Sql 行号编号任意值重新启动以更改值

Sql 行号编号任意值重新启动以更改值,sql,sql-server,rank,gaps-and-islands,row-number,Sql,Sql Server,Rank,Gaps And Islands,Row Number,我有一个表xxx,其结构和列如下() 具有独特的约束 ALTER TABLE [dbo].[xxx] ADD UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED ( [GameNo] ASC,[GameID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEM



    [GameNo] ASC,[GameID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX  = OFF, 
                                    STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE  = OFF,  
                                    SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, 
                                    IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, 
                                    ONLINE = OFF, 
                                    ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS  = ON, 
                                    ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS  = ON) ON [PRIMARY]


GameNo  GameID      UserID  SteamID             GameWonLoose    GameAbandon  GamePlayDateTime
1       Chennai1    20      steamID 1:165440    1               0           2013-12-25 4:41:25.300
2       Chennai2    20      steamID 1:165440    1               0           2013-12-25 14:41:25.310
3       Chennai3    20      steamID 1:165440    1               0           2013-12-25 14:41:25.317
7       Chennai4    20      steamID 1:165440    1               0           2013-12-25 14:50:17.617
8       Chennai5    20      steamID 1:165440    1               0           2013-12-25 14:50:17.623
9       Chennai6    20      steamID 1:165440    1               0           2013-12-25 14:50:17.633
10      chennai2    27      steamID 1:165222    1               0           2013-12-28 11:09:56.823
11      chennai2    27      steamID 1:165222    0               0           2013-12-28 11:12:17.043
12      chennai3    27      steamID 1:165222    1               0           2013-12-28 11:12:17.053
13      chennai4    27      steamID 1:165222    1               0           2013-12-28 11:12:17.063
14      chennai5    27      steamID 1:165222    1               1           2013-12-28 11:12:17.070
15      chennai6    27      steamID 1:165222    0               0           2013-12-28 11:12:17.080
16      chennai7    8       steamID 1:174502    1               0           2013-12-28 11:13:13.790
17      chennai8    8       steamID 1:174502    0               0           2013-12-28 11:13:13.797
18      chennai7    27      steamID 1:165222    1               0           2013-12-28 11:13:38.517
19      chennai8    27      steamID 1:165222    0               1           2013-12-28 11:13:38.523
20      chennai7    35      steamID 1:184002    1               0           2013-12-28 11:14:05.037
21      chennai8    35      steamID 1:184002    1               0           2013-12-28 11:14:05.047
22      chennai9    8       steamID 1:174502    1               0           2013-12-28 11:14:45.253
23      chennai10   8       steamID 1:174502    1               1           2013-12-28 11:14:45.263
24      chennai11   8       steamID 1:174502    0               0           2013-12-28 11:14:45.270
25      chennai9    35      steamID 1:184002    1               0           2013-12-28 11:15:04.740
26      chennai10   35      steamID 1:184002    1               1           2013-12-28 11:15:04.747
27      chennai11   35      steamID 1:184002    0               0           2013-12-28 11:15:04.757
例如,userid20的GameWonLose列的连续位值为1,其中 该列为0。因此,如果
考虑过的。 在这里,我需要找到userid,如果它对gameno-asc订单上的任何5条记录都是真的

with x as
select GameNo,GameID,UserID, SteamID, GameWonLoose, GameAbandon,    
ROW_NUMBER()over(Partition by UserID Order by GameNo) as 'RowNumber' 
from xxx
select x.GameNo,x.GameID,x.UserID,x.SteamID,
ROW_NUMBER()over(partition by x.UserId order by x.RowNumber),
ROW_NUMBER()over(partition by x.UserId order by x.RowNumber) 'RowNumber3' 
from x;
(1 0 1 10 0 0 0)类似于(1 1 2 3 2 3 4)。

看看GameWonLose=1(赢),那么同一行中如何记录GameAbout=1(意味着游戏取消)。 是否可能?我是否遵循了?如果只有一列名为GameStatus(tinyint) 0-lose,1=赢,2=游戏abondon等,这样可以更容易管理


;with cte as
    (select *,ROW_NUMBER()over(Partition by UserID order by gameno)rn from @xxx
    where GameWonLoose=1 and GameAbandon=0)

    select * from cte where userid in(select userid from cte group by userid having max(rn)>=5)


;with cte as
    (select *,ROW_NUMBER()over(Partition by UserID order by gameno)rn from @xxx
    where GameWonLoose=1 and GameAbandon=0)

    select * from cte where userid in(select userid from cte group by userid having max(rn)>=5)