Sql 如何优化或删除以下查询中的冗余

Sql 如何优化或删除以下查询中的冗余,sql,sql-server,sql-server-2005,tsql,query-optimization,Sql,Sql Server,Sql Server 2005,Tsql,Query Optimization,我有四张桌子 Table1 (employee) id name -------------------- 1 a 2 b Table2 (appointment) id table1id table3id table4id sdate edate typeid ----------------------------------------------------------------------


Table1 (employee)
id          name
1           a
2           b

Table2 (appointment)
id    table1id    table3id    table4id   sdate    edate     typeid
1       1              1          1      1/1/09    NULL       100
2       2              2          1      1/1/09    NULL       101

Table3 (title)
id      name
1       worker1
2       worker2
3       Assistant
4       Manager

Table4 (Department names)
id      name
1       Logistics
2       ABC
3       XYZ

id       name
100      w (primary)
101      e (secondary)
102      r (other-primary)
103      t (.....)
104      y (....)

Select id, name, title, dept
FROM table1 a
INNER JOIN table2 b ON a.id = b.table1id
INNER JOIN table3 c ON b.table3id = c.id
INNER JOIN table4 d ON d.id = b.table4id
WHERE typeid =
           SELECT min(type_id) /* i want primary type appointments */
           FROM table2
           WHERE sdate < getdate() and (edate > getdate() or edate IS NULL)
           AND sdate = (select max(sdate) from table2 where table1id = a.id)
           AND typeid in (100, 102)
AND b.sdate < getdate() and (b.edate > getdate() or b.edate IS NULL)
AND b.sdate = (select max(sdate) from table2 where table1id = a.id)

/* last two i have to repeat again to remove dupes */

Select id, name, title, dept
FROM table1 a
INNER JOIN table2 b ON a.id = b.table1id
INNER JOIN table3 c ON b.table3id = c.id
INNER JOIN table4 d ON d.id = b.table4id
INNER JOIN (select max(sdate) from table2 group by table1id) new1 ON new1.table1id = a.id
WHERE typeid =
       SELECT min(type_id) /* i want primary type appointments */
       FROM table2
       WHERE sdate < getdate() and (edate > getdate() or edate IS NULL)
       AND sdate = (select max(sdate) from table2 where table1id = a.id)
       AND typeid in (100, 102)
AND b.sdate < getdate() and (b.edate > getdate() or b.edate IS NULL)
AND b.sdate = new1.sdate

Select id, name, title, dept
FROM table1 a
INNER JOIN table2 b ON a.id = b.table1id
INNER JOIN table3 c ON b.table3id = c.id
INNER JOIN table4 d ON d.id = b.table4id
WHERE b.sdate < getdate() and (b.edate > getdate() or b.edate IS NULL)
AND typeid in (100, 102)
GROUP BY id, name, title, dept
HAVING b.sdate = max(sdate)
  AND typeid = min(type_id)



Grrr。。。您已经定义了表别名,但不能在联接语法之外使用它们。如果您可以说明您试图回答的问题,这会有所帮助。如果您使用真实的表名和列名,而不是像d.id=b.table4id上的内部联接table4 d这样的内容,那么理解查询就会容易得多。你能解释一下你的查询应该做什么吗?我试图返回积极就业和主要就业类型的员工。每个员工可以有2-3个雇佣类型,并且可以有多个职称,晋升时可以过期,所以我想要最新记录。