Vb.net 如何通过鼠标悬停事件在RichTextBox中选择单词

Vb.net 如何通过鼠标悬停事件在RichTextBox中选择单词,vb.net,winforms,text,richtextbox,Vb.net,Winforms,Text,Richtextbox,我在一个文本框里有一篇长文章。我想在这篇长文章中复制一个单词,只需将鼠标移到该单词上,然后等待2秒钟。我不想做任何像突出显示单词这样的事情。我可以知道如何让VB做到这一点吗 谢谢我在网上找到了以下代码。(归功于Siri1008) 声明一个公共变量curWord 然后,在RichTextBox的MouseMove事件中,将 curWord=GetWordUnderMouse(Me.RichTextBox1,e.X,e.Y) 在窗体上放置计时器,并将其间隔设置为2000。在计时器事件中,将 MsgB





然后,在RichTextBox的MouseMove事件中,将 curWord=GetWordUnderMouse(Me.RichTextBox1,e.X,e.Y)

在窗体上放置计时器,并将其间隔设置为2000。在计时器事件中,将 MsgBox(curWord) Me.Timer1.Enabled=False

在RichTextBox MouseHover事件中,启用计时器


Public Function GetWordUnderMouse(ByRef Rtf As System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox, ByVal X As Integer, ByVal Y As Integer) As String
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim POINT As System.Drawing.Point = New System.Drawing.Point()
    Dim Pos As Integer, i As Integer, lStart As Integer, lEnd As Integer
    Dim lLen As Integer, sTxt As String, sChr As String
    POINT.X = X
    POINT.Y = Y
    GetWordUnderMouse = vbNullString
    With Rtf
        lLen = Len(.Text)
        sTxt = .Text
        Pos = Rtf.GetCharIndexFromPosition(POINT)
        If Pos > 0 Then
            For i = Pos To 1 Step -1
                sChr = Mid(sTxt, i, 1)
                If sChr = " " Or sChr = Chr(13) Or i = 1 Then
                    'if the starting character is vbcrlf then
                    'we want to chop that off
                    If sChr = Chr(13) Then
                        lStart = (i + 2)
                        lStart = i
                    End If
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next i
            For i = Pos To lLen
                If Mid(sTxt, i, 1) = " " Or Mid(sTxt, i, 1) = Chr(13) Or i = lLen Then
                    lEnd = i + 1
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next i
            If lEnd >= lStart Then
                GetWordUnderMouse = Trim(Mid(sTxt, lStart, lEnd - lStart))
            End If
        End If
    End With
End Function