习python,那就没有太大帮助了。是的,这是我刚刚亲手编写的psuedo代码,其中包含了一些粗略的想法。它在任何情况下,形状或形式都不是真正的代码。我睡了一会儿,现在我要再打一针。请继续关注。我将此功能调高了一点,并使用windows powershell来完成此操作。SQL server和outlook中出现了大量范围扩展,因此powershell是一个简单的选择。非常简单易学,尽管我认为python会更好。