Vb.net AES加密/解密

Vb.net AES加密/解密,vb.net,encryption,aes,Vb.net,Encryption,Aes,以下是一些适用于字符串的代码: Public Function AESEncrypt(ByVal PlainText As String, ByVal Password As String, ByVal salt As String) Dim HashAlgorithm As String = "SHA1" 'Can be SHA1 or MD5 Dim PasswordIterations As String = 2 Dim InitialVector As Strin


Public Function AESEncrypt(ByVal PlainText As String, ByVal Password As String, ByVal salt As String)
    Dim HashAlgorithm As String = "SHA1" 'Can be SHA1 or MD5
    Dim PasswordIterations As String = 2
    Dim InitialVector As String = "CanEncryption123" 'This should be a string of 16 ASCII characters.
    Dim KeySize As Integer = 256 'Can be 128, 192, or 256.

    If (String.IsNullOrEmpty(PlainText)) Then
        Return ""
        Exit Function
    End If
    Dim InitialVectorBytes As Byte() = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(InitialVector)
    Dim SaltValueBytes As Byte() = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(salt)
    Dim PlainTextBytes As Byte() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(PlainText)
    Dim DerivedPassword As PasswordDeriveBytes = New PasswordDeriveBytes(Password, SaltValueBytes, HashAlgorithm, PasswordIterations)
    Dim KeyBytes As Byte() = DerivedPassword.GetBytes(KeySize / 8)
    Dim SymmetricKey As RijndaelManaged = New RijndaelManaged()
    SymmetricKey.Mode = CipherMode.CBC

    Dim CipherTextBytes As Byte() = Nothing
    Using Encryptor As ICryptoTransform = SymmetricKey.CreateEncryptor(KeyBytes, InitialVectorBytes)
        Using MemStream As New MemoryStream()
            Using CryptoStream As New CryptoStream(MemStream, Encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write)
                CryptoStream.Write(PlainTextBytes, 0, PlainTextBytes.Length)
                CipherTextBytes = MemStream.ToArray()
            End Using
        End Using
    End Using
    Return Convert.ToBase64String(CipherTextBytes)
End Function
Public Function AESDecrypt(ByVal CipherText As String, ByVal password As String, ByVal salt As String) As String
    Dim HashAlgorithm As String = "SHA1"
    Dim PasswordIterations As String = 2
    Dim InitialVector As String = "CanEncryption123"
    Dim KeySize As Integer = 256

    If (String.IsNullOrEmpty(CipherText)) Then
        Return ""
    End If
    Dim InitialVectorBytes As Byte() = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(InitialVector)
    Dim SaltValueBytes As Byte() = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(salt)
    Dim CipherTextBytes As Byte() = Convert.FromBase64String(CipherText)
    Dim DerivedPassword As PasswordDeriveBytes = New PasswordDeriveBytes(password, SaltValueBytes, HashAlgorithm, PasswordIterations)
    Dim KeyBytes As Byte() = DerivedPassword.GetBytes(KeySize / 8)
    Dim SymmetricKey As RijndaelManaged = New RijndaelManaged()
    SymmetricKey.Mode = CipherMode.CBC
    Dim PlainTextBytes As Byte() = New Byte(CipherTextBytes.Length - 1) {}

    Dim ByteCount As Integer = 0

    Using Decryptor As ICryptoTransform = SymmetricKey.CreateDecryptor(KeyBytes, InitialVectorBytes)
        Using MemStream As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream(CipherTextBytes)
            Using CryptoStream As CryptoStream = New CryptoStream(MemStream, Decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read)
                ByteCount = CryptoStream.Read(PlainTextBytes, 0, PlainTextBytes.Length)
            End Using
        End Using
    End Using
    Return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(PlainTextBytes, 0, ByteCount)
End Function




Dim ByteCount As Integer=0开始复制到


Imports System.Security.Cryptography

Namespace TextCrypters

    Public Class AESCrypter

        Public Shared pass As String = "password"

        Public Shared Function AES_Encrypt(ByVal input As String) As String
            Dim AES As New System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManaged
            Dim Hash_AES As New System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider
            Dim encrypted As String = ""
                Dim hash(31) As Byte
                Dim temp As Byte() = Hash_AES.ComputeHash(System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(pass))
                Array.Copy(temp, 0, hash, 0, 16)
                Array.Copy(temp, 0, hash, 15, 16)
                AES.Key = hash
                AES.Mode = CipherMode.ECB
                Dim DESEncrypter As System.Security.Cryptography.ICryptoTransform = AES.CreateEncryptor
                Dim Buffer As Byte() = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input)
                encrypted = Convert.ToBase64String(DESEncrypter.TransformFinalBlock(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length))
                Return encrypted
            Catch ex As Exception
                Return Nothing
            End Try

        End Function

        Public Shared Function AES_Decrypt(ByVal input As String) As String
            Dim AES As New System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManaged
            Dim Hash_AES As New System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider
            Dim decrypted As String = ""
                Dim hash(31) As Byte
                Dim temp As Byte() = Hash_AES.ComputeHash(System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(pass))
                Array.Copy(temp, 0, hash, 0, 16)
                Array.Copy(temp, 0, hash, 15, 16)
                AES.Key = hash
                AES.Mode = CipherMode.ECB
                Dim DESDecrypter As System.Security.Cryptography.ICryptoTransform = AES.CreateDecryptor
                Dim Buffer As Byte() = Convert.FromBase64String(input)
                decrypted = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(DESDecrypter.TransformFinalBlock(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length))
                Return decrypted
            Catch ex As Exception
                Return Nothing
            End Try

        End Function

    End Class

End Namespace

Protected Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    TextBox2.Text = AESCrypter.AES_Encrypt(TextBox1.Text)
End Sub

Protected Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
    TextBox4.Text = AESCrypter.AES_Decrypt(TextBox3.Text)
End Sub


Public Function AESEncrypt(ByVal PlainBytes As Byte, ByVal Password As String, ByVal salt As String)
Dim HashAlgorithm As String = "SHA1" 'Can be SHA1 or MD5
Dim PasswordIterations As String = 2
Dim InitialVector As String = "CanEncryption123" 'This should be a string of 16 ASCII characters.
Dim KeySize As Integer = 256 'Can be 128, 192, or 256.

Dim InitialVectorBytes As Byte() = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(InitialVector)
Dim SaltValueBytes As Byte() = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(salt)
Dim DerivedPassword As PasswordDeriveBytes = New PasswordDeriveBytes(Password, SaltValueBytes, HashAlgorithm, PasswordIterations)
Dim KeyBytes As Byte() = DerivedPassword.GetBytes(KeySize / 8)
Dim SymmetricKey As RijndaelManaged = New RijndaelManaged()
SymmetricKey.Mode = CipherMode.CBC

Dim CipherTextBytes As Byte() = Nothing
Using Encryptor As ICryptoTransform = SymmetricKey.CreateEncryptor(KeyBytes, InitialVectorBytes)
    Using MemStream As New MemoryStream()
        Using CryptoStream As New CryptoStream(MemStream, Encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write)
            CryptoStream.Write(PlainBytes, 0, PlainBytes.Length)
            CipherTextBytes = MemStream.ToArray()
        End Using
    End Using
End Using
Return Convert.ToBase64String(CipherTextBytes)
End Function
Public Function AESDecrypt(ByVal CipherBytes As Byte, ByVal password As String, ByVal salt As String) As String
Dim HashAlgorithm As String = "SHA1"
Dim PasswordIterations As String = 2
Dim InitialVector As String = "CanEncryption123"
Dim KeySize As Integer = 256

If (String.IsNullOrEmpty(CipherText)) Then
    Return ""
End If
Dim InitialVectorBytes As Byte() = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(InitialVector)
Dim SaltValueBytes As Byte() = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(salt)
Dim DerivedPassword As PasswordDeriveBytes = New PasswordDeriveBytes(password, SaltValueBytes, HashAlgorithm, PasswordIterations)
Dim KeyBytes As Byte() = DerivedPassword.GetBytes(KeySize / 8)
Dim SymmetricKey As RijndaelManaged = New RijndaelManaged()
SymmetricKey.Mode = CipherMode.CBC
Dim PlainTextBytes As Byte() = New Byte(CipherBytes.Length - 1) {}

Dim ByteCount As Integer = 0

Using Decryptor As ICryptoTransform = SymmetricKey.CreateDecryptor(KeyBytes, InitialVectorBytes)
    Using MemStream As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream(CipherBytes)
        Using CryptoStream As CryptoStream = New CryptoStream(MemStream, Decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read)
            ByteCount = CryptoStream.Read(PlainTextBytes, 0, PlainTextBytes.Length)
        End Using
    End Using
End Using
Return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(PlainTextBytes, 0, ByteCount)
End Function