Shiny 闪亮的应用程序不再启动

Shiny 闪亮的应用程序不再启动,shiny,Shiny,我的闪亮应用程序的问题是它不再启动。可通过以下链接访问: 它始终正常工作,但当我今天尝试启动它时,收到错误消息: An error has occurred The application failed to start. Loading required package: RCurl Loading required package: bitops Error in guess(varying) : failed to guess time-varying variables fro



An error has occurred

The application failed to start.

Loading required package: RCurl
Loading required package: bitops
Error in guess(varying) : 
  failed to guess time-varying variables from their names
Calls: local ... source -> withVisible -> eval -> eval -> reshape -> guess
Execution halted



非常感谢! 托拜厄斯

# 代码如下:

用户界面 服务器.r
share\u share\u de请包含一些示例代码,也许有人可以发现错误并进一步帮助您。看起来像是猜测函数中的错误,而不是闪亮的。看看你的代码在shiny之外是否仍然有效。谢谢你的提示。如果从Rstudio开始,我会得到完全相同的错误。这可能与软件包升级有关吗?@Tobias我猜是这样的。使用?从控制台猜一猜,看看文档中是否有注释,或者使用google fu,看看是否有其他用户有相同的问题

options(RCHART_LIB = 'polycharts')

l = c("Electrical machinery, apparatus, energy",
      "Audio-visual technology",
      "Digital communication",
      "Basic communication processes",
      "Computer technology",
      "IT methods for management",
      "Analysis of biological materials",
      "Medical technology",
      "Organic fine chemistry",
      "Macromolecular chemistry, polymers",
      "Food chemistry",
      "Basic materials chemistry",
      "Materials, metallurgy",
      "Surface technology, coating",
      "Micro-structural and nano-technology",
      "Chemical engineering",
      "Environmental technology",
      "Machine tools",
      "Engines, pumps, turbines",
      "Textile and paper machines",
      "Other special machines",
      "Thermal processes and apparatus",
      "Mechanical elements",
      "Furniture, games",
      "Other consumer goods",
      "Civil engineering")


headerPanel("RTA by 'Schmoch field' Germany and Turkey"),

        selectInput(inputId = "field",
                label = "Select field",
                choices = l,
                selected = "Electrical machinery, apparatus, energy")

        showOutput("chart2", "polycharts"),
        showOutput("chart1", "polycharts")
share_share_de <- read.csv("share_share_de.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",", check.names = FALSE)

share_share_tr <- read.csv("share_share_tr.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",", check.names = FALSE)


options(RCHART_WIDTH = 800)

l = c("Electrical machinery, apparatus, energy",
      "Audio-visual technology",
      "Digital communication",
      "Basic communication processes",
      "Computer technology",
      "IT methods for management",
      "Analysis of biological materials",
      "Medical technology",
      "Organic fine chemistry",
      "Macromolecular chemistry, polymers",
      "Food chemistry",
      "Basic materials chemistry",
      "Materials, metallurgy",
      "Surface technology, coating",
      "Micro-structural and nano-technology",
      "Chemical engineering",
      "Environmental technology",
      "Machine tools",
      "Engines, pumps, turbines",
      "Textile and paper machines",
      "Other special machines",
      "Thermal processes and apparatus",
      "Mechanical elements",
      "Furniture, games",
      "Other consumer goods",
      "Civil engineering")

shinyServer(function(input, output) {

output$chart2 <- renderChart({

FIELD = as.character (which (l == input$field))

sub <-  share_share_tr [, c ("Prio_Year", FIELD)]

colnames (sub) <- c("Prio_Year", "value")

p2 <- rPlot(value ~ Prio_Year, type = 'line', data = sub)

 p2$guides(y = list(min = 0, title = ""))

 p2$guides(y = list(title = ""))

 p2$addParams(height = 300, dom = 'chart2', title = "Turkey")


 output$chart1 <- renderChart({

FIELD = as.character (which (l == input$field))

 sub <-  share_share_de [, c ("Prio_Year", FIELD)]

 colnames (sub) <- c("Prio_Year", "value")

 p2 <- rPlot(value ~ Prio_Year, type = 'line', data = sub)

 p2$guides(y = list(min = 0, title = ""))

p2$guides(y = list(title = ""))

p2$addParams(height = 300, dom = 'chart1', title = "Germany")
