Swift 从字典中删除我选择的日期之前的所有日期

Swift 从字典中删除我选择的日期之前的所有日期,swift,Swift,我想删除我选择的日期之前的所有日期,不包括那天,但我不能这样做。谢谢 var dictionaryTotal: [String:String] = ["2017 01 01":"153.23", "2017 01 02":"162.45", "2017 01 04":"143.65", "2017 01 05":"140.78", "2017 01 06":"150.23"] let date = NSDate() let formatter = DateFormatter() formatt


var dictionaryTotal: [String:String] = ["2017 01 01":"153.23", "2017 01 02":"162.45", "2017 01 04":"143.65", "2017 01 05":"140.78", "2017 01 06":"150.23"]

let date = NSDate()
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy MM dd"
formatter.timeZone = Calendar.current.timeZone
formatter.locale = Calendar.current.locale

let TheStart = formatter.date(from: "2017 01 04")

for (key, value) in dictionaryTotal {

    var ConvertDates = formatter.date(from: key)


var dictionaryTotal: [String:String] = ["2017 01 01":"153.23", "2017 01 02":"162.45", "2017 01 04":"143.65", "2017 01 05":"140.78", "2017 01 06":"150.23"]

let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy MM dd"
formatter.timeZone = Calendar.current.timeZone
formatter.locale = Calendar.current.locale

guard let startDate = formatter.date(from: "2017 01 04") else {fatalError()}
let filteredDictionary = dictionaryTotal.filter({ (key, value) in formatter.date(from: key)! >= startDate})
print(filteredDictionary) //contains key value pairs for the keys 2017 01 04, 01 05 and 01 06




在这种情况下,使用Swift提供的结构来表示数据日期,而不是NSDate,除非有特殊原因,否则您需要使用其他版本。日期和开始都是可选的。或者只使用字符串而不是解析日期。在这种特定情况下,由于格式的原因,字符串比较也将获得相同的结果。不过,不确定什么更有效,日期解析还是字符串比较。没错,对于这种特殊格式,甚至字符串比较都可以。然而,由于OP是从DateFormatter开始的,而DateFormatter是更通用的解决方案,所以我选择坚持使用它。就性能而言,我不确定哪一个更好,但我猜,由于数据集每天有一个键值对,因此不太可能遇到如此多的元素,性能才真正重要。0.013105833339916 s日期格式化程序解决方案与0.0006006666286997字符串比较
var dictionaryTotal: [String:String] = ["2017 01 01":"153.23", "2017 01 02":"162.45", "2017 01 04":"143.65", "2017 01 05":"140.78", "2017 01 06":"150.23"]

let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy MM dd"
formatter.timeZone = Calendar.current.timeZone
formatter.locale = Calendar.current.locale

guard let startDate = formatter.date(from: "2017 01 04") else {fatalError()}
let filteredDictionary = dictionaryTotal.filter({ (key, value) in formatter.date(from: key)! >= startDate})
print(filteredDictionary) //contains key value pairs for the keys 2017 01 04, 01 05 and 01 06
let startDate = "2017 01 04"
let filteredDictionary = dictionaryTotal.filter({ (key, _) in key >= startDate })
print(filteredDictionary) //contains key value pairs for the keys 2017 01 04, 01 05 and 01 06