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Unity3d 触摸控制unity 2D_Unity3d_Unity3d 2dtools - Fatal编程技术网

Unity3d 触摸控制unity 2D

Unity3d 触摸控制unity 2D,unity3d,unity3d-2dtools,Unity3d,Unity3d 2dtools,我有一个名为PlayerCharacter的脚本来控制Unity 2D平台上的玩家。它很完美,像往常一样工作 using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; [RequireComponent(typeof (Rigidbody2D))] [RequireComponent(typeof(BoxCollider2D))] public class PlayerCharacter : M

的脚本来控制Unity 2D平台上的玩家。它很完美,像往常一样工作

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

[RequireComponent(typeof (Rigidbody2D))]
public class PlayerCharacter : MonoBehaviour
    public float speed = 1.0f;
    public string axisName = "Horizontal";
    private Animator anim;
    public string jumpButton = "Fire1";
    public float jumpPower = 10.0f;
    public float minJumpDelay = 0.5f;
    public Transform[] groundChecks;

    private float jumpTime = 0.0f;
    private Transform currentPlatform = null;
    private Vector3 lastPlatformPosition = Vector3.zero;
    private Vector3 currentPlatformDelta = Vector3.zero;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start ()
        anim = gameObject.GetComponent<Animator>();

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update ()
        //Left and right movement
        anim.SetFloat("Speed", Mathf.Abs(Input.GetAxis(axisName)));
        if(Input.GetAxis(axisName) < 0)
        Vector3 newScale = transform.localScale;
        newScale.x = -1.0f;
        transform.localScale = newScale;
        Debug.Log("Move to left");
        else if(Input.GetAxis(axisName) > 0)
        Vector3 newScale = transform.localScale;
        newScale.x = 1.0f;
        transform.localScale = newScale;
        Debug.Log ("Move to Right");
        transform.position += transform.right*Input.GetAxis(axisName)*speed*Time.deltaTime;

        //Jump logic
        bool grounded = false;
        foreach(Transform groundCheck in groundChecks)
            grounded |= Physics2D.Linecast(transform.position, groundCheck.position, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ground"));
        anim.SetBool("Grounded", grounded);
        if(jumpTime > 0)
            jumpTime -= Time.deltaTime;
        if(Input.GetButton("jumpButton")  && anim.GetBool("Grounded") )

            jumpTime = minJumpDelay;
        if(anim.GetBool("Grounded") && jumpTime <= 0)
        //Moving platform logic
        //Check what platform we are on
        List<Transform> platforms = new List<Transform>();
        bool onSamePlatform = false;
        foreach(Transform groundCheck in groundChecks)
            RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Linecast(transform.position, groundCheck.position, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ground"));
            if(hit.transform != null)
                if(currentPlatform == hit.transform)
                    onSamePlatform = true;

            foreach(Transform platform in platforms)
                currentPlatform = platform;
                lastPlatformPosition = currentPlatform.position;

    void LateUpdate()
        if(currentPlatform != null)
            //Determine how far platform has moved
            currentPlatformDelta = currentPlatform.position - lastPlatformPosition;

            lastPlatformPosition = currentPlatform.position;
        if(currentPlatform != null)
            //Move with the platform
            transform.position += currentPlatformDelta;





因此,在touchcontrols中,保持更新功能不变, 并且仅使用控件逻辑更新fixedupate函数 更新void,可以说是右、左、上、下的条件控制器。 它还将处理触摸屏的实际输入

固定更新可以控制playercontroller拥有的某些功能,例如 在触摸标记的对象或类似对象时应用力。


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

[RequireComponent(typeof (Rigidbody2D))]
public class TouchControls : MonoBehaviour {

    // GUI textures
    public GUITexture guiLeft;
    public GUITexture guiRight;
    public GUITexture guiJump;
    private Animator anim;
    // Movement variables
    public float moveSpeed = 5f;
    public float jumpForce = 50f;
    public float maxJumpVelocity = 2f;

    // Movement flags
    private bool moveLeft, moveRight, doJump = false;

    void Start ()
        anim = gameObject.GetComponent<Animator>();
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update () {

        // Check to see if the screen is being touched
        if (Input.touchCount > 0)
            // Get the touch info
            Touch t = Input.GetTouch(0);

            // Did the touch action just begin?
            if (t.phase == TouchPhase.Began)
                // Are we touching the left arrow?
                if (guiLeft.HitTest(t.position, Camera.main))
                    Debug.Log("Touching Left Control");
                    moveLeft = true;

                // Are we touching the right arrow?
                if (guiRight.HitTest(t.position, Camera.main))
                    Debug.Log("Touching Right Control");
                    moveRight = true;

                // Are we touching the jump button?
                if (guiJump.HitTest(t.position, Camera.main))
                    Debug.Log("Touching Jump Control");
                    doJump = true;

            // Did the touch end?
            if (t.phase == TouchPhase.Ended)
                // Stop all movement
                doJump = moveLeft = moveRight = false;

        // Is the left mouse button down?
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            // Are we clicking the left arrow?
            if (guiLeft.HitTest(Input.mousePosition, Camera.main))
                Debug.Log("Touching Left Control");
                moveLeft = true;

            // Are we clicking the right arrow?
            if (guiRight.HitTest(Input.mousePosition, Camera.main))
                Debug.Log("Touching Right Control");
                moveRight = true;

            // Are we clicking the jump button?
            if (guiJump.HitTest(Input.mousePosition, Camera.main))
                Debug.Log("Touching Jump Control");
                doJump = true;

        if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
            // Stop all movement on left mouse button up
            doJump = moveLeft = moveRight = false;

    void FixedUpdate()
        //anim.SetFloat("Speed", Mathf.Abs);
        // Set velocity based on our movement flags.
        if (moveLeft)

            rigidbody2D.velocity = -Vector2.right * moveSpeed;

        if (moveRight)
            rigidbody2D.velocity = Vector2.right * moveSpeed;

        if (doJump)
            // If we have not reached the maximum jump velocity, keep applying force.
            if (rigidbody2D.velocity.y < maxJumpVelocity)
                rigidbody2D.AddForce(Vector2.up * jumpForce);
            } else {
                // Otherwise stop jumping
                doJump = false;