Sql server 2012 从一个表中获取一行,并检查另一个表中的对应行(如果存在),然后将此行添加到第一个表行的下一行

Sql server 2012 从一个表中获取一行,并检查另一个表中的对应行(如果存在),然后将此行添加到第一个表行的下一行,sql-server-2012,Sql Server 2012,我有一个表,比如a,它有一些行和'Id'列作为主键。和其他表B,它有“TabAId”并引用表A id列。 希望获得如所附图像所示的报告。 解释 I“sql server”数据库 从表A中选择一行并检查表B中的Id,如果存在,则将表B行添加为下一行(如果存在多行,则也将这些行数添加为下一行),否则继续 尝试使用case语句,该语句追加到行,而不是作为下一行添加。 和join发生的情况也一样 通过php之类的编程语言或jquery和ajax之类的脚本编写可能很容易,但我只希望通过sql server

我有一个表,比如a,它有一些行和'Id'列作为主键。和其他表B,它有“TabAId”并引用表A id列。 希望获得如所附图像所示的报告。 解释 I“sql server”数据库 从表A中选择一行并检查表B中的Id,如果存在,则将表B行添加为下一行(如果存在多行,则也将这些行数添加为下一行),否则继续

尝试使用case语句,该语句追加到行,而不是作为下一行添加。 和join发生的情况也一样

通过php之类的编程语言或jquery和ajax之类的脚本编写可能很容易,但我只希望通过sql server实现。这有助于我满足进一步的需求



create table tabA(id int not null primary key,
name varchar(20) null,age int null)

insert into tabA values(1,'Sudeep',35),

create table tabB(A_id int not null,nickname varchar(20) null )

insert into tabB values(1,'Kiccha'),

    Id | name        | age  |
    1  | Sudeep      | 35   |
       | *Kichha     |      |
       | *Nalla      |      |
    2  | Darshan     | 34   |
       | *Boss       |      |



WITH cte
AS (
    SELECT *
        ,DENSE_RANK() OVER (
            ORDER BY id
            ) dn
        ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
            PARTITION BY id ORDER BY age DESC
            ) rn
    FROM (
        SELECT *
        FROM tabA a

        UNION ALL

        SELECT *
        FROM tabB b where exists (select 1 from taba a where a.id=b.A_id)
        ) a
SELECT iif(rn = 1, cast(id AS VARCHAR(50)), '') ID
    ,CONCAT (
        iif(rn = 1, '', '*')
        ) NAME
    ,iif(rn = 1, cast(age AS VARCHAR(50)), '') AGE
FROM cte


if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#cte_results') is not null
drop table #cte_results
in order to achieve the second goal we need to store in results in a table then use that table to display

WITH cte
AS (
    SELECT *
        ,DENSE_RANK() OVER (
            ORDER BY id
            ) dn
        ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
            PARTITION BY id ORDER BY age DESC
            ) rn
        ,ROW_NUMBER() over( order by id asc,age desc) off_set
    FROM (
        SELECT *
        FROM tabA a

        UNION ALL

        SELECT *
        FROM tabB b where exists (select 1 from taba a where a.id=b.A_id)
        ) a
SELECT iif(rn = 1, cast(id AS VARCHAR(50)), '') ID
    ,CONCAT (
        iif(rn = 1, '', '*')
        ) NAME
    ,iif(rn = 1, cast(age AS VARCHAR(50)), '') AGE,off_set,rn,max(rn) over(partition by id) max_rn,id idrrr
    into #cte_results
FROM cte

the following query is used to display the results in the screen dynamically
declare @pre_offset  int=0, @post_offset int =2

set @post_offset=( select top 1  max(max_rn)-max(rn) 
from #cte_results
where off_Set 
between @pre_offset and @post_offset
group by idrrr
order by idrrr desc

select id,name,age from #cte_results
where off_Set 
between @pre_offset and @post_offset



WITH cte
AS (
    SELECT *
        ,DENSE_RANK() OVER (
            ORDER BY id
            ) dn
        ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
            PARTITION BY id ORDER BY age DESC
            ) rn
    FROM (
        SELECT *
        FROM tabA a

        UNION ALL

        SELECT *
        FROM tabB b where exists (select 1 from taba a where a.id=b.A_id)
        ) a
SELECT iif(rn = 1, cast(id AS VARCHAR(50)), '') ID
    ,CONCAT (
        iif(rn = 1, '', '*')
        ) NAME
    ,iif(rn = 1, cast(age AS VARCHAR(50)), '') AGE
FROM cte


if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#cte_results') is not null
drop table #cte_results
in order to achieve the second goal we need to store in results in a table then use that table to display

WITH cte
AS (
    SELECT *
        ,DENSE_RANK() OVER (
            ORDER BY id
            ) dn
        ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
            PARTITION BY id ORDER BY age DESC
            ) rn
        ,ROW_NUMBER() over( order by id asc,age desc) off_set
    FROM (
        SELECT *
        FROM tabA a

        UNION ALL

        SELECT *
        FROM tabB b where exists (select 1 from taba a where a.id=b.A_id)
        ) a
SELECT iif(rn = 1, cast(id AS VARCHAR(50)), '') ID
    ,CONCAT (
        iif(rn = 1, '', '*')
        ) NAME
    ,iif(rn = 1, cast(age AS VARCHAR(50)), '') AGE,off_set,rn,max(rn) over(partition by id) max_rn,id idrrr
    into #cte_results
FROM cte

the following query is used to display the results in the screen dynamically
declare @pre_offset  int=0, @post_offset int =2

set @post_offset=( select top 1  max(max_rn)-max(rn) 
from #cte_results
where off_Set 
between @pre_offset and @post_offset
group by idrrr
order by idrrr desc

select id,name,age from #cte_results
where off_Set 
between @pre_offset and @post_offset
