R 读取具有特定编码的TSV(初始两个字节,之后为UTF-8)和每个字符后的NUL

R 读取具有特定编码的TSV(初始两个字节,之后为UTF-8)和每个字符后的NUL,r,data.table,readr,nul,R,Data.table,Readr,Nul,我有一个模糊的TSV,我正试图读取,显然它以一个标识符开始,并嵌入了一些NUL值(似乎每个真正的字符后面都有一个NUL)。这些是文件的前100个字节(用十六进制编辑器缩短):(我不得不将其重命名为txt以便上传,但它是一个tsv文件) 不幸的是,我不能用基函数,也不能用readr或data.table读取它 以下是reprex: file <- 'test_file.txt' # read.tsv is not able to read the file since there are




file <- 'test_file.txt'

# read.tsv is not able to read the file since there are embedded NULs
tmp <- read.table(file, header = T, nrows = 2)
#> Warning in read.table(file, header = T, nrows = 2): line 1 appears to
#> contain embedded nulls
#> Warning in read.table(file, header = T, nrows = 2): line 2 appears to
#> contain embedded nulls
#> Warning in read.table(file, header = T, nrows = 2): line 3 appears to
#> contain embedded nulls
#> Warning in scan(file = file, what = what, sep = sep, quote = quote, dec =
#> dec, : embedded nul(s) found in input

# unfortunately the skipNul argument also doesn't work
tmp <- read.table(file, header = T, nrows = 2, skipNul = T)
#> Error in read.table(file, header = T, nrows = 2, skipNul = T): more columns than column names

# read_tsv from readr is also not able to read the file (probably since it stops each line after a NUL)
tmp <- readr::read_tsv(file, n_max = 2)
#> Warning: Duplicated column names deduplicated: '' => '_1' [3], '' =>
#> '_2' [4], '' => '_3' [5], '' => '_4' [6], '' => '_5' [7], '' => '_6' [8],
#> '' => '_7' [9], '' => '_8' [10], '' => '_9' [11], '' => '_10' [12], '' =>
#> '_11' [13]
#> Parsed with column specification:
#> cols(
#>   y = col_character(),
#>   col_character(),
#>   `_1` = col_character(),
#>   `_2` = col_character(),
#>   `_3` = col_character(),
#>   `_4` = col_character(),
#>   `_5` = col_character(),
#>   `_6` = col_character(),
#>   `_7` = col_character(),
#>   `_8` = col_character(),
#>   `_9` = col_character(),
#>   `_10` = col_character(),
#>   `_11` = col_character()
#> )
#> Error in read_tokens_(data, tokenizer, col_specs, col_names, locale_, : Column 2 must be named

# fread from data.table is also not able to read the file (although it is the first function that more clearly shows the problem)
tmp <- data.table::fread(file, nrows = 2)
#> Error in data.table::fread(file, nrows = 2): embedded nul in string: 'ÿþy\0e\0a\0r\0'

# read lines reads the first actual character 'y' and the file identifier characters that seem to parse as 'ÿþ' in UTF-8
readLines(file, n = 1)
#> Warning in readLines(file, n = 1): line 1 appears to contain an embedded
#> nul
#> [1] "ÿþy"

# the problem is in the hidden NUL characters as the following command shows
readLines(file, n = 1, skipNul = T)
#> [1] "ÿþyear\tmonth\tday\tDateTime\tAreaTypeCode\tAreaName\tMapCode\tPowerSystemResourceName\tProductionTypeName\tActualGenerationOutput\tActualConsumption\tInstalledGenCapacity\tSubmissionTS"
tmp警告:已删除重复的列名重复:“”=>“\u 1”[3],“”=>
#> '_2' [4], '' => '_3' [5], '' => '_4' [6], '' => '_5' [7], '' => '_6' [8],
#> '' => '_7' [9], '' => '_8' [10], '' => '_9' [11], '' => '_10' [12], '' =>
#> '_11' [13]
#>``u 1`=列字符(),
#>`u 2`=列字符(),
#>`u 3`=列字符(),
#>``u 4`=列字符(),
#>`u 5`=列字符(),
#>``u 6`=列字符(),
#>``u 7`=列字符(),
#>``u 8`=列字符(),
#>`u 9`=列字符(),
#>`u 10`=列字符(),
#>``u 11`=列字符()
#> )
#fread from data.table也无法读取文件(尽管这是第一个更清楚地显示问题的函数)

是否有一种变通方法允许我读取此文件?最好不要使用基本函数,因为它们的速度非常慢,而且我必须读取多个超过300 MB的文件(>20个)。



file <- 'test_file.txt'

# read the file as raw and skip the first two header bytes
data_raw <- readBin(file, raw(), file.info(file)$size)[3:file.info(file)$size]

# replace the NUL values by an uncommon UTF-8 character so that we can
# later filter this one out. Please check out this list for more uncommon
# characters: http://www.fileformat.info/info/charset/UTF-8/list.htm
data_raw[data_raw == as.raw(0)] <- as.raw(1)

# convert to a string and remove the replaced characters (raw(1) in our case)
data_string <- gsub("\001", "", rawToChar(data_raw), fixed = TRUE)

# convert the resulting string to a data frame by a function to your liking
data_tmp1 <- data.table::fread(data_string, header = T) # quickest
data_tmp2 <- readr::read_tsv(data_string) # slower and is not working well with the UTF-8 characters
data_tmp3 <- read.table(data_string) # crashed R for my files (probably due to size)
