Types 由类型索引vs在idris中包含类型

Types 由类型索引vs在idris中包含类型,types,records,dependent-type,idris,phantom-types,Types,Records,Dependent Type,Idris,Phantom Types,我正在看这本书 我有两个问题与第6章中示例数据存储的设计有关。数据存储是一个命令行应用程序,允许用户设置存储在其中的数据类型,然后添加新数据 下面是代码的相关部分(稍微简化)。您可以在Github上看到: module Main import Data.Vect infixr 4 .+. -- This datatype is to define what sorts of data can be contained in the data store. data Schema = S




module Main

import Data.Vect

infixr 4 .+.

-- This datatype is to define what sorts of data can be contained in the data store.
data Schema
  = SString
  | SInt
  | (.+.) Schema Schema

-- This is a type-level function that translates a Schema to an actual type.
SchemaType : Schema -> Type
SchemaType SString = String
SchemaType SInt = Int
SchemaType (x .+. y) = (SchemaType x, SchemaType y)

-- This is the data store.  It can potentially be storing any sort of schema.
record DataStore where
       constructor MkData
       schema : Schema
       size : Nat
       items : Vect size (SchemaType schema)

-- This adds new data to the datastore, making sure that the new data is
-- the same type that the DataStore holds.
  : (dataStore : DataStore) -> SchemaType (schema dataStore) -> DataStore
addToStore (MkData schema' size' store') newitem =
  MkData schema' _ (addToData store')
      : Vect size' (SchemaType schema') -> Vect (size' + 1) (SchemaType schema')
    addToData xs = xs ++ [newitem]

-- These are commands the user can use on the command line.  They are able
-- to change the schema, and add new data.
data Command : Schema -> Type where
  SetSchema : (newSchema : Schema) -> Command schema
  Add : SchemaType schema -> Command schema

-- Given a Schema, this parses input from the user into a Command.
parse : (schema : Schema) -> String -> Maybe (Command schema)

-- This is the main workhorse of the application.  It parses user
-- input, turns it into a command, then evaluates the command and 
-- returns an updated DataStore.
  : (dataStore : DataStore) -> String -> Maybe (String, DataStore)
processInput dataStore@(MkData schema' size' items') input =
  case parse schema' input of
    Nothing => Just ("Invalid command\n", dataStore)
    Just (SetSchema newSchema) =>
      Just ("updated schema and reset datastore\n", MkData newSchema _ [])
    Just (Add item) =>
      let newStore = addToStore (MkData schema' size' items') item
      in Just ("ID " ++ show (size dataStore) ++ "\n", newStore)

-- This kicks off processInput with an empty datastore and a simple Schema
-- of SString.
main : IO ()
main = replWith (MkData SString _ []) "Command: " processInput
module Main

import Data.Vect

infixr 4 .+.

data Schema
  = SString
 | SInt
 | (.+.) Schema Schema

SchemaType : Schema -> Type
SchemaType SString = String
SchemaType SInt = Int
SchemaType (x .+. y) = (SchemaType x, SchemaType y)

record DataStore (schema : Schema) where
       constructor MkData
       size : Nat
       items : Vect size (SchemaType schema)

  : (dataStore : DataStore schema) ->
    SchemaType schema ->
    DataStore schema
addToStore {schema} (MkData size' store') newitem =
  MkData _ (addToData store')
      : Vect size' (SchemaType schema) -> Vect (size' + 1) (SchemaType schema)
    addToData xs = xs ++ [newitem]

data Command : Schema -> Type where
  SetSchema : (newSchema : Schema) -> Command schema
  Add : SchemaType schema -> Command schema

parse : (schema : Schema) -> String -> Maybe (Command schema)

  : (schema : Schema ** DataStore schema) ->
    String ->
    Maybe (String, (newschema ** DataStore newschema))
processInput (schema ** (MkData size' items')) input =
  case parse schema input of
    Nothing => Just ("Invalid command\n", (_ ** MkData size' items'))
    Just (SetSchema newSchema) =>
      Just ("updated schema and reset datastore\n", (newSchema ** MkData _ []))
    Just (Add item) =>
      let newStore = addToStore (MkData size' items') item
          msg = "ID " ++ show (size newStore) ++ "\n"
      in Just (msg, (schema ** newStore))

main : IO ()
main = replWith (SString ** MkData _ []) "Command: " processInput


  : (dataStore : DataStore) -> SchemaType (schema dataStore) -> DataStore
addToStore _ newitem =
  MkData SInt _ []

module Main

import Data.Vect

infixr 4 .+.

-- This datatype is to define what sorts of data can be contained in the data store.
data Schema
  = SString
  | SInt
  | (.+.) Schema Schema

-- This is a type-level function that translates a Schema to an actual type.
SchemaType : Schema -> Type
SchemaType SString = String
SchemaType SInt = Int
SchemaType (x .+. y) = (SchemaType x, SchemaType y)

-- This is the data store.  It can potentially be storing any sort of schema.
record DataStore where
       constructor MkData
       schema : Schema
       size : Nat
       items : Vect size (SchemaType schema)

-- This adds new data to the datastore, making sure that the new data is
-- the same type that the DataStore holds.
  : (dataStore : DataStore) -> SchemaType (schema dataStore) -> DataStore
addToStore (MkData schema' size' store') newitem =
  MkData schema' _ (addToData store')
      : Vect size' (SchemaType schema') -> Vect (size' + 1) (SchemaType schema')
    addToData xs = xs ++ [newitem]

-- These are commands the user can use on the command line.  They are able
-- to change the schema, and add new data.
data Command : Schema -> Type where
  SetSchema : (newSchema : Schema) -> Command schema
  Add : SchemaType schema -> Command schema

-- Given a Schema, this parses input from the user into a Command.
parse : (schema : Schema) -> String -> Maybe (Command schema)

-- This is the main workhorse of the application.  It parses user
-- input, turns it into a command, then evaluates the command and 
-- returns an updated DataStore.
  : (dataStore : DataStore) -> String -> Maybe (String, DataStore)
processInput dataStore@(MkData schema' size' items') input =
  case parse schema' input of
    Nothing => Just ("Invalid command\n", dataStore)
    Just (SetSchema newSchema) =>
      Just ("updated schema and reset datastore\n", MkData newSchema _ [])
    Just (Add item) =>
      let newStore = addToStore (MkData schema' size' items') item
      in Just ("ID " ++ show (size dataStore) ++ "\n", newStore)

-- This kicks off processInput with an empty datastore and a simple Schema
-- of SString.
main : IO ()
main = replWith (MkData SString _ []) "Command: " processInput
module Main

import Data.Vect

infixr 4 .+.

data Schema
  = SString
 | SInt
 | (.+.) Schema Schema

SchemaType : Schema -> Type
SchemaType SString = String
SchemaType SInt = Int
SchemaType (x .+. y) = (SchemaType x, SchemaType y)

record DataStore (schema : Schema) where
       constructor MkData
       size : Nat
       items : Vect size (SchemaType schema)

  : (dataStore : DataStore schema) ->
    SchemaType schema ->
    DataStore schema
addToStore {schema} (MkData size' store') newitem =
  MkData _ (addToData store')
      : Vect size' (SchemaType schema) -> Vect (size' + 1) (SchemaType schema)
    addToData xs = xs ++ [newitem]

data Command : Schema -> Type where
  SetSchema : (newSchema : Schema) -> Command schema
  Add : SchemaType schema -> Command schema

parse : (schema : Schema) -> String -> Maybe (Command schema)

  : (schema : Schema ** DataStore schema) ->
    String ->
    Maybe (String, (newschema ** DataStore newschema))
processInput (schema ** (MkData size' items')) input =
  case parse schema input of
    Nothing => Just ("Invalid command\n", (_ ** MkData size' items'))
    Just (SetSchema newSchema) =>
      Just ("updated schema and reset datastore\n", (newSchema ** MkData _ []))
    Just (Add item) =>
      let newStore = addToStore (MkData size' items') item
          msg = "ID " ++ show (size newStore) ++ "\n"
      in Just (msg, (schema ** newStore))

main : IO ()
main = replWith (SString ** MkData _ []) "Command: " processInput


  • 为什么这本书没有使用类型更安全的

  • 被另一个类型索引的类型与包含另一个类型的类型在理论上有什么区别?这种差异是否因您使用的语言而异



  • 根据评论,这是迂腐。早期,使用依赖记录,因此不需要处理类型索引。后来,使用索引类型来限制(并使通过校对搜索更容易找到)有效的实现。

    @Shersh和OP:作者在本书后面确实做了这一转换(见第10.3.2节)。这是@AntonTrunov这证明了这种转换更好。也许第一个选择是为了简单。@Shersh-Hmm,我想这主要是口味的问题。一、 就个人而言,我更喜欢一个更简单的数据类型,它的使用有几个引理。通过这种方式,您可以编写代码,并在以后证明有关它的一些属性。就像你可以使用列表,编写你的程序ML-(或Haskell-)风格,然后证明一些关于它们的东西,或者你可以使用像vector这样臭名昭著的数据类型,在这种情况下,你有时甚至不能声明它的值的属性(我的意思是不使用异构等式,也称为John Major等式)。请参见,例如…@AntonTrunov本书后面确实使用了转换,但它指出,“与其将模式作为字段存储在记录中,不如在这里通过数据的模式对记录进行参数化,因为您不希望更新模式。”(第10.3.2节)我不理解这一评论。在我上面发布的代码中,存储由模式参数化,但仍然允许使用依赖对进行更改。@illabout注释意味着,例如,