R 根据创建日期将图片移动到文件夹中

R 根据创建日期将图片移动到文件夹中,r,R,我想对源文件夹中的一组图片进行编目,并根据它们的创建日期移动它们。因此,如果在2017年10月31日创建了一个文件,它会将图片移动到2017年的父文件夹中,并移动到“2017年10月31日”子文件夹中。如果文件夹不存在,则应创建该文件夹 我使用下面的创建文件创建日期和年份的数据列表 files_tmp <- dir("C:/Users/.../pictures/", full.names = TRUE) filedate <- as.data.frame(file.in



files_tmp <- dir("C:/Users/.../pictures/", 
  full.names = TRUE)

filedate <- 
  names(filedate)[1] <- "date"

pics <- filedate %>% 
  mutate (createDate = format(date, "%Y-%m-%d"),
  year = format(date, "%Y"))

文件\u tmp您只需正确设置数据即可。因此,将文件移动到适当的文件夹并不重要。请参见代码中的注释

# create some fake data
cat("2017-01-01", file = "2017-01-01.txt")
cat("2018-05-11", file = "2018-05-11.txt")
cat("2018-09-09", file = "2018-09-09.txt")

# fetch all files - here I'm using to find exact dates and your method may vary
xy <- list.files(pattern = "\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}\\.txt")

# prepare variables that will create (sub)folders
# having things in Date form makes extraction of year easy (and safe)
xy <- data.frame(file = xy, date = as.Date(gsub("\\.txt", "", xy)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
xy$path <- sprintf("./%s/%s", format(xy$date, "%Y"), xy$date)

# check that folder(s) exist
subfolders <- as.character(unique(xy$path))
# create those that do not exist
cs <- xy[!sapply(subfolders, FUN = dir.exists), ]
# if there's no data, it means all appropriate folders are already created
if (nrow(cs) == 0) {
  message("All folders already exist.")
} else {
  sapply(cs$path, dir.create, recursive = TRUE)

# prepare paths where to move files to
xy$dest_to <- sprintf("%s/%s", xy$path, xy$file)

# execute the final move
mapply(FUN = function(x, y) {
  message(sprintf("Moving file %s to %s", x, y))
  file.rename(from = x, to = y)
}, x = xy$file, y = xy$dest_to)
