
使用simplejson在python的5级json文件中返回值,python,json,simplejson,Python,Json,Simplejson,尝试从JSON文件中获取值,在python中可以达到5个级别。当前正在获取此错误 Traceback (most recent call last): File "traffic.py", line 9, in <module> print data['features'][0]['properties']['location']['road'] KeyError: 'location' JSON文件的片段 { "type": "FeatureCollection", "p


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "traffic.py", line 9, in <module>
print data['features'][0]['properties']['location']['road']
KeyError: 'location'

  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "published": "27/06/2015 19:15",
  "rights": {
    "owner": "Department of Transport and Main Roads",
    "disclaimer": "The State of Queensland makes no statements, representations or warranties about the accuracy, currency, reliability or completeness of the information contained in this feed.",
    "copyright": "Copyright in material within this feed is owned by the State of Queensland or other entities which provide material for the website by arrangement. Please consult the 131940 website for further information."
  "features": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "id": 55141891,
      "source": {
        "externalid": null,
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Department of Transport and Main Roads"
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [
        "classifier": null
      "properties": {
        "location": {
          "road": "VICTORIA STREET",
          "suburb": "FOREST HILL",
          "localGovernment": null,
          "postcode": "4342",
          "region": {
            "id": 104,
            "name": "Darling Downs"
          "state": "QLD",
          "direction": "Both Directions",
          "additional": "Gallipoli Rememberence March.\r\nVictoria Street Forest Hill, between Church Street and William Steet"
        "event": {
          "isHighImpact": false,
          "description": "Special Event Both Directions\r\nGallipoli Rememberence March.\r\nVictoria Street Forest Hill, between Church Street and William Steet.\r\nCommencing: 22 August 2015, between the hours of 10:30am and 11:15am\r\nConcluding: 22 August 2015.\r\nRoad closed both directions\r\nNo delays expected. Use alternative route. \r\n\r\n\r\nLast edited: 08 May 2015 09:35",
          "type": "Planned",
          "cause": "Special Event",
          "incidentType": "",
          "incidentDetails": "N/A",
          "delay": "No delays expected",
          "advice": "Use alternative route",
          "limit": null,
          "extraDetails": "\r\n",
          "impact": null
        "temporal": {
          "start": "22/08/2015T10:30:00",
          "modified": "08/05/2015T09:35:14",
          "end": null,
          "review": null,
          "lastReviewed": null,
          "nextUpdate": null
        "metadata": {
          "status": null,
          "owner": null,
          "modifiedBy": null,
          "url": "http://131940.qld.gov.au/road-conditions.aspx?id=55141891",
          "contactEmail": null



for info in data['features']:
    print info['properties']['location']['road']

{u'geometry': {u'type': u'Point', u'classifier': None, u'coordinates': [152.356430053711, -27.5912036895752]}, u'source': {u'externalid': None, u'id': 2, u'name': u'Department of Transport and Main Roads'}, u'type': u'Feature', u'id': 55141891, u'properties': {u'temporal': {u'end': None, u'nextUpdate': None, u'lastReviewed': None, u'modified': u'08/05/2015T09:35:14', u'start': u'22/08/2015T10:30:00', u'review': None}, u'metadata': {u'status': None, u'owner': None, u'contactEmail': None, u'modifiedBy': None, u'url': u'http://131940.qld.gov.au/road-conditions.aspx?id=55141891'}, u'location': {u'direction': u'Both Directions', u'additional': u'Gallipoli Rememberence March.\r\nVictoria Street Forest Hill, between Church Street and William Steet', u'region': {u'id': 104, u'name': u'Darling Downs'}, u'localGovernment': None, u'suburb': u'FOREST HILL', u'state': u'QLD', u'postcode': u'4342', u'road': u'VICTORIA STREET'}, u'event': {u'impact': None, u'description': u'Special Event Both Directions\r\nGallipoli Rememberence March.\r\nVictoria Street Forest Hill, between Church Street and William Steet.\r\nCommencing: 22 August 2015, between the hours of 10:30am and 11:15am\r\nConcluding: 22 August 2015.\r\nRoad closed both directions\r\nNo delays expected. Use alternative route. \r\n\r\n\r\nLast edited: 08 May 2015 09:35', u'type': u'Planned', u'advice': u'Use alternative route', u'delay': u'No delays expected', u'incidentDetails': u'N/A', u'limit': None, u'incidentType': u'', u'extraDetails': u'\r\n', u'cause': u'Special Event', u'isHighImpact': False}}}


{u'geometry': {u'type': u'Point', u'classifier': None, u'coordinates': [152.356430053711, -27.5912036895752]}, u'source': {u'externalid': None, u'id': 2, u'name': u'Department of Transport and Main Roads'}, u'type': u'Feature', u'id': 55141891, u'properties': {u'temporal': {u'end': None, u'nextUpdate': None, u'lastReviewed': None, u'modified': u'08/05/2015T09:35:14', u'start': u'22/08/2015T10:30:00', u'review': None}, u'metadata': {u'status': None, u'owner': None, u'contactEmail': None, u'modifiedBy': None, u'url': u'http://131940.qld.gov.au/road-conditions.aspx?id=55141891'}, u'location': {u'direction': u'Both Directions', u'additional': u'Gallipoli Rememberence March.\r\nVictoria Street Forest Hill, between Church Street and William Steet', u'region': {u'id': 104, u'name': u'Darling Downs'}, u'localGovernment': None, u'suburb': u'FOREST HILL', u'state': u'QLD', u'postcode': u'4342', u'road': u'VICTORIA STREET'}, u'event': {u'impact': None, u'description': u'Special Event Both Directions\r\nGallipoli Rememberence March.\r\nVictoria Street Forest Hill, between Church Street and William Steet.\r\nCommencing: 22 August 2015, between the hours of 10:30am and 11:15am\r\nConcluding: 22 August 2015.\r\nRoad closed both directions\r\nNo delays expected. Use alternative route. \r\n\r\n\r\nLast edited: 08 May 2015 09:35', u'type': u'Planned', u'advice': u'Use alternative route', u'delay': u'No delays expected', u'incidentDetails': u'N/A', u'limit': None, u'incidentType': u'', u'extraDetails': u'\r\n', u'cause': u'Special Event', u'isHighImpact': False}}}