Vagrant windows config.vm.boot\u超时未应用

Vagrant windows config.vm.boot\u超时未应用,vagrant,Vagrant,我使用的是sysprep的映像,因此每个实例的启动时间都很长。我一直怀疑config.vm.boot_timeout在VirtualBox中不起作用,但在调试中找不到正在使用的值。今天早上,我尝试了Hyper-V,它报告了等待时间,而不是我试图设置的时间。我用一个非常小的Vagrantfile(即没有VirtualBox提供程序和我所有的供应器)重新创建了这个场景 这是vagrant up的输出(注意超时:120秒) 平台 主机是Windows 10和Vagrant 1.9.2 来宾是Wind


这是vagrant up的输出(注意超时:120秒)


  • 主机是Windows 10和Vagrant 1.9.2
  • 来宾是Windows Server 2016
我误解了hyper-v provider中的“超时:120秒”,它不是WinRM超时,而是VM报告其IP地址的超时,也就是说,我可以使用

hyperv.ip_address_timeout = 240

Bringing machine 'default' up with 'hyperv' provider...
==> default: Verifying Hyper-V is enabled...
==> default: Configured startup memory is 1024
==> default: Configured cpus number is 2
==> default: Importing a Hyper-V instance
    default: Cloning virtual hard drive...
    default: Creating and registering the VM...
    default: Successfully imported a VM with name: WindowServerStandardGUI
==> default: Starting the machine...
==> default: Waiting for the machine to report its IP address...
    default: Timeout: 120 seconds
Hyper-V failed to determine your machine's IP address within the
configured timeout. Please verify the machine properly booted and
the network works. To do this, open the Hyper-V manager, find your
virtual machine, and connect to it.
hyperv.ip_address_timeout = 240