Python robot框架在静态API中运行方法后如何获得结果

Python robot框架在静态API中运行方法后如何获得结果,python,return,keyword,robotframework,tsv,Python,Return,Keyword,Robotframework,Tsv,下面是我在测试用例和套件(\uuuu init\uuuuuu.txt)文件中引用的resource.txt。我希望在执行映射到静态API(RobotLibrary)的关键字后得到结果,然后将结果传递回相同的静态API(RobotLibrary)模块以断言结果。我试图将结果保存为RobotLibrary中的状态,但这不起作用,可能是因为RobotLibrary是跨多个测试的单个实例?我不介意通过关键字返回结果,并将它们作为参数返回给后续调用 *** Settings *** Library

\uuuu init\uuuuuu.txt

*** Settings ***
Library     ${CURDIR}${/}..${/}src${/}

*** Keywords ***

[return]  ${result_run}

when the configuration file "${filename}" is used to run the journey
        ${result_run}= start journey with config   ${filename}

when the route has a route code of "${routecode}"
        use route code  ${routecode}

journey status should be "${status}"
        assert journey status   ${status}

stop with name "${stopName}" should have an arrival time
        assert stop has arrival time    ${stopName}     ${result}

(acceptance_test)[root@localhost jsf_acceptance_test]# pybot -L TRACE robot-tests/manual/Mandatory-Delayed-S0-Mandatory-Delayed-S1-329-1/
Mandatory-Delayed-S0-Mandatory-Delayed-S1-329-1 :: Mandatory-Delayed-S0-Man...
Ensure feedback for stop stop0 on route CGXD                          | FAIL |
Parent suite setup failed:
No keyword with name '${result_run}= start journey with config' found.
Ensure feedback for stop stop1 on route CGXD                          | FAIL |
Parent suite setup failed:
No keyword with name '${result_run}= start journey with config' found.
Mandatory-Delayed-S0-Mandatory-Delayed-S1-329-1.Mandatory-Delayed-... | FAIL |
Parent suite setup failed:
No keyword with name '${result_run}= start journey with config' found.

2 critical tests, 0 passed, 2 failed
2 tests total, 0 passed, 2 failed
Mandatory-Delayed-S0-Mandatory-Delayed-S1-329-1 :: Mandatory-Delay... | FAIL |
Suite setup failed:
No keyword with name '${result_run}= start journey with config' found.

2 critical tests, 0 passed, 2 failed
2 tests total, 0 passed, 2 failed
Output:  /home/pycharm/jsf_acceptance_test/output.xml
Log:     /home/pycharm/jsf_acceptance_test/log.html
Report:  /home/pycharm/jsf_acceptance_test/report.html



No keyword with name '${result_run}= start journey with config' found.

${result_run}=  start journey with config
#             ^^ two spaces