Vb.net datagridview动态列和添加问题

Vb.net datagridview动态列和添加问题,vb.net,datagridview,Vb.net,Datagridview,我有一个datagrid和一个数据库绑定在一起,我使用的是vb.net和vs2012。我的问题是,并非数据库中的所有列都将显示在datagrid中,这取决于用户希望显示的列(表单中有一个复选框用于选择要显示的列),而且数据库中有一列必须分开(我在这里使用split) 这是我的示例数据库: Name | col1 | col2 | col3 | --------------------------------------------- aa,bb,cc| 1



  Name  |   col1    |   col2    |   col3    |
aa,bb,cc|   111     |   111     |   111     |
dd,ee,ff|   222     |   222     |   222     |
gg,hh,ii|   333     |   333     |   333     |
Dim cl1 As New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
Dim cl2 As New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
Dim cl3 As New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn

With cl1
    .HeaderText = "SplitName1"
    .Name = "sn1"
    .Width = 120
    .ReadOnly = True
End With

With cl2
    .HeaderText = "SplitName2"
    .Name = "sn2"
    .Width = 120
    .ReadOnly = True
End With

With cl3
    .HeaderText = "SplitName3"
    .Name = "sn3"
    .Width = 120
    .ReadOnly = True
End With

dg.Columns.Insert(0, cl1)
dg.Columns.Insert(1, cl2)
dg.Columns.Insert(2, cl3)

'dynamic column

Dim n As Integer = 3

   'here it count datatable columns if how many columns to make in datagrid 
   'I start in 1 because column 0 is NAME COLUMN

For colcnt As Integer = 1 To dt.Columns.Count - 1 'dt is datable
    Dim dgvtxt As New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn

    With dgvtxt
         .HeaderText = "Column" & colcnt.ToString
         .Name = "col" & colcnt.ToString
         .AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.ColumnHeader
         .ReadOnly = True
    End With

    dg.Columns.Insert(n, dgvtxt)
    n += 1

'this will be the variables to store the split names
Dim _SName1 As String = Nothing
Dim _SName2 As String = Nothing
Dim _SName3 As String = Nothing

'for splitting column name

Dim charSeparatorsC() As Char = {","c}
Dim sampDataArray() As String


 'loop through records to get values

For counter As Integer = 0 To dt.Rows.Count - 1

'splitting procedure

sDataArray = dt2.Rows(counter)(0).ToString.Split(charSeparatorsC, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)

'Load data on the sampDataArray to the Sample Name column variable
'If the array is not existing set an empty string

      _SName1 = sDataArray(0).ToString
  Catch ex As Exception
      _SName1 = ""
  End Try

      _SName2 = sDataArray(1).ToString
  Catch ex As Exception
      _SName2 = ""
  End Try

      _SName3 = sDataArray(2).ToString
  Catch ex As Exception
      _SName3 = ""
  End Try

     'Now this is my problem, how to add the dynamic selected columns 
     'from datable since the code below is specified column of a datagrid which is the cl1,cl2, and cl3.
     'My question is how to get the columns from datatable and add to datagrid(sample output below).
  dgRT.Rows.Add(_SName1, _SName2, _SName3)



  Name  |   col1    |   col2    |   col3    |
aa,bb,cc|   111     |   111     |   111     |
dd,ee,ff|   222     |   222     |   222     |
gg,hh,ii|   333     |   333     |   333     |
Dim cl1 As New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
Dim cl2 As New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
Dim cl3 As New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn

With cl1
    .HeaderText = "SplitName1"
    .Name = "sn1"
    .Width = 120
    .ReadOnly = True
End With

With cl2
    .HeaderText = "SplitName2"
    .Name = "sn2"
    .Width = 120
    .ReadOnly = True
End With

With cl3
    .HeaderText = "SplitName3"
    .Name = "sn3"
    .Width = 120
    .ReadOnly = True
End With

dg.Columns.Insert(0, cl1)
dg.Columns.Insert(1, cl2)
dg.Columns.Insert(2, cl3)

'dynamic column

Dim n As Integer = 3

   'here it count datatable columns if how many columns to make in datagrid 
   'I start in 1 because column 0 is NAME COLUMN

For colcnt As Integer = 1 To dt.Columns.Count - 1 'dt is datable
    Dim dgvtxt As New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn

    With dgvtxt
         .HeaderText = "Column" & colcnt.ToString
         .Name = "col" & colcnt.ToString
         .AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.ColumnHeader
         .ReadOnly = True
    End With

    dg.Columns.Insert(n, dgvtxt)
    n += 1

'this will be the variables to store the split names
Dim _SName1 As String = Nothing
Dim _SName2 As String = Nothing
Dim _SName3 As String = Nothing

'for splitting column name

Dim charSeparatorsC() As Char = {","c}
Dim sampDataArray() As String


 'loop through records to get values

For counter As Integer = 0 To dt.Rows.Count - 1

'splitting procedure

sDataArray = dt2.Rows(counter)(0).ToString.Split(charSeparatorsC, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)

'Load data on the sampDataArray to the Sample Name column variable
'If the array is not existing set an empty string

      _SName1 = sDataArray(0).ToString
  Catch ex As Exception
      _SName1 = ""
  End Try

      _SName2 = sDataArray(1).ToString
  Catch ex As Exception
      _SName2 = ""
  End Try

      _SName3 = sDataArray(2).ToString
  Catch ex As Exception
      _SName3 = ""
  End Try

     'Now this is my problem, how to add the dynamic selected columns 
     'from datable since the code below is specified column of a datagrid which is the cl1,cl2, and cl3.
     'My question is how to get the columns from datatable and add to datagrid(sample output below).
  dgRT.Rows.Add(_SName1, _SName2, _SName3)


  Name  |   col1    |   col2    |   col3    |
aa,bb,cc|   111     |   111     |   111     |
dd,ee,ff|   222     |   222     |   222     |
gg,hh,ii|   333     |   333     |   333     |
Dim cl1 As New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
Dim cl2 As New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
Dim cl3 As New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn

With cl1
    .HeaderText = "SplitName1"
    .Name = "sn1"
    .Width = 120
    .ReadOnly = True
End With

With cl2
    .HeaderText = "SplitName2"
    .Name = "sn2"
    .Width = 120
    .ReadOnly = True
End With

With cl3
    .HeaderText = "SplitName3"
    .Name = "sn3"
    .Width = 120
    .ReadOnly = True
End With

dg.Columns.Insert(0, cl1)
dg.Columns.Insert(1, cl2)
dg.Columns.Insert(2, cl3)

'dynamic column

Dim n As Integer = 3

   'here it count datatable columns if how many columns to make in datagrid 
   'I start in 1 because column 0 is NAME COLUMN

For colcnt As Integer = 1 To dt.Columns.Count - 1 'dt is datable
    Dim dgvtxt As New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn

    With dgvtxt
         .HeaderText = "Column" & colcnt.ToString
         .Name = "col" & colcnt.ToString
         .AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.ColumnHeader
         .ReadOnly = True
    End With

    dg.Columns.Insert(n, dgvtxt)
    n += 1

'this will be the variables to store the split names
Dim _SName1 As String = Nothing
Dim _SName2 As String = Nothing
Dim _SName3 As String = Nothing

'for splitting column name

Dim charSeparatorsC() As Char = {","c}
Dim sampDataArray() As String


 'loop through records to get values

For counter As Integer = 0 To dt.Rows.Count - 1

'splitting procedure

sDataArray = dt2.Rows(counter)(0).ToString.Split(charSeparatorsC, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)

'Load data on the sampDataArray to the Sample Name column variable
'If the array is not existing set an empty string

      _SName1 = sDataArray(0).ToString
  Catch ex As Exception
      _SName1 = ""
  End Try

      _SName2 = sDataArray(1).ToString
  Catch ex As Exception
      _SName2 = ""
  End Try

      _SName3 = sDataArray(2).ToString
  Catch ex As Exception
      _SName3 = ""
  End Try

     'Now this is my problem, how to add the dynamic selected columns 
     'from datable since the code below is specified column of a datagrid which is the cl1,cl2, and cl3.
     'My question is how to get the columns from datatable and add to datagrid(sample output below).
  dgRT.Rows.Add(_SName1, _SName2, _SName3)


|  aa      |   bb     |   cc     |111 |111 |
|  dd      |   ee     |   ff     |222 |222 |
|  gg      |   hh     |   ii     |333 |333 |


这就是为什么不应该在数据库中使用非标量值的原因。。。 如果不知道需要多少“列”,可以使用键值对
