Sql Oracle 11g-从列到行

Sql Oracle 11g-从列到行,sql,oracle11g,Sql,Oracle11g,我的系统格式中的数据无法更改,如下所示: Row, C001, C002, C003, to C029 (Columns for FY values) 1, Name, 0910, 1011 2, Eqt1 (Speed), 60, 100 3, Eqt1 (Cost), 20, 30 4, Eqt2 (Speed), 50, 60 5, Eqt2 (Cost), 30, 45 我需要将此更改为: Name, Sta


Row, C001,         C002, C003, to C029  (Columns for FY values)
1,   Name,         0910, 1011 
2,   Eqt1 (Speed), 60,   100
3,   Eqt1 (Cost),  20,   30 
4,   Eqt2 (Speed), 50,   60
5,   Eqt2 (Cost),  30,   45

Name, Start_Date,  End_Date,    Speed, Cost
Eqt1, 01-APR-2009, 30-MAR-2010, 60,    20
Eqt1, 01-APR-2010, 30-MAR-2011, 100,   30
Eqt2, 01-APR-2009, 30-MAR-2010, 50,    30
Eqt2, 01-APR-2010, 30-MAR-2011, 60,    45
我可以使用一个子选择来分割日期,其中row=1。 我可以用这个名字来代替速度成本。 但我不能把它弄对

  WITH survey_query AS  (
      SELECT    *
      FROM  tbl_data
  SELECT    (CASE WHEN upper(sq.c001) LIKE '%FLEET SIZE%' THEN TRIM(REPLACE(upper(sq.c001), 'FLEET SIZE', ''))
                WHEN upper(sq.c001) LIKE '%FLYING HOURS%' THEN TRIM(REPLACE(upper(sq.c001), 'FLYING HOURS', ''))
           END) equipment_name
         ,(select TO_DATE(2000+dbms_lob.substr(c002,2,1)||'0101', 'yymmdd') FROM survey_query where line = 1) start_date
         ,(select TO_DATE(2000+dbms_lob.substr(c002,2,4)||'0330', 'yymmdd') FROM survey_query where line = 1) end_date
          ,(case when UPPER(sq.c001) like '%FLEET SIZE%' THEN sq.c002 END) fleet_size
          ,(case when UPPER(sq.c001) like '%FLYING HOURS%' THEN sq.c002 END) flying_hours
  FROM  survey_query sq
  WHERE line > 1
   SELECT   (CASE WHEN upper(sq.c001) LIKE '%FLEET SIZE%' THEN TRIM(REPLACE(upper(sq.c001), 'FLEET SIZE', ''))
                WHEN upper(sq.c001) LIKE '%FLYING HOURS%' THEN TRIM(REPLACE(upper(sq.c001), 'FLYING HOURS', ''))
           END) equipment_name
         ,(select TO_DATE(2000+dbms_lob.substr(c003,2,1)||'0101', 'yymmdd') FROM survey_query where line = 1) start_date
         ,(select TO_DATE(2000+dbms_lob.substr(c003,2,4)||'0330', 'yymmdd') FROM survey_query where line = 1) end_date
          ,(case when UPPER(sq.c001) like '%FLEET SIZE%' THEN sq.c003 END) fleet_size
          ,(case when UPPER(sq.c001) like '%FLYING HOURS%' THEN sq.c003 END) flying_hours
  FROM  survey_query sq
  WHERE line > 1;


它不是很优雅,因为它使用了旧式的旋转,但我无法通过11g PIVOT功能解决这一问题:

with sample_data as (select 1 row#, 'Name' c001, 0910 c002, 1011 c003, 1112 c004 from dual union all
                     select 2 row#, 'Eqt1 (Speed)' c001, 60 c002, 100 c003, 140 c004 from dual union all
                     select 3 row#, 'Eqt1 (Cost)' c001, 20 c002, 30 c003, 80 c004 from dual union all
                     select 4 row#, 'Eqt2 (Speed)' c001, 50 c002, 60 c003, 70 c004 from dual union all
                     select 5 row#, 'Eqt2 (Cost)' c001, 30 c002, 45 c003, 56 c004 from dual),
-- end of mimicking your table as a subquery called "sample_data"
-- you wouldn't need this subquery, since you would have your own table/query to use in place
-- change the table name referred to in the res subquery below as appropriate
             res as (select row#,
                            case when c001 like '%(Speed)' then substr(c001, 1, length(c001) - 8)
                                 when c001 like '%(Cost)' then substr(c001, 1, length(c001) - 7)
                                 else c001
                            end name,
                            case when c001 like '%(Speed)' then 'Speed'
                                 when c001 like '%(Cost)' then 'Cost'
                                 else c001
                            end type,
                            to_date('01/04'||substr(first_value(lpad(c002, 4, 0)) over (order by row#), 1, 2), 'dd/mm/rr') fy1_start_date,
                            to_date('31/03'||substr(first_value(lpad(c002, 4, 0)) over (order by row#), 3, 2), 'dd/mm/rr') fy1_end_date,
                            to_date('01/04'||substr(first_value(lpad(c003, 4, 0)) over (order by row#), 1, 2), 'dd/mm/rr') fy2_start_date,
                            to_date('31/03'||substr(first_value(lpad(c003, 4, 0)) over (order by row#), 3, 2), 'dd/mm/rr') fy2_end_date,
                            to_date('01/04'||substr(first_value(lpad(c004, 4, 0)) over (order by row#), 1, 2), 'dd/mm/rr') fy3_start_date,
                            to_date('31/03'||substr(first_value(lpad(c004, 4, 0)) over (order by row#), 3, 2), 'dd/mm/rr') fy3_end_date,
                     from   sample_data),
           dummy as (select level id
                     from   dual
                     connect by level <= 3 -- num fyears to consider
select   name,
         case when d.id = 1 then res.fy1_start_date
              when d.id = 2 then res.fy2_start_date
              when d.id = 3 then res.fy3_start_date
         end start_date,
         case when d.id = 1 then res.fy1_end_date
              when d.id = 2 then res.fy2_end_date
              when d.id = 3 then res.fy3_end_date
         end end_date,
         max(case when d.id = 1 and res.type = 'Speed' then c002
                  when d.id = 2 and res.type = 'Speed' then c003
                  when d.id = 3 and res.type = 'Speed' then c004
             end) speed,
         max(case when d.id = 1 and res.type = 'Cost' then c002
                  when d.id = 2 and res.type = 'Cost' then c003
                  when d.id = 3 and res.type = 'Cost' then c004
             end) cost
from     res
         cross join dummy d
where    res.row# != 1
group by name,
         case when d.id = 1 then res.fy1_start_date
              when d.id = 2 then res.fy2_start_date
              when d.id = 3 then res.fy3_start_date
         case when d.id = 1 then res.fy1_end_date
              when d.id = 2 then res.fy2_end_date
              when d.id = 3 then res.fy3_end_date
order by name, start_date;

----- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------
Eqt1  01-APR-2009 31-MAR-2010         60         20
Eqt1  01-APR-2010 31-MAR-2011        100         30
Eqt1  01-APR-2011 31-MAR-2012        140         80
Eqt2  01-APR-2009 31-MAR-2010         50         30
Eqt2  01-APR-2010 31-MAR-2011         60         45
Eqt2  01-APR-2011 31-MAR-2012         70         56



WITH ss_query AS  (
      SELECT    *
      FROM  tbl_data
  , rowgen as (select /*+materialize()*/level yr from dual connect by level <= 3)
  , dates as (select /*+materialize()*/to_date(substr(c001,1,2)||'0401','yymmdd') fy_start from ss_query where line = 2)
select equipment_name
, date_start
, date_end
, max(cost) cost
, max(speed) speed
from (
    case when upper(c001) like '%COST%' then substr(c001,1,instr(upper(c001),'COST')-2)
      when upper(c001) like '%SPEED%' then substr(c001,1,instr(upper(c001),'SPEED') -2)
    end equipment_name,
    add_months(fy_start,12 * (yr - 1)) date_start,
    add_months(fy_start,12 * (yr))-1 date_end,
    case when upper(c001) like '%SPEED%' then
      case when yr = 1 then c002
          when yr = 2 then c003
          when yr = 3 then c004
      end speed,
    case when upper(c001) like '%COST%' then
      case when yr = 1 then c002
          when yr = 2 then c003
          when yr = 3 then c004
      end cost
  from ss_query ,
  where line > 2
where speed is not null or cost is not null
group by equipment_name, date_start, date_end
order by equipment_name, date_start;
