R 数据重组帮助:如何确定';事件';并复制该值

R 数据重组帮助:如何确定';事件';并复制该值,r,variables,if-statement,dataframe,R,Variables,If Statement,Dataframe,我找不到一条线索来回答这个特定的问题,所以我将不胜感激。 我有一个类似这样的数据集,其中变量“EventCount”统计数据集中每个人发生事件之间的天数(如果EventCount=0,则事件已发生) Day=c(1:8,1:8) EventCount=c(NA,NA,0,1,2,0,1,0,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,0) Person=c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2) dat由于这是一个有点复杂的更改,我将编写一个函数来修改数据帧。像这样的方法会奏效,但我相信会有一

我找不到一条线索来回答这个特定的问题,所以我将不胜感激。 我有一个类似这样的数据集,其中变量“EventCount”统计数据集中每个人发生事件之间的天数(如果EventCount=0,则事件已发生)



fillDays <- function(df){
    df$NewEvent <- df$EventCount

    max <- 0
    updateFrom <- 1
    for (i in 1:nrow(df)) {

        if(i %% 8 == 1){ # for each person
            max <- 0
        val <- dat$EventCount[i]

        if(is.na(val)){ # If NA, no updates, just start from next record
            updateFrom =  updateFrom + 1 

        } else if(val == 0) { # If 0, set max to previous records

            if(updateFrom != i){
                df[updateFrom : (i-1), 'NewEvent'] <- max
            max <- 0
            updateFrom = i + 1                

        } else { # update the max 
            if(val > max){
                max <- val


> fillDays(dat)

#    Person Day EventCount NewEvent
# 1       1   1         NA       NA
# 2       1   2         NA       NA
# 3       1   3          0        0
# 4       1   4          1        2
# 5       1   5          2        2
# 6       1   6          0        0
# 7       1   7          1        1
# 8       1   8          0        0
# 9       2   1          0        0
# 10      2   2          1        3
# 11      2   3          2        3
# 12      2   4          3        3
# 13      2   5          0        0
# 14      2   6          1        2
# 15      2   7          2        2
# 16      2   8          0        0

NewEvent = c(NA,NA,0,2,2,0,1,0,0,3,3,3,0,2,2,0)
dat2 <- dat <- data.frame(Person,Day,NewEvent);dat2
fillDays <- function(df){
    df$NewEvent <- df$EventCount

    max <- 0
    updateFrom <- 1
    for (i in 1:nrow(df)) {

        if(i %% 8 == 1){ # for each person
            max <- 0
        val <- dat$EventCount[i]

        if(is.na(val)){ # If NA, no updates, just start from next record
            updateFrom =  updateFrom + 1 

        } else if(val == 0) { # If 0, set max to previous records

            if(updateFrom != i){
                df[updateFrom : (i-1), 'NewEvent'] <- max
            max <- 0
            updateFrom = i + 1                

        } else { # update the max 
            if(val > max){
                max <- val


> fillDays(dat)

#    Person Day EventCount NewEvent
# 1       1   1         NA       NA
# 2       1   2         NA       NA
# 3       1   3          0        0
# 4       1   4          1        2
# 5       1   5          2        2
# 6       1   6          0        0
# 7       1   7          1        1
# 8       1   8          0        0
# 9       2   1          0        0
# 10      2   2          1        3
# 11      2   3          2        3
# 12      2   4          3        3
# 13      2   5          0        0
# 14      2   6          1        2
# 15      2   7          2        2
# 16      2   8          0        0
fillDays <- function(df){
    df$NewEvent <- df$EventCount

    max <- 0
    updateFrom <- 1
    Person <- 1
    for (i in 1:nrow(df)) {

        if(df$Person[i] != Person){
            max <- 0
            Person <- df$Person[i]
        val <- dat$EventCount[i]

            updateFrom =  updateFrom + 1

        } else if(val == 0) {

            if(updateFrom != i){
                df[updateFrom : (i-1), 'NewEvent'] <- max
            max <- 0
            updateFrom = i + 1

        } else {
            if(val > max){
                max <- val
