Spring mvc 条件语句

Spring mvc 条件语句,spring-mvc,thymeleaf,Spring Mvc,Thymeleaf,当使用Thymeleaf时,我试图有条件地显示某个图像。 这工作正常 <img th:if="*{ score &lt; 20 and score &gt; 0}" src="images/Fast-Track-No1.jpg" th:href="@{/images/Fast-Track-No1.jpg}" style = "width: 450px;" alt=""/> <img th:if="*{ score &lt; 20 and score

当使用Thymeleaf时,我试图有条件地显示某个图像。 这工作正常

<img th:if="*{ score &lt; 20 and score &gt; 0}" src="images/Fast-Track-No1.jpg" th:href="@{/images/Fast-Track-No1.jpg}"  style = "width: 450px;" alt=""/>
<img th:if="*{ score &lt; 20 and score &gt;= 0}" src="images/Fast-Track-No1.jpg" th:href="@{/images/Fast-Track-No1.jpg}"  style = "width: 450px;" alt=""/>


*{score} ge; 0" 
<img th:if="*{ score &lt; 20 and score &gt;= 0}" src="images/Fast-Track-No1.jpg" th:href="@{/images/Fast-Track-No1.jpg}"  style = "width: 450px;" alt=""/>