Sql 如何在所有参数中选择记录匹配?

Sql 如何在所有参数中选择记录匹配?,sql,sqlite,Sql,Sqlite,我有表格目录视图。我包含指定类别的联系人。联系人可以有几个类别。我想选择联系人,它属于按用户类别选择的所有联系人 e.g contact "Jone" belongs to categories [1,2,3,4,5,6] and contact "Jay" belongs to categories [1,3]. If user select categories [2,3], only "Jone" should be returned, if [1]|[3]|[1,3] selected,


e.g contact "Jone" belongs to categories [1,2,3,4,5,6] and contact "Jay" belongs to categories [1,3]. If user select categories [2,3], only "Jone" should be returned, if [1]|[3]|[1,3] selected, both should be returned, if [7]|[1,7] selected, none should be returned. 


SELECT * FROM catalog_view WHERE (category_id = ?)

SELECT * FROM catalog_view WHERE (category_id = ? OR category_id = ? OR category_id =?)

SELECT * FROM catalog_view WHERE (category_id = ? AND category_id = ? AND category_id =?)

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS contacts_table(_id integer primary key, title text default '',title_lower text default '',title_short text default '',photo blob, number text default '', note text default '', note_lower text default '', email text, partner int default '0', contact_id int default '0', current_user text default '', categories text default '', saved integer default '0' );

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS categories_table(_id integer primary key, category_id integer, parent_id integer, name text, section_name text, current_user text, sub_name text default '' );
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS contacts_categories_table(_id integer primary key, contact_id integer, category_id integer, current_user text );

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS categories_table(_id integer primary key, category_id integer, parent_id integer, name text, section_name text, current_user text, sub_name text default '' );
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS contacts_categories_table(_id integer primary key, contact_id integer, category_id integer, current_user text );

CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS catalog_view AS  SELECT contacts_table._id AS _id, contacts_table.contact_id, contacts_table.title_lower, contacts_table.note_lower, contacts_table.current_user, contacts_table.saved, contacts_table.partner, contacts_table.title, contacts_table.email, contacts_table.title_short, contacts_table.number, contacts_table.note, contacts_table.categories, categories_table.section_name, contacts_table.contact_id, categories_table.parent_id, categories_table.category_id  FROM contacts_categories_table INNER JOIN contacts_table ON(contacts_categories_table.contact_id = contacts_table.contact_id AND contacts_categories_table.current_user = contacts_table.current_user)  LEFT OUTER JOIN categories_table ON(contacts_categories_table.category_id = categories_table.category_id AND contacts_categories_table.current_user = categories_table.current_user) 


SELECT distinct name from catalog_view s
      (SELECT count(*) from catalog_view t
      where t.name = s.name and
      category_id in(YOUR CONTACT SELECTION HERE IN FORMAT OF 1,3,4...)) 

SELECT distinct name from catalog_view s
where 2 =
      (SELECT count(*) from catalog_view t
      where t.name = s.name and
      category_id in(1,3)) 