
SQL连接以标识组成员,sql,sas,self-join,Sql,Sas,Self Join,我有一个客户机表,大致如下所示: Client List customer no. Customer name 123 Kristen Smith 128 Jeremy Church 127 Alan Li 132 Ryan Nelson 我需要把它映射到一个客户表 Customer_Dim customer no. Cust


    Client List 

    customer no.    Customer name
    123            Kristen Smith
    128            Jeremy Church
    127            Alan Li
    132            Ryan Nelson


    customer no.    Customer name   Group no.   Group Name          Cust_Active Flag
    123             Kristen Smith   5491        Zealong Tea Estate  Y
    167             Anna Hathaway   5823        AA Insurance        Y
    146             Simon Joe       5671        Direct Automobile   Y
    148             Henry Wilson    5823        AA Insurance        Y
    195             Graham Brown    5491        Zealong Tea Estate  Y
    172             Daria Smith     5671        Direct Automobile   N
    122             Dyana Smith     5823        AA Insurance        N
    132             Ryan Nelson     5671        Direct Automobile   N
    128             Jeremy Church   5823        AA Insurance        Y
    127             Alan Li         5671        Direct Automobile   Y
从下表中获取他们的组号,我可以通过简单的左连接来实现 要从客户的组号中列出所有剩余的活跃客户[我无法完成第二部分]: 所需结果:

    Customer No.    Customer name   Group No.       Group Name
    123             Kristen Smith   5491          Zealong Tea Estate
    128             Jeremy Church   5823          AA Insurance
    127             Alan Li         5671          Direct Automobile
    195             Graham Brown    5491          Zealong Tea Estate
    167             Anna Hathaway   5823          AA Insurance
    148             Henry Wilson    5823          AA Insurance
    146             Simon Joe       5671          Direct Automobile



我认为从Customer\u Dim表中获取发布结果非常简单


 select * from Customer_Dim 
 where [Cust_Active Flag] = 'Y' 
 and [Group No.] not in (
 select CD.[Group No.] from [Client List] as CL inner join Customer_Dim as CD where CL.[customer no.] = CD.[customer no.] )
 select * from Customer_Dim 
 where [Cust_Active Flag] = 'Y' 
 and [Group No.] in (
 select CD.[Group No.] from [Client List] as CL inner join Customer_Dim as CD  where CL.[customer no.] = CD.[customer no.] )


 select * from Customer_Dim 
 where [Cust_Active Flag] = 'Y' 
 and [Group No.] not in (
 select CD.[Group No.] from [Client List] as CL inner join Customer_Dim as CD where CL.[customer no.] = CD.[customer no.] )
 select * from Customer_Dim 
 where [Cust_Active Flag] = 'Y' 
 and [Group No.] in (
 select CD.[Group No.] from [Client List] as CL inner join Customer_Dim as CD  where CL.[customer no.] = CD.[customer no.] )


 FROM Client            c
 JOIN Customer_Dim      cd       on c.CustomerNo = cd.CustomerNo 
                                and cd.Cust_ActiveFlag ='Y'


select * from customer_dim
  cust_active_flag = 'Y'
  groupno in (
    select groupno
    from client_list l inner join customer_dim d
    on d.customerno = l.customerno
看。 结果:

如果客户机处于非活动状态,并且希望在结果集中标识客户机,则可以使用GROUP BY进行左连接,并利用HAVING子句中的Proc SQL自动重新合并作为选择条件

data client_list; input 
custno custname:& $30.; datalines;
  123   Kristen Smith
  128   Jeremy Church
  127   Alan Li
  132   Ryan Nelson
  899   Julius Caesar

data customer_dim; input
custno custname:& $30.  groupnum groupname:& $30.    Cust_Active_Flag: $1.; datalines;
  123   Kristen Smith   5491     Zealong Tea Estate  Y
  167   Anna Hathaway   5823     AA Insurance        Y
  146   Simon Joe       5671     Direct Automobile   Y
  148   Henry Wilson    5823     AA Insurance        Y
  195   Graham Brown    5491     Zealong Tea Estate  Y
  172   Daria Smith     5671     Direct Automobile   N
  122   Dyana Smith     5823     AA Insurance        N
  132   Ryan Nelson     5671     Direct Automobile   N
  128   Jeremy Church   5823     AA Insurance        Y
  127   Alan Li         5671     Direct Automobile   Y
  231   Donald Duck     7434     Orange Insurance    Y 
  899   Julius Caesar   4999     Emperors            N
  900   Joshua Norton   4999     Emperors            N
  925   Joaquin Guzman  4999     Emperors            Y
  925   Naruhito        4999     Emperors            Y

  proc sql;
    create table want(label="Active customers of clients groups") as
      LIST.custno as client,
      customer_dim DIM
    left join
      client_list LIST
      DIM.custno = LIST.custno
    group by
      N(LIST.custno) > 0
        cust_active_flag = 'Y'
        or LIST.custno is not NULL
    order by
      groupnum, custno

请发布您的查询到目前为止您尝试了什么?客户列表中的客户是否会处于非活动状态?是,客户列表中有相当多的非活动客户,因为干系人有一个过时的列表。@Richard,这是否意味着我们可能必须在第二个select语句中添加另一个where子句,以不包括组号。使用“N”活动标记如果您希望原始非活动客户在结果集中,您需要有一个允许其custno将处于非活动状态-仅使用flag='Y'条件的查询将消除它们。我的查询基于您发布的结果,请更新您的结果并输入相同条件下的数据。谢谢,是的,您编辑的答案确实有意义。第二个对我有用。Thanks@SachiSinha . . . 作为公认的答案,这毫无意义。客户端列表没有组号列。@SachiSinha:您可以通过向上箭头将多个AN标记为有用,但只能将一个答案标记为已接受。谢谢,现在它有意义了。在一段时间后执行SQL,因此不认为可以这样做。