
在python中拆分一个字符串,然后将每个单独的部分与一个值列表进行比较时会遇到麻烦,python,string,Python,String,我在实验室遇到了麻烦。我的任务是接收输入,根据空格分割输入,并测试它是否在一个单独的列表中。我有一个函数,可以查看值是否在列表中,但是当我测试一个我知道在列表中的短语时,什么都没有显示。我试图查看字符串拆分是如何拆分我的短语“austin is cool”的,当我输入city[0]时,它只返回一个“a”。我还创建了一些函数,这些函数通过一个txt文件进行解析,并创建了一个列表,这样我就可以与另一个函数进行比较,并实际检查单词是否位于列表中。以下是我的最终程序+功能: def load_city_

我在实验室遇到了麻烦。我的任务是接收输入,根据空格分割输入,并测试它是否在一个单独的列表中。我有一个函数,可以查看值是否在列表中,但是当我测试一个我知道在列表中的短语时,什么都没有显示。我试图查看字符串拆分是如何拆分我的短语“austin is cool”的,当我输入city[0]时,它只返回一个“a”。我还创建了一些函数,这些函数通过一个txt文件进行解析,并创建了一个列表,这样我就可以与另一个函数进行比较,并实际检查单词是否位于列表中。以下是我的最终程序+功能:

def load_city_corpus():
    city_list = []
    filename = "NYC2-cities.txt"
    with open(filename) as f:
        for line in f:
    return city_list



city\u test.split(“”)替换为
city\u test=city\u test.split(“”)以使功能符合您的期望。

在使用city\u test.split(“”)时,您可以基于空格拆分字符串。但最初的城市测试=[“奥斯汀很酷”]保持不变。拆分后将列表存储在变量中




def load_city_corpus():
    city_list = []
    filename = "NYC2-cities.txt"
    # return ['austin', 'boston'] # my stub for testing...
    with open(filename) as f:
        for line in f:
            city_list.append(line.strip()) # could add lower() for safety...
    return city_list

def is_a_city(city, city_list):
        index = city_list.index(city) # could be city.lower() for safety
        return True
    except ValueError: # AttributeError:
        return False

list_of_cities = load_city_corpus() # Need the () to call the func
while True:
   city_test = input("Enter some text (or ENTER to quit): ")
   if city_test == "":
   city_test = city_test.split() # (" ") not an error to use, but not nec.
   # ^^^^^^^^^^ have to assign the result of the split to preserve it...
   print(city_test[0]) #prints "a" -- not anymore! :)
   for item in city_test:
      if is_a_city(item, list_of_cities) == True: # item, not city_test
          print(f"{item.title()} is a city")          # item, not city_test
   # get rid of the below, because it will always break out of the loop after one pass.
   # else:
   #    break
再次阅读您的帖子,我注意到您使用“austin is cool”作为输入。那么,您是想检查输入的第一个单词是否是城市,还是输入的任何单词都是城市?上面的代码处理后者

city\u test.split()

city_splits = city_test.split()
print(city_splits[0]) #prints "a" -- not anymore! :)
for item in city_splits:
   if is_a_city(item, list_of_cities) == True: # item, not city_test
       print(f"{item.title()} is a city")          # item, not city_test

def load_city_corpus():
    city_list = []
    filename = "NYC2-cities.txt"
    # return ['austin', 'boston'] # my stub for testing...
    with open(filename) as f:
        for line in f:
            city_list.append(line.strip()) # could add lower() for safety...
    return city_list

def is_a_city(city, city_list):
        index = city_list.index(city) # could be city.lower() for safety
        return True
    except ValueError: # AttributeError:
        return False

list_of_cities = load_city_corpus() # Need the () to call the func
while True:
   city_test = input("Enter some text (or ENTER to quit): ")
   if city_test == "":
   city_test = city_test.split() # (" ") not an error to use, but not nec.
   # ^^^^^^^^^^ have to assign the result of the split to preserve it...
   print(city_test[0]) #prints "a" -- not anymore! :)
   for item in city_test:
      if is_a_city(item, list_of_cities) == True: # item, not city_test
          print(f"{item.title()} is a city")          # item, not city_test
   # get rid of the below, because it will always break out of the loop after one pass.
   # else:
   #    break
city_splits = city_test.split()
print(city_splits[0]) #prints "a" -- not anymore! :)
for item in city_splits:
   if is_a_city(item, list_of_cities) == True: # item, not city_test
       print(f"{item.title()} is a city")          # item, not city_test