Scroll Applescript用于在字体簿中自动滚动。我需要一些专家的指导

Scroll Applescript用于在字体簿中自动滚动。我需要一些专家的指导,scroll,fonts,applescript,Scroll,Fonts,Applescript,作为一名平面设计师,我经常需要识别文档中使用的字体或与字体匹配的字体。目前我有超过5000种不同的字体。我的系统上没有安装所有5000个。但是,我通常必须使用向下箭头键滚动1000种或更多字体的自定义集合。有时整个过程花了我一个多小时 我创建了一个在FontBook中自动滚动的脚本,并将其保存为一个名为“”的应用程序。基本上,它会打开一个对话框窗口,给我三个选项。如果我选择“向下箭头”,它会将Font Book带到前面,并以半秒的增量按下向下箭头键


我创建了一个在FontBook中自动滚动的脚本,并将其保存为一个名为“”的应用程序。基本上,它会打开一个对话框窗口,给我三个选项。如果我选择“向下箭头”,它会将Font Book带到前面,并以半秒的增量按下向下箭头键35次

然后,对话窗口再次打开。如果我选择“向上箭头”,它会将Font Book带到前面,并按向上箭头键7次,等等。但问题出在这里。如果在“向下滚动”的过程中,我看到了我想要使用的字体,并且它恰好作为“向下滚动”循环中的第二种字体出现,我希望不必等到35个向下箭头键条目完成


property selectedFontFamily : missing value

tell application "Font Book"
    delay 5
        set (selected collections) to font domain "AllFonts"
    on error errMsg number errNum
        set (selected collections) to font domain "AllFonts"
    end try
        set (selected font families) to font family 1
    on error errMsg number errNum
        set (selected font families) to font family 1
    end try
end tell
tell application "System Events"
    repeat 2 times
        key code 48
    end repeat
end tell
delay 1
repeat 40 times
    display dialog "Font Book Scrolling" buttons {"Arrow Down", "Arrow Up", "Cancel"} default button 1 giving up after 7
    set the button_pressed to the button returned of the result
    if the button_pressed is "" then
        tell application "Font Book"
            delay 1
            set (selected collections) to font domain "AllFonts"
            tell application "System Events"
                key code 37 using {command down, option down}
            end tell
            delay 1
            set selectedFontFamily to (selected font families)
        end tell
        tell application "System Events"
            delay 3
            repeat 55 times
                delay 0.6
                key code 125
            end repeat
            delay 1
        end tell
        tell application "Font Book"
            set selectedFontFamily to (selected font families)
            tell application "System Events"
                key code 37 using {command down, option down}
            end tell
        end tell
    else if the button_pressed is "Arrow Down" then
        tell application "Font Book"
            set (selected collections) to font domain "AllFonts"
            tell application "System Events"
                key code 37 using {command down, option down}
            end tell
            set selectedFontFamily to (selected font families)
        end tell
        tell application "System Events"
            delay 3
            repeat 55 times
                delay 0.6
                key code 125
            end repeat
            delay 1
        end tell
        tell application "Font Book"
            set selectedFontFamily to (selected font families)
            tell application "System Events"
                key code 37 using {command down, option down}
            end tell
        end tell
    else if the button_pressed is "Arrow Up" then
        tell application "Font Book"
            set (selected collections) to font domain "AllFonts"
            tell application "System Events"
                key code 37 using {command down, option down}
            end tell
            set selectedFontFamily to (selected font families)
        end tell
        tell application "System Events"
            delay 1
            repeat 15 times
                delay 0.7
                key code 126
            end repeat
            delay 1
        end tell
        tell application "Font Book"
            set selectedFontFamily to (selected font families)
            tell application "System Events"
                key code 37 using {command down, option down}
            end tell
        end tell
    else if the button_pressed is "Cancel" then
        tell application "Font Book"
        end tell
    end if
end repeat

on quit
    tell application "Font Book"
    end tell
    continue quit -- allows the script to quit
end quit


do shell script“kill-9$(pgrep applet)”



do shell script "kill -9  $(ps -x | awk '/[F]{print $1}'); exit 0"
  • 应用程序名称的第一个字符用方括号括起来,以免混淆包含目标AppleScript应用程序名称的
  • ;退出0
    it here,这样,如果您意外运行了AppleScript应用程序,在目标AppleScript应用程序未运行时终止该应用程序,它不会出错




在macOS 10.12.5下测试,此代码将单击“所有字体”集合,然后单击该集合中的第一种字体


set cliclick to POSIX path of (path to home folder as string) & "bin/cliclick"

tell application "Font Book"
    -- delay 1
    tell application "System Events"

        set position of window 1 of application process "Font Book" to {0, 22}
        set size of window 1 of application process "Font Book" to {800, 622}

        set theFontBookAllFontsProperties to ¬
            get properties ¬
                of static text 1 ¬
                of UI element 1 ¬
                of row 2 ¬
                of outline 1 ¬
                of scroll area 1 ¬
                of splitter group 1 ¬
                of window 1 ¬
                of application process "Font Book"

        set theFontBookAllFontsPosition to position in theFontBookAllFontsProperties
        set theFontBookAllFontsSize to size in theFontBookAllFontsProperties
        set theXpos to (item 1 of theFontBookAllFontsPosition) + (item 1 of theFontBookAllFontsSize) / 2 as integer
        set theYpos to (item 2 of theFontBookAllFontsPosition) + (item 2 of theFontBookAllFontsSize) / 2 as integer

        tell current application
            -- delay 0.25
            do shell script cliclick & " c:" & theXpos & "," & theYpos
        end tell

        set theFontBookAllFontsFirstFontsProperties to ¬
            get properties ¬
                of static text 1 ¬
                of UI element 1 ¬
                of row 1 ¬
                of outline 1 ¬
                of scroll area 2 ¬
                of splitter group 1 ¬
                of window 1 ¬
                of application process "Font Book"

        set theFontBookAllFontsFirstFontsPosition to position in theFontBookAllFontsFirstFontsProperties
        set theFontBookAllFontsFirstFontsSize to size in theFontBookAllFontsFirstFontsProperties
        set theXpos to (item 1 of theFontBookAllFontsFirstFontsPosition) + (item 1 of theFontBookAllFontsFirstFontsSize) / 2 as integer
        set theYpos to (item 2 of theFontBookAllFontsFirstFontsPosition) + (item 2 of theFontBookAllFontsFirstFontsSize) / 2 as integer

        tell current application
            -- delay 0.25
            do shell script cliclick & " c:" & theXpos & "," & theYpos
        end tell

    end tell
end tell


是的,我痛苦地意识到循环问题会影响任何有焦点的内容。这本书极其顽固。在循环开始之前,我必须手动选择“所有字体”,然后选择列表中的第一种字体。否则,脚本将控制此时的焦点。我所做的每一次努力都是为了编写脚本,选择项目“所有字体”,然后选择第一种字体failed@wch1zpink,当我在一个应用程序上运行AppleScript应用程序时,该应用程序不会在我想要的地方单击我想要的内容,我会使用它来执行单击操作。我将窗口的边界设置为我想要的位置,然后获取我想要单击的位置的连线,然后将其编码为我想要单击的位置。或者我做了额外的努力,根据我想要单击的UI元素的属性,通过编程数学计算出它在哪里单击。@wch1zpink,我发现无论哪种方式都非常可靠。当然,需要注意的是,目标应用程序必须有焦点,但这不是什么大问题,因为当我要使用这种方法时,我会在那一刻执行单个任务,以允许处理按编程进行。顺便说一句,我在鼠标工具上使用cliclick,因为我发现它比鼠标工具工作得更好。谢谢cliclick的建议。我刚刚下载了它,不久将进行测试运行。更新了代码。。。选择字体系列和字体集合现在就可以工作了。我用一个示例更新了我的答案,说明了如何根据要单击的UI元素的属性,以编程方式数学计算where,where to click。
set cliclick to POSIX path of (path to home folder as string) & "bin/cliclick"

tell application "Font Book"
    -- delay 1
    tell application "System Events"

        set position of window 1 of application process "Font Book" to {0, 22}
        set size of window 1 of application process "Font Book" to {800, 622}

        set theFontBookAllFontsProperties to ¬
            get properties ¬
                of static text 1 ¬
                of UI element 1 ¬
                of row 2 ¬
                of outline 1 ¬
                of scroll area 1 ¬
                of splitter group 1 ¬
                of window 1 ¬
                of application process "Font Book"

        set theFontBookAllFontsPosition to position in theFontBookAllFontsProperties
        set theFontBookAllFontsSize to size in theFontBookAllFontsProperties
        set theXpos to (item 1 of theFontBookAllFontsPosition) + (item 1 of theFontBookAllFontsSize) / 2 as integer
        set theYpos to (item 2 of theFontBookAllFontsPosition) + (item 2 of theFontBookAllFontsSize) / 2 as integer

        tell current application
            -- delay 0.25
            do shell script cliclick & " c:" & theXpos & "," & theYpos
        end tell

        set theFontBookAllFontsFirstFontsProperties to ¬
            get properties ¬
                of static text 1 ¬
                of UI element 1 ¬
                of row 1 ¬
                of outline 1 ¬
                of scroll area 2 ¬
                of splitter group 1 ¬
                of window 1 ¬
                of application process "Font Book"

        set theFontBookAllFontsFirstFontsPosition to position in theFontBookAllFontsFirstFontsProperties
        set theFontBookAllFontsFirstFontsSize to size in theFontBookAllFontsFirstFontsProperties
        set theXpos to (item 1 of theFontBookAllFontsFirstFontsPosition) + (item 1 of theFontBookAllFontsFirstFontsSize) / 2 as integer
        set theYpos to (item 2 of theFontBookAllFontsFirstFontsPosition) + (item 2 of theFontBookAllFontsFirstFontsSize) / 2 as integer

        tell current application
            -- delay 0.25
            do shell script cliclick & " c:" & theXpos & "," & theYpos
        end tell

    end tell
end tell