Python 忽略GroupBy-Pandas中Max上的重复项

Python 忽略GroupBy-Pandas中Max上的重复项,python,pandas,Python,Pandas,我读过关于分组和获取最大值的帖子: 如果你的最大值对于一个组来说是唯一的,那么它工作得很好,而且很有帮助,但是我遇到了一个问题:忽略组中的重复项,获取唯一项的最大值,然后将其放回数据系列 输入(命名为df1): 我的代码: df1['peak_month'] = df1.groupby(['val'].transform(max) == df1['val'] 我的输出: date val max 2004-01-01 0 true





df1['peak_month'] = df1.groupby(['val'].transform(max) == df1['val']

date       val   max
2004-01-01 0     true #notice how all duplicates are true in 2004
2004-02-01 0     true
2004-03-01 0     true
2004-04-01 0     true
2004-05-01 0     true
2004-06-01 0     true
2004-07-01 0     true
2004-08-01 0     true
2004-09-01 0     true
2004-10-01 0     true
2004-11-01 0     true
2004-12-01 0     true
2005-01-01 11    true #notice how these two values 
2005-02-01 11    true #are the max values for 2005 and are true
2005-03-01 8     false
2005-04-01 5     false
2005-05-01 0     false 
2005-06-01 0     false
2005-07-01 2     false
2005-08-01 1     false
2005-09-01 0     false
2005-10-01 0     false
2005-11-01 3     false
2005-12-01 3     false

 date       val   max
2004-01-01 0     false #notice how all duplicates are false in 2004
2004-02-01 0     false #because they are the same and all vals are max
2004-03-01 0     false
2004-04-01 0     false
2004-05-01 0     false 
2004-06-01 0     false
2004-07-01 0     false
2004-08-01 0     false
2004-09-01 0     false
2004-10-01 0     false
2004-11-01 0     false
2004-12-01 0     false
2005-01-01 11    false #notice how these two values 
2005-02-01 11    false #are the max values for 2005 but are false
2005-03-01 8     true  #this is the second max val and is true
2005-04-01 5     false
2005-05-01 0     false 
2005-06-01 0     false
2005-07-01 2     false
2005-08-01 1     false
2005-09-01 0     false
2005-10-01 0     false
2005-11-01 3     false
2005-12-01 3     false

df1 = pd.DataFrame({'val':[0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, 11, 8, 5, 0 , 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 3, 3],


# Determine the unique values appearing in each year.
df1['year'] =
unique_vals = df1.drop_duplicates(subset=['year', 'val'], keep=False)

# Max transform on the unique values.
df1['peak_month'] = unique_vals.groupby('year')['val'].transform(max) == unique_vals['val']

# Fill NaN's as False, drop extra column.
df1['peak_month'].fillna(False, inplace=True)
df1.drop('year', axis=1, inplace=True)

drop\u duplicates
drop\u duplicates
# Determine the unique values appearing in each year.
df1['year'] =
unique_vals = df1.drop_duplicates(subset=['year', 'val'], keep=False)

# Max transform on the unique values.
df1['peak_month'] = unique_vals.groupby('year')['val'].transform(max) == unique_vals['val']

# Fill NaN's as False, drop extra column.
df1['peak_month'].fillna(False, inplace=True)
df1.drop('year', axis=1, inplace=True)