Sql 查找大写字符,然后添加空格

Sql 查找大写字符,然后添加空格,sql,uppercase,Sql,Uppercase,我买了一个SQL世界城市/州数据库。在状态数据库中,它将状态名称推到一起。例如:“北卡罗来纳州”或“南卡罗莱纳州” SQL中是否有方法循环并查找大写字符并添加空格 这样“北卡罗莱纳州”就变成了“北卡罗莱纳州”?有几种方法可以实现这一点 使用模式和 为每种情况(例如,REPLACE(在您的示例案例中,状态名称为'hC','hC'))链接最小语句。这似乎是一种攻击,但实际上可能会给您带来最好的性能,因为您的替换集非常小 创建此函数 if object_id('dbo.SpaceBeforeCaps'





  • 使用模式和

  • 为每种情况(例如,

  • 创建此函数

    if object_id('dbo.SpaceBeforeCaps') is not null
        drop function dbo.SpaceBeforeCaps
    create function dbo.SpaceBeforeCaps(@s varchar(100)) returns varchar(100)
        declare @return varchar(100);
        set @return = left(@s,1);
        declare @i int;
        set @i = 2;
        while @i <= len(@s)
            if ASCII(substring(@s,@i,1)) between ASCII('A') and ASCII('Z')
                set @return = @return + ' ' + substring(@s,@i,1)
                set @return = @return + substring(@s,@i,1)
            set @i = @i + 1;
        return @return;

    如果绝对无法创建函数,并且需要一次性创建函数,则可以使用递归CTE将字符串拆分(并在需要时同时添加空格),然后使用FOR XML重新组合字符。下面详细说明示例:

    -- some sample data
    create table #tmp (id int identity primary key, statename varchar(100));
    insert #tmp select 'NorthCarolina';
    insert #tmp select 'SouthCarolina';
    insert #tmp select 'NewSouthWales';
    -- the complex query updating the "statename" column in the "#tmp" table
    ;with cte(id,seq,char,rest) as (
        select id,1,cast(left(statename,1) as varchar(2)), stuff(statename,1,1,'')
          from #tmp
         union all
        select id,seq+1,case when ascii(left(rest,1)) between ascii('A') and ascii('Z')
                             then ' ' else '' end + left(rest,1)
             , stuff(rest,1,1,'')
          from cte
         where rest > ''
    ), recombined as (
      select a.id, (select b.char+''
                      from cte b
                     where a.id = b.id
                  order by b.seq
                       for xml path, type).value('/','varchar(100)') fixed
        from cte a
    group by a.id
    update t
       set statename = c.fixed
      from #tmp t
      join recombined c on c.id = t.id
     where statename != c.fixed;
    -- check the result
    select * from #tmp
    ----------- -----------
    id          statename
    ----------- -----------
    1           North Carolina
    2           South Carolina
    3           New South Wales

    -- some sample data
    create table #tmp (id int identity primary key, statename varchar(100));
    insert #tmp select 'NorthCarolina';
    insert #tmp select 'SouthCarolina';
    insert #tmp select 'NewSouthWales';
    -- the complex query updating the "statename" column in the "#tmp" table
    ;with cte(id,seq,char,rest) as (
        select id,1,cast(left(statename,1) as varchar(2)), stuff(statename,1,1,'')
          from #tmp
         union all
        select id,seq+1,case when ascii(left(rest,1)) between ascii('A') and ascii('Z')
                             then ' ' else '' end + left(rest,1)
             , stuff(rest,1,1,'')
          from cte
         where rest > ''
    ), recombined as (
      select a.id, (select b.char+''
                      from cte b
                     where a.id = b.id
                  order by b.seq
                       for xml path, type).value('/','varchar(100)') fixed
        from cte a
    group by a.id
    update t
       set statename = c.fixed
      from #tmp t
      join recombined c on c.id = t.id
     where statename != c.fixed;
    -- check the result
    select * from #tmp
    ----------- -----------
    id          statename
    ----------- -----------
    1           North Carolina
    2           South Carolina
    3           New South Wales