Ssas SQL Server 2014 Analysis Services部署权限错误

Ssas SQL Server 2014 Analysis Services部署权限错误,ssas,sql-server-2014,Ssas,Sql Server 2014,部署Analysis Services多维数据集时如何解决此权限错误?用户已在本地主机服务器上具有SA权限 ------ Build started: Project: FerrariRusso, Configuration: Development ------ Started Building Analysis Services project: Incremental .... Dimension [Date] : Create hierarchies in non-parent chil

部署Analysis Services多维数据集时如何解决此权限错误?用户已在本地主机服务器上具有SA权限

------ Build started: Project: FerrariRusso, Configuration: Development ------
Started Building Analysis Services project: Incremental ....
Dimension [Date] : Create hierarchies in non-parent child dimensions.
Dimension [Customer] : Create hierarchies in non-parent child dimensions.
Dimension [Product] : Create hierarchies in non-parent child dimensions.
Build complete -- 0 errors, 3 warnings
------ Deploy started: Project: FerrariRusso, Configuration: Development ------
Performing an incremental deployment of the 'FerrariRusso' database to the 'localhost' server.
Generating deployment script...
   Add Database FerrariRusso
   Process Database FerrariRusso
Sending deployment script to the server...
Error -1055391738 : Either the 'ACMECorp\tarzan' user does not have permission to create a new object in 'ACTARZAN-WIN81', or the object does not exist.
Deploy complete -- 1 errors, 0 warnings
========== Build: 1 succeeded or up-to-date, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========
========== Deploy: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========

如果与您一起部署的用户不是Analysis Series administrators组的成员,则可以使用以下过程修改角色成员资格

以管理员身份运行SQL Server Management Studio 在对象资源管理器中打开Analysis Services服务器 转到属性 去保安局 将用户添加为管理员。
当您说该帐户已经在localhost服务器上拥有SA权限时,您指的是在数据库引擎上还是在SSAS实例上?您是否将该用户添加为Analysis Services实例上的管理员?我说的是数据库引擎。谢谢你的链接。解决方案是:以管理员身份运行SSMS>在对象资源管理器中打开SSAS实例>转到属性>安全性>以管理员身份添加用户。