SQL Server 2016:用于XML和具有多连接查询的内容

SQL Server 2016:用于XML和具有多连接查询的内容,sql,sql-server-2016,stuff,Sql,Sql Server 2016,Stuff,出于报告目的,我提出了一个查询,列出了尚未提交季度报告的雇主以及尚未提交季度报告的雇主。这是我的疑问: with employerIds as (select distinct Employerid from employerTransaction), quarters as (select distinct QId from employerTransaction) select ei.EmployerId, e.Empl


with employerIds as (select distinct Employerid
                from employerTransaction),
quarters as (select distinct QId
                    from employerTransaction)
select ei.EmployerId, e.EmployerName, q.QId
from employerIds as ei
cross join quarters as q
left join employerTransaction as et
        on et.EmployerId = ei.EmployerId
        and et.QId = q.QId
join employer as e
        on e.EmployerId = ei.EmployerId
where et.employerid is null
group by ei.employerid, q.QId
order by ei.EmployerId, q.QId

    EmployerId   EmployerName                 QId
    1            Potato Inc                   20193
    1            Potato Inc                   20202
    1            Potato Inc                   20203
    2            Donuts LLC                   20202
    2            Donuts LLC                   20203
    3            Pineapple Logistics          20191
    3            Pineapple Logistics          20192
    3            Pineapple Logistics          20193
    3            Pineapple Logistics          20194

     EmployerId   EmployerName                 QId
     1            Potato Inc                   20193, 20202, 20203
     2            Donuts LLC                   20202, 20203
     3            Pineapple Logistics          20191, 20192, 20193, 20194
我使用的是Sql Server 2016,因此不幸的是,我无法利用
string\u agg()


Select  ei.EmployerId, 
        e.EmployerName ,
        ISNULL(STUFF((Select Distinct ', ' + Cast(QId  As Varchar(500))
                        From employerTransaction As Q
                        Where  et.QId = q.QId
                        FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, ''),'-') As [NewQID]
From employerIds As ei
Left Join employerTransaction as et on et.EmployerId = ei.EmployerId and et.QId = q.QId
Join employer as e on e.EmployerId = ei.EmployerId
Where et.employerid is null
Group By ei.employerid, e.EmployerName


with sampledata as (
   -- your original query here
select EmployerId, EmployerName,
   stuff( (select ','+ cast(t2.Qid as varchar(5))
          from sampledata t2
          where t2.EmployerId = t1.EmployerId and t2.EmployerName = t1.EmployerName
          for xml path ('')), 1, 1,'') qids
from sampledata t1
group by EmployerId, EmployerName


EmployerId  EmployerName    qids
1   Potato Inc  20193,20202,20203
2   Donuts LLC  20202,20203
3   Pineapple Logistics 20191,20192,20193,20194

您不需要为此使用STUFF函数。您可以使用FOR XML(子)查询来实现这一点。STUFF函数仅用于通过删除前导(或尾随)分隔符来美化最终结果。如果使用逗号和空格(