
通过MEL代码调用python对象时出错,python,maya,Python,Maya,如何解决这个问题 Following error occurs from maya. I am doing the following in Filemenu.mel file. this runs at the startup. python(“导入saveCentral_fromPath”); . . 全局进程runSaveCentral() { } 。 . . 菜单项-标签(“保存中心”)-en 1 -注释(“发布:复制到中心区域”) -命令(“runSaveCentral()”)pu


Following error occurs from maya. I am doing the following in Filemenu.mel file. this runs at the startup.
python(“导入saveCentral_fromPath”); . .

全局进程runSaveCentral() {


。 . . 菜单项-标签(“保存中心”)-en 1 -注释(“发布:复制到中心区域”) -命令(“runSaveCentral()”)publishItem

# Error: file: S:/xxxxxxxx/scripts/maya/melTEST/FileMenu.mel line 64: class saveCentral_fromPath has no attribute 'saveCentral'
# Traceback (most recent call last):
#   File "<maya console>", line 1, in <module>
# AttributeError: class saveCentral_fromPath has no attribute 'saveCentral' # 
#错误:文件:S:/xxxxxxxx/scripts/maya/melTEST/FileMenu.mel第64行:类saveCentral\u fromPath没有属性“saveCentral”


# Error: file: S:/xxxxxxxx/scripts/maya/melTEST/FileMenu.mel line 64: class saveCentral_fromPath has no attribute 'saveCentral'
# Traceback (most recent call last):
#   File "<maya console>", line 1, in <module>
# AttributeError: class saveCentral_fromPath has no attribute 'saveCentral' # 
python("import saveCentral_fromPath");

global proc runSaveCentral()

#               filename.classname.functionname

menuItem -label ("save Central") -en 1
-annotation ("publish : copy to central area")
-command ("runSaveCentral()") publishItem;