
python程序。苹果询问机,python,if-statement,Python,If Statement,我一直在尝试创建一个故障排除系统,我的代码在乞讨中运行良好,但我似乎找不到问题,因为它停止工作 print("welcome to Apple online iPhone help system, I will ask you a series of questions and please answer with a 'yes' or 'no', if by the end our automatic troubleshooting system does not help you,there


print("welcome to Apple online iPhone help system, I will ask you a series of questions and please answer with a 'yes' or 'no', if by the end our automatic troubleshooting system does not help you,there are more support and help options available on our website ") 
q1 = input("Is your phone running slow?")
if q1 == "yes" :
        print("ou need to free up space, phones slow down when they are full, try deleting unused apps or unnecessary photos or buy more storage. If that doesn’t fix your problem contact Apple for more help.")

if q1== "no":
                print("okay let's move on to the next question")
                q2 = input ("have your dropped your phone in water?")
                if q2 == "yes":
                            print ("turn off your phone and leave your phone in a bag of rice for 72 hours and after the waiting periodturn it on and it should work, if it doesn't your phone is broken, contact apple to get it fixed")

                            if q2 == "no":# after this code it stops working i do not understand why.
                                    print ("okay let's move on to the next question")
                                    q3 = input ("Does your phone keep crashing?")
                                    if q3 == "yes":
                                                print ("Reset your phone and that should prevent your phone from crashing, If that doesn’t fix your problem contact Apple for more help.")
                                                if q3 == "no":
                                                        print("okay let's move on to the next question")
                                                        q4 = input("is your promblem due to the recent update?")
                                                        if q4 == "yes":
                                                                    print ("there could be multiple soulitions to the this problem, go to ' and find your problem")
                                                                    if q4 == "no":
                                                                            print ("okay let's move on to the next question")





if q2 == "no":
def main():
    print("welcome to Apple online iPhone help system, I will ask you a series of questions and please answer with a 'yes' or 'no', if by the end our automatic troubleshooting system does not help you,there are more support and help options available on our website ")

    q1 = input("Is your phone running slow? ")
    if q1 == "yes" :
        print("you need to free up space, phones slow down when they are full, try deleting unused apps or unnecessary photos or buy more storage. If that doesn’t fix your problem contact Apple for more help.")

    print("okay let's move on to the next question")
    q2 = input("have your dropped your phone in water? ")
    if q2 == "yes":
        print("turn off your phone and leave your phone in a bag of rice for 72 hours and after the waiting periodturn it on and it should work, if it doesn't your phone is broken, contact apple to get it fixed")

    print("okay let's move on to the next question")
    q3 = input("Does your phone keep crashing? ")
    if q3 == "yes":
    print("Reset your phone and that should prevent your phone from crashing, If that doesn’t fix your problem contact Apple for more help.")

    print("okay let's move on to the next question")
    q4 = input("is your problem due to the recent update? ")
    if q4 == "yes":
        print("there could be multiple solutions to the this problem, go to ' and find your problem")

    print("okay let's move on to the next question")
    # the rest of your questions/answers

if __name__ == '__main__':



print("welcome to Apple online iPhone help system, I will ask you a series of questions and please answer with a 'yes' or 'no', if by the end our automatic troubleshooting system does not help you,there are more support and help options available on our website ") 
q1 = input("Is your phone running slow?")
if q1 == "yes" :
    print("You need to free up space, phones slow down when they are full, try deleting unused apps or unnecessary photos or buy more storage. If that doesn’t fix your problem contact Apple for more help.")
elif q1 == "no":
    print("okay let's move on to the next question")
    q2 = input ("have your dropped your phone in water?")
    if q2 == "yes":
                print ("turn off your phone and leave your phone in a bag of rice for 72 hours and after the waiting periodturn it on and it should work, if it doesn't your phone is broken, contact apple to get it fixed")

    elif q2 == "no":
            print ("okay let's move on to the next question")
            q3 = input ("Does your phone keep crashing?")
            if q3 == "yes":
                        print ("Reset your phone and that should prevent your phone from crashing, If that doesn’t fix your problem contact Apple for more help.")
            elif q3 == "no":
                    print("okay let's move on to the next question")
                    q4 = input("is your promblem due to the recent update?")
                    if q4 == "yes":
                                print ("there could be multiple soulitions to the this problem, go to ' and find your problem")
                                if q4 == "no":
                                        print ("okay let's move on to the next question")



print("welcome to Apple online iPhone help system, I will ask you a series of questions and please answer with a 'yes' or 'no', if by the end our automatic troubleshooting system does not help you,there are more support and help options available on our website ")

q1 = input("Is your phone running slow? ")
if q1 == "yes" :
    print("you need to free up space, phones slow down when they are full, try deleting unused apps or unnecessary photos or buy more storage. If that doesn’t fix your problem contact Apple for more help.")

    print("okay let's move on to the next question")
    q2 = input("have your dropped your phone in water? ")
    if q2 == "yes":
        print ("turn off your phone and leave your phone in a bag of rice for 72 hours and after the waiting periodturn it on and it should work, if it doesn't your phone is broken, contact apple to get it fixed")

        print("okay let's move on to the next question")
        q3 = input("Does your phone keep crashing? ")
        if q3 == "yes":
            print ("Reset your phone and that should prevent your phone from crashing, If that doesn’t fix your problem contact Apple for more help.")
            print("okay let's move on to the next question")
            q4 = input("is your problem due to the recent update? ")
            if q4 == "yes":
                print("there could be multiple solutions to the this problem, go to ' and find your problem")
                print("okay let's move on to the next question")
print("Welcome to Apple online iPhone help system, I will ask you a series "
      "of questions and please answer with a 'yes' or 'no', if by the end "
      "our automatic troubleshooting system does not help you,there are more "
      "support and help options available on our website "
      " \n")

q_and_a = [
         ["Is your phone running slow? ",
          "You need to free up space, phones slow down when they are full,"  
          " try deleting unused apps or unnecessary photos or buy more storage."
          " If that doesn’t fix your problem contact Apple for more help."],

         ["Have your dropped your phone in water? ",
          "turn off your phone and leave it in a bag of rice for 72 hours "
          "and after the waiting periodturn it on and it should work, if it "
          "doesn't your phone is broken, contact Apple to get it fixed"],

         ["Does your phone keep crashing? ",
          "Reset your phone and that should prevent your phone from crashing. "
          "If that doesn’t fix your problem contact Apple for more help."],

         ["Is your problem due to the recent update? ",
          "There could be multiple solutions to the this problem, "
          "go to ' and find your problem"],


def askit(question):
    retn = False

    ans = input(question[0])
    if ans == "yes":
        retn = True
        print("\nOkay let's move on to the next question")

    return retn

for q in q_and_a:
    if askit(q):


print("welcome to Apple online iPhone help system, I will ask you a series of questions and please answer with a 'yes' or 'no', if by the end our automatic troubleshooting system does not help you,there are more support and help options available on our website ")

q1 = input("Is your phone running slow? ")
if q1 == "yes" :
    print("you need to free up space, phones slow down when they are full, try deleting unused apps or unnecessary photos or buy more storage. If that doesn’t fix your problem contact Apple for more help.")

    print("okay let's move on to the next question")
    q2 = input("have your dropped your phone in water? ")
    if q2 == "yes":
        print ("turn off your phone and leave your phone in a bag of rice for 72 hours and after the waiting periodturn it on and it should work, if it doesn't your phone is broken, contact apple to get it fixed")

        print("okay let's move on to the next question")
        q3 = input("Does your phone keep crashing? ")
        if q3 == "yes":
            print ("Reset your phone and that should prevent your phone from crashing, If that doesn’t fix your problem contact Apple for more help.")
            print("okay let's move on to the next question")
            q4 = input("is your problem due to the recent update? ")
            if q4 == "yes":
                print("there could be multiple solutions to the this problem, go to ' and find your problem")
                print("okay let's move on to the next question")
print("Welcome to Apple online iPhone help system, I will ask you a series "
      "of questions and please answer with a 'yes' or 'no', if by the end "
      "our automatic troubleshooting system does not help you,there are more "
      "support and help options available on our website "
      " \n")

q_and_a = [
         ["Is your phone running slow? ",
          "You need to free up space, phones slow down when they are full,"  
          " try deleting unused apps or unnecessary photos or buy more storage."
          " If that doesn’t fix your problem contact Apple for more help."],

         ["Have your dropped your phone in water? ",
          "turn off your phone and leave it in a bag of rice for 72 hours "
          "and after the waiting periodturn it on and it should work, if it "
          "doesn't your phone is broken, contact Apple to get it fixed"],

         ["Does your phone keep crashing? ",
          "Reset your phone and that should prevent your phone from crashing. "
          "If that doesn’t fix your problem contact Apple for more help."],

         ["Is your problem due to the recent update? ",
          "There could be multiple solutions to the this problem, "
          "go to ' and find your problem"],


def askit(question):
    retn = False

    ans = input(question[0])
    if ans == "yes":
        retn = True
        print("\nOkay let's move on to the next question")

    return retn

for q in q_and_a:
    if askit(q):




if q2 == "no":
def main():
    print("welcome to Apple online iPhone help system, I will ask you a series of questions and please answer with a 'yes' or 'no', if by the end our automatic troubleshooting system does not help you,there are more support and help options available on our website ")

    q1 = input("Is your phone running slow? ")
    if q1 == "yes" :
        print("you need to free up space, phones slow down when they are full, try deleting unused apps or unnecessary photos or buy more storage. If that doesn’t fix your problem contact Apple for more help.")

    print("okay let's move on to the next question")
    q2 = input("have your dropped your phone in water? ")
    if q2 == "yes":
        print("turn off your phone and leave your phone in a bag of rice for 72 hours and after the waiting periodturn it on and it should work, if it doesn't your phone is broken, contact apple to get it fixed")

    print("okay let's move on to the next question")
    q3 = input("Does your phone keep crashing? ")
    if q3 == "yes":
    print("Reset your phone and that should prevent your phone from crashing, If that doesn’t fix your problem contact Apple for more help.")

    print("okay let's move on to the next question")
    q4 = input("is your problem due to the recent update? ")
    if q4 == "yes":
        print("there could be multiple solutions to the this problem, go to ' and find your problem")

    print("okay let's move on to the next question")
    # the rest of your questions/answers

if __name__ == '__main__':
