Python 迭代字符串格式化/解析?

Python 迭代字符串格式化/解析?,python,Python,我正在从文本文件中读取位置记录,例如,它如下所示: AB ATEA 000401550 每个记录都分配了特定数量的字符,例如: Code: AB (characters from 0 - 2) Name: ATEA (characters from 3 - 7) Value1: 00040 (characters from 8 - 13) Value2: 1550 (characters from 13 - 16) Code = X i.e. string Name = X i.e. str


AB ATEA 000401550

Code: AB (characters from 0 - 2)
Name: ATEA (characters from 3 - 7)
Value1: 00040 (characters from 8 - 13)
Value2: 1550 (characters from 13 - 16)
Code = X i.e. string
Name = X i.e. string
Value1 = 9V9(4) i.e. float with 4 decimals, i.e. 0.0040
Value2 = 9(2)V9(2) i.e. float with 2 decimals, i.e. 15.50
    def converter(name, value):
        adict = {'Code':'%s' % value,
                 'Name':'%s' % value, 
                 'Value1':float('%s.%s' % (value[:1],value[1:])),
                 'Value2':float('%s.%s' % (value[:2],value[2:]))}
        return adict[name]

   alist = [('Code',0,2),('Name',3,7),('Value1',8,13),('Value2',13,16)]
   adict = {}
   for x in afile:
      for a, b, c in alist:
         adict[a] = x[b:c]

Code: AB (characters from 0 - 2)
Name: ATEA (characters from 3 - 7)
Value1: 00040 (characters from 8 - 13)
Value2: 1550 (characters from 13 - 16)
Code = X i.e. string
Name = X i.e. string
Value1 = 9V9(4) i.e. float with 4 decimals, i.e. 0.0040
Value2 = 9(2)V9(2) i.e. float with 2 decimals, i.e. 15.50
    def converter(name, value):
        adict = {'Code':'%s' % value,
                 'Name':'%s' % value, 
                 'Value1':float('%s.%s' % (value[:1],value[1:])),
                 'Value2':float('%s.%s' % (value[:2],value[2:]))}
        return adict[name]

Code: AB (characters from 0 - 2)
Name: ATEA (characters from 3 - 7)
Value1: 00040 (characters from 8 - 13)
Value2: 1550 (characters from 13 - 16)
Code = X i.e. string
Name = X i.e. string
Value1 = 9V9(4) i.e. float with 4 decimals, i.e. 0.0040
Value2 = 9(2)V9(2) i.e. float with 2 decimals, i.e. 15.50
    def converter(name, value):
        adict = {'Code':'%s' % value,
                 'Name':'%s' % value, 
                 'Value1':float('%s.%s' % (value[:1],value[1:])),
                 'Value2':float('%s.%s' % (value[:2],value[2:]))}
        return adict[name]

   alist = [('Code',0,2),('Name',3,7),('Value1',8,13),('Value2',13,16)]
   adict = {}
   for x in afile:
      for a, b, c in alist:
         adict[a] = converter(a,x[b:c])



def float_converter(value):
    return float('{0}.{1}'.format(value[:1], value[1:]))

alist = [('Code'  , 0 , 2 , None),
         ('Name'  , 3 , 7 , None),
         ('Value1', 8 , 13, float_converter),
         ('Value2', 13, 16, float_converter)]

adict = {}
for x in afile:
   for name, start, stop, converter in alist:      
      value = x[start:stop]
      if converter:
          value = converter(value)
      adict[name] = value


adict = {}
for x in afile:
