
R编程nls():具有错误奇异梯度的confint(),r,csv,nls,levenberg-marquardt,R,Csv,Nls,Levenberg Marquardt,以下显示代码和输出: libraryminpack.lm Levenberg-Marquardt非线性最小二乘算法,支持上下参数界 library(ggplot2) #Sophisticated combination of base and lattice graphics DRP <-read.csv(file="NormalizedDRP.csv", header=TRUE) attach(DRP) > # Lysis: 1% Lysed Algae + Seed


libraryminpack.lm Levenberg-Marquardt非线性最小二乘算法,支持上下参数界

library(ggplot2) #Sophisticated combination of base and lattice graphics
DRP <-read.csv(file="NormalizedDRP.csv", header=TRUE)


> # Lysis: 1% Lysed Algae + Seed # 

> LAS1 <-subset(DRP, RunM=="1% LAS ", select=DayM: NormalizedM)

> LAS1
  DayM NormalizedM
1    0         3.7
2    4         3.0
3   10         8.0
4   21         8.3
5   39         8.7

> fmLAS1 <-nlsLM(NormalizedM~A*(1-exp(-k*DayM)), data=LAS1, start=list(A=8, k=0))

> fmLAS1
Nonlinear regression model
  model: NormalizedM ~ A * (1 - exp(-k * DayM))
   data: LAS1
     A      k 
8.9060 0.1496 
 residual sum-of-squares: 15.98

Number of iterations to convergence: 8 
Achieved convergence tolerance: 1.49e-08

> coef(fmLAS1)
        A         k 
8.9060252 0.1495719 

> confint(fmLAS1)
Waiting for profiling to be done...
Error in prof$getProfile() : singular gradient

> deviance(fmLAS1)
[1] 15.97858

Data Set: I grabbed only a subset of the data for the variables Run M and DayM set to 1%LAS; which stands for 1% Lysed autoclaved Seed in anaerobic digestion



log_NormalizedM <- log(NormalizedM)

fit <- lm(log_NormalizedM ~ DayM)
