Scala 3中类型推断的变化

Scala 3中类型推断的变化,scala,type-inference,dotty,scala-3,Scala,Type Inference,Dotty,Scala 3,Scala 3将在类型推断方面带来什么变化?目前的文件只是说明。比如说, Scala 2.13 scala> val i: Int = 42 val i: Int = 42 scala> val c: Char = 'a' val c: Char = a scala> List(i,c) val res0: List[Int] = List(42, 97) scala> 42 == Some(42) ^ warning: compa

Scala 3将在类型推断方面带来什么变化?目前的文件只是说明。比如说,

Scala 2.13

scala> val i: Int = 42
val i: Int = 42

scala> val c: Char = 'a'
val c: Char = a

scala> List(i,c)
val res0: List[Int] = List(42, 97)
scala> 42 == Some(42)
       warning: comparing values of types Int and Some[Int] using `==` will always yield false
val res2: Boolean = false
scala> def f[T](i: T, g: T => T) = g(i)
def f[T](i: T, g: T => T): T

scala> f(41, x => x + 1)
       error: missing parameter type
scala> def f[F <: List[A], A](as: F) = as
def f[F <: List[A], A](as: F): F

scala> f(List(42))
       error: inferred type arguments [List[Int],Nothing] do not conform to method f's type parameter bounds [F <: List[A],A]
       error: type mismatch;
        found   : List[Int]
        required: F

Scala 3(dotty 0.24.0-RC1)

平等 Scala 2.13

scala> val i: Int = 42
val i: Int = 42

scala> val c: Char = 'a'
val c: Char = a

scala> List(i,c)
val res0: List[Int] = List(42, 97)
scala> 42 == Some(42)
       warning: comparing values of types Int and Some[Int] using `==` will always yield false
val res2: Boolean = false
scala> def f[T](i: T, g: T => T) = g(i)
def f[T](i: T, g: T => T): T

scala> f(41, x => x + 1)
       error: missing parameter type
scala> def f[F <: List[A], A](as: F) = as
def f[F <: List[A], A](as: F): F

scala> f(List(42))
       error: inferred type arguments [List[Int],Nothing] do not conform to method f's type parameter bounds [F <: List[A],A]
       error: type mismatch;
        found   : List[Int]
        required: F


scala> 42 == Some(42)
1 |42 == Some(42)
  |Values of types Int and Some[Int] cannot be compared with == or !=
scala> def f[T](i: T, g: T => T) = g(i)
def f[T](i: T, g: T => T): T

scala> f(41, x => x + 1)
val res0: Int = 42
scala> def f[F <: List[A], A](as: F) = as                                                                                                                
def f[F <: List[A], A](as: F): F

scala> f(List(42))                                                                                                                                       
val res0: List[Int] = List(42)


就scala 3的一般类型推断而言,主要有:

  • :我们现在可以表示联合类型和表达式,如

    if(条件)1 else“1”
    Int | String

  • :联合类型的一个新用途是描述可为null的类型,例如,我们可以用Java编写这样的代码:

    在scala 2中,我们还可以写:

    def getUser(id:Int):String=if(id==0)返回“Admin”或null
    但在scala 3中,这种方法也必须声明为
    String | Null
    类型,以表示其可空性,并且在较新版本的scala 3中默认情况下不会编译


  • GADT:类似于
    在java中的工作方式,我们知道有GADT。 这意味着如果你有一个未实现的方法的特点:

    def foo():单位

    val fooable:fooable=()=>打印(“Fooing”)


Scala 2.13

scala> val i: Int = 42
val i: Int = 42

scala> val c: Char = 'a'
val c: Char = a

scala> List(i,c)
val res0: List[Int] = List(42, 97)
scala> 42 == Some(42)
       warning: comparing values of types Int and Some[Int] using `==` will always yield false
val res2: Boolean = false
scala> def f[T](i: T, g: T => T) = g(i)
def f[T](i: T, g: T => T): T

scala> f(41, x => x + 1)
       error: missing parameter type
scala> def f[F <: List[A], A](as: F) = as
def f[F <: List[A], A](as: F): F

scala> f(List(42))
       error: inferred type arguments [List[Int],Nothing] do not conform to method f's type parameter bounds [F <: List[A],A]
       error: type mismatch;
        found   : List[Int]
        required: F


scala> 42 == Some(42)
1 |42 == Some(42)
  |Values of types Int and Some[Int] cannot be compared with == or !=
scala> def f[T](i: T, g: T => T) = g(i)
def f[T](i: T, g: T => T): T

scala> f(41, x => x + 1)
val res0: Int = 42
scala> def f[F <: List[A], A](as: F) = as                                                                                                                
def f[F <: List[A], A](as: F): F

scala> f(List(42))                                                                                                                                       
val res0: List[Int] = List(42)


Scala 2.13

scala> val i: Int = 42
val i: Int = 42

scala> val c: Char = 'a'
val c: Char = a

scala> List(i,c)
val res0: List[Int] = List(42, 97)
scala> 42 == Some(42)
       warning: comparing values of types Int and Some[Int] using `==` will always yield false
val res2: Boolean = false
scala> def f[T](i: T, g: T => T) = g(i)
def f[T](i: T, g: T => T): T

scala> f(41, x => x + 1)
       error: missing parameter type
scala> def f[F <: List[A], A](as: F) = as
def f[F <: List[A], A](as: F): F

scala> f(List(42))
       error: inferred type arguments [List[Int],Nothing] do not conform to method f's type parameter bounds [F <: List[A],A]
       error: type mismatch;
        found   : List[Int]
        required: F

scala>def[F AFAIK,一般来说是改进和联合类型。不确定这是否符合推断条件,但现在可以在同一参数列表中引用路径依赖类型,因此不需要辅助模式。@MarioGalic您可以观看Guillaume Martres的演讲幻灯片:关于GADT bulletpoint-
new Runnable(){def run()..}