Sql 具有大量或未定义类别的交叉表

Sql 具有大量或未定义类别的交叉表,sql,postgresql,pivot,aggregate,crosstab,Sql,Postgresql,Pivot,Aggregate,Crosstab,我真正的问题在于记录大量反病毒产品中哪一种同意给定样本是给定反病毒家族的成员。该数据库有数百万个样本,每个样本上都有数十种反病毒产品投票。我想问一个类似“对于包含名称“XYZ”的恶意软件,哪个示例获得最多的投票,哪个供应商对其投了票?”的查询,并得到如下结果: "BadBadVirus" V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 Sample 1 - 4 votes 1 0 1 0 0 1 1


                     V1  V2  V3  V4  V5  V6  V7  
Sample 1 - 4 votes    1   0   1   0   0   1   1      
Sample 2 - 5 votes    1   0   1   0   1   1   1   
Sample 3 - 5 votes    1   0   1   0   1   1   1  

 total     14         3       3       2   3   3  
这可能会告诉我供应商2和供应商4都不知道怎么做 检测此恶意软件,或者他们将其命名为其他名称



Photo, Voter, Decision
(1, 'Alex', 'Cat')
(1, 'Bob', 'Dog')
(1, 'Carol', 'Cat')
(1, 'Dave', 'Cat')
(1, 'Ed', 'Cat')
(2, 'Alex', 'Cat')
(2, 'Bob', 'Dog')
(2, 'Carol', 'Cat')
(2, 'Dave', 'Cat')
(2, 'Ed', 'Dog')
(3, 'Alex', 'Horse')
(3, 'Bob', 'Horse')
(3, 'Carol', 'Dog')
(3, 'Dave', 'Horse')
(3, 'Ed', 'Horse')
(4, 'Alex', 'Horse')
(4, 'Bob', 'Horse')
(4, 'Carol', 'Cat')
(4, 'Dave', 'Horse')
(4, 'Ed', 'Horse')
(5, 'Alex', 'Dog')
(5, 'Bob', 'Cat')
(5, 'Carol', 'Cat')
(5, 'Dave', 'Cat')
(5, 'Ed', 'Cat')

Query for: "Cat"
      Total  Alex  Bob Carol Dave Ed
1 -     4      1    0    1     1   1
2 -     3      1    0    1     1   0 
3 -     0      0    0    0     0   0 
4 -     1      0    0    1     0   0 
5 -     4      0    1    1     1   1
total  12      2    1    4     3   2 

Query for: "Dog"
      Total  Alex  Bob Carol Dave Ed
1 -     1     0      1   0    0    0
2 -     2     0      1   0    0    1
3 -     1     0      0   1    0    0 
4 -     0     0      0   0    0    0 
5 -     1     1      0   0    0    0 
total   5     1      2   1    0    1 



您的愿望意味着传输一些数据(名称) 转换为列标题,即结果表的架构。 由于这是一个介于不方便和不可能之间的过程, 我建议只对sql中的数据进行排序和求和, 并在数据库之外执行其余操作

SELECT Photo, Voter
FROM data
WHERE Decision = '...'
ORDER BY Photo, Voter


select photo,
    alex + bob + carol + dave + ed as Total,
    alex, bob, carol, dave, ed
from crosstab($$
        photo, voter,
        case decision when 'Cat' then 1 else 0 end
    from vote
    order by photo
    select distinct voter
    from vote
    order by voter
) as (
    photo integer,
    Alex integer,
    Bob integer,
    Carol integer,
    Dave integer,
    Ed integer
 photo | total | alex | bob | carol | dave | ed 
     1 |     4 |    1 |   0 |     1 |    1 |  1
     2 |     3 |    1 |   0 |     1 |    1 |  0
     3 |     0 |    0 |   0 |     0 |    0 |  0
     4 |     1 |    0 |   0 |     1 |    0 |  0
     5 |     4 |    0 |   1 |     1 |    1 |  1

do $do$
voter_list text;
r record;

drop table if exists pivot;

voter_list := (
    select string_agg(distinct voter, ' ' order by voter) from vote

    create table pivot (
        decision text,
        photo integer,
        Total integer,
    )', (replace(voter_list, ' ', ' integer, ') || ' integer')

for r in
select distinct decision from vote
    execute (format($f$
        insert into pivot
            %3$L as decision,
            %1$s as Total,
        from crosstab($ct$
                photo, voter,
                case decision when %3$L then 1 else 0 end
            from vote
            order by photo
            select distinct voter
            from vote
            order by voter
        ) as (
            photo integer,
        replace(voter_list, ' ', ' + '),
        replace(voter_list, ' ', ', '),
        replace(voter_list, ' ', ' integer, ') || ' integer'
end loop;
end; $do$;

select * from pivot where decision = 'Cat';


create temp table pivot_data on commit drop as 
    select * from vote where decision = 'Cat' union select photo, null, null from vote;

select * from make_pivot_table('{photo}', 'voter',  'decision', 'count', 'pivot_data',
  'pivot_result', false);

select * from pivot_result order by photo;

-- make_pivot_table
-- python version 0.9
-- last edited 2015-08-11 

create or replace function
 make_pivot_table(row_headers text[], category_field text, value_field text,
  value_action text, input_table text, output_table text, keep_result boolean)
returns void as
# imports
from collections import defaultdict
import operator
import string

# constants
VALID_ACTIONS = ('count', 'sum', 'min', 'max')
TOTAL_COL = 'total'

# functions
def table_exists(tablename):
    plan = plpy.prepare("""select table_schema, table_name from
        information_schema.Tables where table_schema not in ('information_schema',
        'pg_catalog') and table_name = $1""", ["text"])
    rows = plpy.execute(plan, [input_table], 2)
    return bool(rows)

def make_rowkey(row):
    return tuple([row[header] for header in row_headers])

def quote_if_needed(value):
    return plpy.quote_literal(value) if isinstance(value, basestring) else str(value)

# assumes None is never a value in the dct
def update_if(dct, key, new_value, op, result=True):
    current_value = dct.get(key)
    if current_value is None or op(value, current_value) == result:
        dct[key] = new_value

def update_output_table(output_table, row_headers, colname, value):
    pg_value = plpy.quote_literal(value) if isinstance(value, basestring) else value
    sql = 'update %s set %s = %s where ' % (output_table, plpy.quote_ident(colname), 
    conditions = []
    for index, row_header in enumerate(row_headers):
        conditions.append('%s = %s' % (plpy.quote_ident(row_header),
    sql += ' and '.join(conditions)

# -----------------

if not table_exists(input_table):
    plpy.error('input_table %s dones not exist' % input_table)

if value_action not in VALID_ACTIONS:
    plpy.error('%s is not a recognised action' % value_action)

# load the data into a dict
count_dict = defaultdict(int)
sum_dict = defaultdict(float)
total_dict = defaultdict(float)
min_dict = dict()
max_dict = dict()
categories_seen = set()
rowkeys_seen = set()
do_total = value_action in ('count', 'sum')

cursor = plpy.cursor('select * from %s' % plpy.quote_ident(input_table))
while True:
    rows = cursor.fetch(BATCH_SIZE)
    if not rows:
    for row in rows:
        rowkey = make_rowkey(row)
        category = row[category_field]           
        value = row[value_field]
        dctkey = (rowkey, category)

        # skip if value field is null
        if value is None:


        if value_action == 'count':
        count_dict[dctkey] += 1
        total_dict[rowkey] += 1
    if value_action == 'sum':
            sum_dict[dctkey] += value
            total_dict[rowkey] += value
        if value_action == 'min':
            update_if(min_dict, dctkey, value, operator.lt)
        if value_action == 'max':
            update_if(max_dict, dctkey, value, operator.gt)

plpy.notice('seen %s summary rows and %s categories' % (len(rowkeys_seen),

# get the columns types
coltype_dict = dict()
input_type_sql = 'select * from %s where false' % plpy.quote_ident(input_table)
input_type_result = plpy.execute(input_type_sql)
for index, colname in enumerate(input_type_result.colnames()):
    coltype_num = input_type_result.coltypes()[index]
    coltype_sql = 'select typname from pg_type where oid = %s' % coltype_num
    coltype = list(plpy.cursor(coltype_sql))[0]
    plpy.notice('%s: %s' % (colname, coltype['typname']))
    coltype_dict[colname] = coltype['typname']

plpy.execute('drop table if exists %s' % plpy.quote_ident(output_table))
sql_parts = []
if keep_result:
    sql_parts.append('create table %s (' % plpy.quote_ident(output_table))
    sql_parts.append('create temp table %s (' % plpy.quote_ident(output_table))

cols = []
for row_header in row_headers:
    cols.append('%s %s' % (plpy.quote_ident(row_header), coltype_dict[row_header]))

cat_type = 'bigint' if value_action == 'count' else coltype_dict[value_field]

for col in sorted(categories_seen):
    if col is None:
        cols.append('%s %s' % (plpy.quote_ident(NULL_CATEGORY_NAME), cat_type))
        cols.append('%s %s' % (plpy.quote_ident(col), cat_type))

if do_total:
    cols.append('%s %s' % (TOTAL_COL, cat_type))

if keep_result:
    sql_parts.append(') on commit drop')

dict_map = {'count': count_dict, 'sum': sum_dict, 'min': min_dict, 'max': max_dict }
value_dict = dict_map[value_action]
for rowkey in rowkeys_seen:
    sql = 'insert into %s values (' % plpy.quote_ident(output_table)
    sql += ', '.join([quote_if_needed(part) for part in rowkey])
    sql += ')'

if do_total:
    for rowkey, value in total_dict.iteritems():
        update_output_table(output_table, row_headers, TOTAL_COL, value)

for (rowkey, category), value in value_dict.iteritems():
    # put in cateogry value
    colname = NULL_CATEGORY_NAME if category is None else category
    update_output_table(output_table, row_headers, colname, value)

$$ language plpythonu

create temp table pivot_data on commit drop as 
    select * from vote where decision = 'Cat' union select photo, null, null from vote;

select * from make_pivot_table('{photo}', 'voter',  'decision', 'count', 'pivot_data',
  'pivot_result', false);

select * from pivot_result order by photo;
-- make_pivot_table
-- python version 0.9
-- last edited 2015-08-11 

create or replace function
 make_pivot_table(row_headers text[], category_field text, value_field text,
  value_action text, input_table text, output_table text, keep_result boolean)
returns void as
# imports
from collections import defaultdict
import operator
import string

# constants
VALID_ACTIONS = ('count', 'sum', 'min', 'max')
TOTAL_COL = 'total'

# functions
def table_exists(tablename):
    plan = plpy.prepare("""select table_schema, table_name from
        information_schema.Tables where table_schema not in ('information_schema',
        'pg_catalog') and table_name = $1""", ["text"])
    rows = plpy.execute(plan, [input_table], 2)
    return bool(rows)

def make_rowkey(row):
    return tuple([row[header] for header in row_headers])

def quote_if_needed(value):
    return plpy.quote_literal(value) if isinstance(value, basestring) else str(value)

# assumes None is never a value in the dct
def update_if(dct, key, new_value, op, result=True):
    current_value = dct.get(key)
    if current_value is None or op(value, current_value) == result:
        dct[key] = new_value

def update_output_table(output_table, row_headers, colname, value):
    pg_value = plpy.quote_literal(value) if isinstance(value, basestring) else value
    sql = 'update %s set %s = %s where ' % (output_table, plpy.quote_ident(colname), 
    conditions = []
    for index, row_header in enumerate(row_headers):
        conditions.append('%s = %s' % (plpy.quote_ident(row_header),
    sql += ' and '.join(conditions)

# -----------------

if not table_exists(input_table):
    plpy.error('input_table %s dones not exist' % input_table)

if value_action not in VALID_ACTIONS:
    plpy.error('%s is not a recognised action' % value_action)

# load the data into a dict
count_dict = defaultdict(int)
sum_dict = defaultdict(float)
total_dict = defaultdict(float)
min_dict = dict()
max_dict = dict()
categories_seen = set()
rowkeys_seen = set()
do_total = value_action in ('count', 'sum')

cursor = plpy.cursor('select * from %s' % plpy.quote_ident(input_table))
while True:
    rows = cursor.fetch(BATCH_SIZE)
    if not rows:
    for row in rows:
        rowkey = make_rowkey(row)
        category = row[category_field]           
        value = row[value_field]
        dctkey = (rowkey, category)

        # skip if value field is null
        if value is None:


        if value_action == 'count':
        count_dict[dctkey] += 1
        total_dict[rowkey] += 1
    if value_action == 'sum':
            sum_dict[dctkey] += value
            total_dict[rowkey] += value
        if value_action == 'min':
            update_if(min_dict, dctkey, value, operator.lt)
        if value_action == 'max':
            update_if(max_dict, dctkey, value, operator.gt)

plpy.notice('seen %s summary rows and %s categories' % (len(rowkeys_seen),

# get the columns types
coltype_dict = dict()
input_type_sql = 'select * from %s where false' % plpy.quote_ident(input_table)
input_type_result = plpy.execute(input_type_sql)
for index, colname in enumerate(input_type_result.colnames()):
    coltype_num = input_type_result.coltypes()[index]
    coltype_sql = 'select typname from pg_type where oid = %s' % coltype_num
    coltype = list(plpy.cursor(coltype_sql))[0]
    plpy.notice('%s: %s' % (colname, coltype['typname']))
    coltype_dict[colname] = coltype['typname']

plpy.execute('drop table if exists %s' % plpy.quote_ident(output_table))
sql_parts = []
if keep_result:
    sql_parts.append('create table %s (' % plpy.quote_ident(output_table))
    sql_parts.append('create temp table %s (' % plpy.quote_ident(output_table))

cols = []
for row_header in row_headers:
    cols.append('%s %s' % (plpy.quote_ident(row_header), coltype_dict[row_header]))

cat_type = 'bigint' if value_action == 'count' else coltype_dict[value_field]

for col in sorted(categories_seen):
    if col is None:
        cols.append('%s %s' % (plpy.quote_ident(NULL_CATEGORY_NAME), cat_type))
        cols.append('%s %s' % (plpy.quote_ident(col), cat_type))

if do_total:
    cols.append('%s %s' % (TOTAL_COL, cat_type))

if keep_result:
    sql_parts.append(') on commit drop')

dict_map = {'count': count_dict, 'sum': sum_dict, 'min': min_dict, 'max': max_dict }
value_dict = dict_map[value_action]
for rowkey in rowkeys_seen:
    sql = 'insert into %s values (' % plpy.quote_ident(output_table)
    sql += ', '.join([quote_if_needed(part) for part in rowkey])
    sql += ')'

if do_total:
    for rowkey, value in total_dict.iteritems():
        update_output_table(output_table, row_headers, TOTAL_COL, value)

for (rowkey, category), value in value_dict.iteritems():
    # put in cateogry value
    colname = NULL_CATEGORY_NAME if category is None else category
    update_output_table(output_table, row_headers, colname, value)

$$ language plpythonu