R 通过连续冒号从字符串中提取字符

R 通过连续冒号从字符串中提取字符,r,string,stringr,grepl,R,String,Stringr,Grepl,我试图从数据帧中的变量中提取一些信息。我使用的是R3.3.3 信息格式如下: t <- "China: Officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), is a unitary sovereign state in East Asia and the world's most populous country, with a population of around 1.404 billion. GUAM: Is an unincorpor



t <- "China: Officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), is a unitary sovereign state in East Asia and the world's most populous country, with a population of around 1.404 billion. GUAM: Is an unincorporated and organized territory of the United States in Micronesia in the western Pacific Ocean. MICRONESIA: Is a subregion of Oceania, comprising thousands of small islands in the western Pacific Ocean. It has a shared cultural history with two other island regions, Polynesia to the east and Melanesia to the south. DOMINCAN REPUBLIC: Is a country located on the island of Hispaniola, in the Greater Antilles archipelago of the Caribbean region."


>test4 <- gsub("(.*{1})(:.*)","\\1", t)

[1] "CHINA: Officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), is a unitary sovereign state in East Asia and the world's most populous country, with a population of around 1.404 billion. GUAM: Is an unincorporated and organized territory of the United States in Micronesia in the western Pacific Ocean. MICRONESIA: Is a subregion of Oceania, comprising thousands of small islands in the western Pacific Ocean. It has a shared cultural history with two other island regions, Polynesia to the east and Melanesia to the south. DOMINCAN REPUBLIC"





关于base R的以下内容如何

# Your sample string
t <- "China: Officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), is a unitary sovereign state in East Asia and the world's most populous country, with a population of around 1.404 billion. GUAM: Is an unincorporated and organized territory of the United States in Micronesia in the western Pacific Ocean. MICRONESIA: Is a subregion of Oceania, comprising thousands of small islands in the western Pacific Ocean. It has a shared cultural history with two other island regions, Polynesia to the east and Melanesia to the south. DOMINCAN REPUBLIC: Is a country located on the island of Hispaniola, in the Greater Antilles archipelago of the Caribbean region.";

# Get position of regexp matches
matches <- data.frame(
    idx = unlist(gregexpr(pattern = "([A-Z]*\\s*[A-Z]+:|\\w+:)", t)),
    len = c(diff(unlist(gregexpr(pattern = "([A-Z]*\\s*[A-Z]+:|\\w+:)", t))), nchar(t))

# Get substrings based on positions and store in list
lst <- apply(matches, 1, function(x) {
    trimws(substr(t, x[1], sum(x) - 1));

#[1] "China: Officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), is a unitary sovereign state in East Asia and the world's most populous country, with a population of around 1.404 billion."
#[2] "GUAM: Is an unincorporated and organized territory of the United States in Micronesia in the western Pacific Ocean."
#[3] "MICRONESIA: Is a subregion of Oceania, comprising thousands of small islands in the western Pacific Ocean. It has a shared cultural history with two other island regions, Polynesia to the east and Melanesia to the south. DOMINCAN"
#[4] "DOMINCAN REPUBLIC: Is a country located on the island of Hispaniola, in the Greater Antilles archipelago of the Caribbean region."


strsplit(t, "\\.\\s(?=[\\w\\s]+:)", perl=TRUE)


[1] "China: Officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), is a unitary sovereign state in East Asia and the world's most populous country, with a population of around 1.404 billion"                                         
[2] "GUAM: Is an unincorporated and organized territory of the United States in Micronesia in the western Pacific Ocean"                                                                                                         
[3] "MICRONESIA: Is a subregion of Oceania, comprising thousands of small islands in the western Pacific Ocean. It has a shared cultural history with two other island regions, Polynesia to the east and Melanesia to the south"
[4] "DOMINCAN REPUBLIC: Is a country located on the island of Hispaniola, in the Greater Antilles archipelago of the Caribbean region." 
  • \\.\\s
  • (?=[\\w\\s]+:)
  • 因此,
  • 因为我在strsplit
  • 中使用正则表达式,所以我按正则表达式匹配的任何对象进行拆分。这将导致在每个段落的末尾拆分
  • 启用lookaheads/behinds需要
  • 结果:

    [1] "China: Officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), is a unitary sovereign state in East Asia and the world's most populous country, with a population of around 1.404 billion"                                         
    [2] "GUAM: Is an unincorporated and organized territory of the United States in Micronesia in the western Pacific Ocean"                                                                                                         
    [3] "MICRONESIA: Is a subregion of Oceania, comprising thousands of small islands in the western Pacific Ocean. It has a shared cultural history with two other island regions, Polynesia to the east and Melanesia to the south"
    [4] "DOMINCAN REPUBLIC: Is a country located on the island of Hispaniola, in the Greater Antilles archipelago of the Caribbean region." 

    stringr::str_split(t, "\\.\\s(?=[\\w\\s]+:)")
    [1] "China: Officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), is a unitary sovereign state in East Asia and the world's most populous country, with a population of around 1.404 billion"                                         
    [2] "GUAM: Is an unincorporated and organized territory of the United States in Micronesia in the western Pacific Ocean"                                                                                                         
    [3] "MICRONESIA: Is a subregion of Oceania, comprising thousands of small islands in the western Pacific Ocean. It has a shared cultural history with two other island regions, Polynesia to the east and Melanesia to the south"
    [4] "DOMINCAN REPUBLIC: Is a country located on the island of Hispaniola, in the Greater Antilles archipelago of the Caribbean region."