Python 不断提示用户输入正确的文件目录,并将输入存储在变量中

Python 不断提示用户输入正确的文件目录,并将输入存储在变量中,python,Python,这是我的代码的开始,它获取一个数据集并使用matplotlib对其进行打印。但是,我想创建一个while循环,提示用户提供文件的正确路径或目录,例如/Users/Hello/Desktop/file.txt 当用户没有输入正确的路径时,循环应该不断提示输入目录 如果该路径中确实存在文件,则应将该输入存储在变量路径中,该变量路径稍后用于显示数据 如果没有文件,它应该再次询问 我的while循环似乎卡在了第一个print语句中 import pandas as pd import matplotli






import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import itertools
import os

# This is the correct directory: os.path.isfile('/Users/Hello/Desktop/file.txt')

Prompt the user for the right directory to the file.
If the file is not there, ask again.
If the path is correct, store it in the variable Path.

correct = os.path.isfile(directory)

directory = input("Please provide the correct directory to the dataset  ")

    while os.path.isfile == False:

        if os.path.isfile(Directory) != True:
            directory = ath
            print('Thank you')
        elif os.path.isfile(Directory) == True:
            print("This directory does not exist, please try again.")

#this variable inserts the users input and displays the data in the file

dframe = pd.read_table(path, delim_whitespace=True, names=('X','Y'),
                   dtype={'X': np.float64, 'Y':np.float64})

dframe.head(10) # show the first 10 rows of the data


与前一行相比,while块不应缩进。 在定义目录之前使用它 要直接回答您的问题,在打印“谢谢”之后,您需要有一个中断语句来中断while循环

您的while循环不变量也不正确-您正在检查os.path.isfile是否为False。os.path.isfile是一个函数,函数是真实的。您有效地编写了while True:-这是正确的,但它并没有执行您可能认为它正在执行的操作。


def prompt_for_filepath():
    Prompt the user for the right path to the file.
    If the file is not there, ask again.
    If the path is correct, return it.
    while True:        
        path = input("Please provide the correct path to the dataset")    
        if os.path.isfile(path):
            return path
        print("This path does not exist, please try again.")
